About Me

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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Where you named after anyone?

Apparently I was named after a character in a Paul Anka song. Unfortunately for the planned naming I turned out to be a boy so the name had to be changed at the last minute. I wonder if that goes part way to explain why some people have thought that I was gay.

When was the last time you cried?

Can’t remember. Years ago for a good sobbing though probably only months ago for a welling up of tears probably due to a movie.

Do you like your handwriting?

Only when I take my time over it. Normally it’s an almost unreadable scrawl.

What is your favourite lunch meat?

I’m a Veggie – I don’t eat meat for lunch or at any other time.

Do you have kids?

None that I know of.

If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?

Definitely. I’m a great person to know although it can take time and effort.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

On an hourly basis.

Do you still have your tonsils?


Would you bungee jump?

No way. I was offered the opportunity once in New Zealand and said no. I couldn’t understand the desire to pay good money to be terrified. I certainly don’t need faux dangerous experiences to feel alive. I know I’m alive already.

What is your favourite cereal?

Either Crunchy Nut Cornflakes or Frosties – both rather bad for me in a number of ways.

Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?


Do you think that you are strong?

Physically not at all. Mentally and psychologically I think that I’m reasonably tough.

What is your favourite ice cream?

The best ice cream I’ve ever had was coconut flavour Italian gelato from a shop near the Trevi fountain in Rome. It ruined my taste buds for years afterwards.

What is the first thing you notice about people?

I have a thing about eyes – especially women’s eyes. I tend not to notice men very much to be honest.

Red or Pink?

Red. Supposedly my favourite colour – but I much prefer Blue.

What is the least favourite thing about yourself?

I am a terrible procrastinator.

Who do you miss the most?

Carol….. and Kim.

What colour shoes are you wearing?

I’m not wearing shoes. I’m at home.

What was the last thing you ate?

Four cheese thin crust pizza.

What are you listening to right now?

I was listening to Californication by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers – but it’s just finished.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Midnight Blue

Favourite smells?

Vanilla, cut grass and freshly baked bread

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Probably someone at work with a problem to be solved.

Favourite sports you watch?

I have no interest in sport.

Hair Colour?


Eye Colour?


Do you wear contacts?

No. Not my thing. I’m really not that vain.

Favourite foods?

Italian followed by Indian.

Scary movies or happy endings?

Neither. Scary movies bore me and happy endings make me want the throw up.

Last movie you watched?

The Terminator.

What colour shirt are you wearing?

I don’t wear shirts as a rule. The T-shirt I’m wearing is light grey though.

Summer or Winter?

Both for different reasons though I prefer Spring and Autumn.

Hugs or kisses?

I love kissing and have indulged in that pastime for hours on end. Hugs are OK too though.

Favourite dessert?

Greek or Ice cream.

What book are you reading right now?

Yet another SF plus a few non-fiction.

What is on your mouse pad?

Nothing – apart from the mouse. It’s dark blue with a wrist rest.

What did you last watch on TV?

Spooks Series 5 on DVD.

Favourite sound?

A cat purring.

Rolling Stones or Beatles?

Both though I might have to settle for the Beatles.

What is the farthest you have even been from home?

Australia/New Zealand.

Do you have a special talent?

I’m sure that I have many talents – though how many of them are actually ‘special’ I couldn’t say.

Where were you born?

Liverpool, England.


Thomas Fummo said...


Though I can't imagine you with grey hair for some reason.

Blue maybe. But grey? :-p

Juggling Mother said...

blue hair on CK


JR said...

Interesting. We have a number of things in common, the blue eyes, the blue mouse pad with wrist rest and noticing a person's eyes first, just to name a few. :-)

mark's tails said...

Long meme and now I feel like I know you better than my brother. Plus I learned a new word 'prevericate'.

However it also makes me wonder if you were totally honest with answering the questions for this meme.

CyberKitten said...

mark said: However it also makes me wonder if you were totally honest with answering the questions for this meme.

How so? [looks confused]

CyberKitten said...


Now I see what you mean... I meant *procrastinator*

Damn my working class background!

I shall amend my meme accordingly!

mark's tails said...

CK I didn't realize it was a mistake I thought it was a cleverly written meme, because I seriously had to go look up that word.

Anyway, I'm glad you joined the procastination club, right now I'm the sec/treasurer of that club.

dbackdad said...

Too funny. I had the same thought as Mark's Tails (after having to go look up prevaricator). You are about the exact opposite of a prevaricator (as far as I know).

Nice list.