Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Long Time Coming by Robert Goddard
Stephen had always believed that his uncle, Eldritch Swan,
had died during the Blitz. At least that’s what his parents had told him all
these years. So he was more than a little surprised when his mother told him
that his supposedly dead uncle was coming to stay with them for a while – after
serving 36 years in an Irish jail for reasons unknown and unquestioned. The
mystery deepens when, a few days after he arrives, a London lawyer offers him a job tracking down
what happened to some missing Picasso paintings now believed to be fakes. With
the aid of his younger, fitter, nephew to do all the running around Eldritch is
determined to lay some of the ghosts in his past to rest - unless they decide
that the past should stay buried along with Eldritch and his inquisitive
This was another of those random books I’ve been picking up
in my local bookshop’s 3 for 2 offerings. It’s an ideal way to experiment with
new authors or genres slightly outside of my normal reading comfort zone.
Mostly I hit pay dirt. This was one of those examples. I’d never read anything
by this author before but, after searching on Amazon, I discovered that he has
written a considerable number of thrillers. From reading the blub on some of
them it appears that a common theme is that of uncovering the past. This novel
is basically split into two alternating stories. The present day – in 1976 –
and the buried past – in 1940. As Eldritch reveals more and more it slowly
becomes clear that his involvement in possible art theft goes much deeper and
eventually explains why he spent so long in jail. Despite being just over 500
pages long the pages turned rather easily and the story hummed along at a good
pace. Although I wasn’t exactly intellectually challenged at any point the
story and the style were certainly entertaining enough to keep me reading late
into the night on more than one occasion. This is a reasonably well written,
often intriguing and highly visual thriller weaving together the desire to
uncover past mysteries and the need to make things right. I have since picked
up four more of the authors books and expect to be equally entertained by all
of them. In no way a difficult read this should help the winter evenings pass
quite nicely. Recommended.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
The Planet in a Pebble – A Journey into Earth’s Deep History by Jan Zalasiewicz
I never thought I’d say that I’ve read an interesting
(indeed often fascinating) book on Geology, but here it is. The author starts
with a deceptively simple question as he picks a stone off the beach: Where did
this stone come from? The simple answer would be to say that it was part of a
much larger rock that fell off the cliff face onto the seashore where it rolled
around in the surf for long enough to lose its rough edges and become pebble
shaped. But take it back a bit further: Where did the cliff come from?
It’s then that the author takes a huge, and I do mean huge,
step back in time to the origin of everything in the Big Bang – or actually
some minutes after the Bang when atoms started forming. I knew at that point I
was going to be in for quite a ride! Moving along quickly from the first stars
(which produced most of the atoms we know and love) to the heavier atoms
produced in Supernova and onto later generation stars – like our Sun – and to
the formation of the Earth itself the author follows the tale of the elements
that are contained within the handful of rock. He follows then through the
cooling of the crust, asteroid and comet impacts (which added countless atoms
not originally in this part of the accretion disk) and the eventual creation of
oceans and landmasses. Then we get erosion and deposition, Continental Drift
and zones where massive plates are forced deep underground to melt in the fires
of the core. Close analysis of the rock gives rise to discussion of how life
played its part in its creation and shaping, how sea creatures both above and
on the sea floor made their individual contributions over the eons with their
bodies. Anyway, you get the picture of the grandeur and the level of details
we’re dealing with here – basically everything from the creation of whole
planets to the impact of microscopic plankton dying in their millions. It’s
certainly one hell of a narrative the author weaves just to explain the rock
he’s holding in his hand. It puts things in the kind of perspective you feel
when you realise for the first time that the stars twinkling in the night sky
are actually suns with (probable) planets around them and the fact that the Earth
has been around for around 4 billion years. It’s the wow factor.
Geology has never been my strong point. I have an
appreciation of the basics of rocks and stuff but hadn’t really, until reading
this book, put it all together in a way for it to make a fully coherent story. I
now feel that, along with a much greater appreciation of rocks, I have at least
an appreciation of where things fit together. I certainly learnt a lot reading
this book and, unless you are already a jobbing geologist, I’m sure you will
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
August 19, 2009
Humans might not be walking on Earth today if not for the ancient fusing of two
microscopic, single-celled organisms called prokaryotes, NASA-funded research
has found.
By comparing proteins
present in more than 3000 different prokaryotes
- a type of single-celled
organism without a nucleus - molecular biologist James A. Lake from the
University of California at Los Angeles' Center for Astrobiology showed that
two major classes of relatively simple microbes fused together more than 2.5
billion years ago. Lake 's research reveals a
new pathway for the evolution of life on Earth. These insights are published in
the Aug. 20 online edition of the journal Nature.
This endosymbiosis, or
merging of two cells, enabled the evolution of a highly stable and successful
organism with the capacity to use energy from sunlight via photosynthesis.
Further evolution led to photosynthetic organisms producing oxygen as a
byproduct. The resulting oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere profoundly affected
the evolution of life, leading to more complex organisms that consumed oxygen,
which were the ancestors of modern oxygen-breathing creatures including humans.
"Higher life would not have happened without this event," Lake said. "These are very important organisms. At
the time these two early prokaryotes were evolving, there was no oxygen in the
Earth's atmosphere. Humans could not live. No oxygen-breathing organisms could
The genetic machinery and
structural organization of these two organisms merged to produce a new class of
prokaryotes, called double membrane prokaryotes. As they evolved, members of
this double membrane class, called cyanobacteria, became the primary
oxygen-producers on the planet, generating enough oxygen to alter the chemical
composition of the atmosphere and set the stage for the evolution of more
complex organisms such as animals and plants. "This work is a major
advance in our understanding of how a group of organisms came to be that
learned to harness the sun and then effected the greatest environmental change
Earth has ever seen, in this case with beneficial results," said Carl
Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at NASA's Ames Research
Center in Moffett Field, Calif., which co-funded the study with the National
Science Foundation in Arlington, Va.
Founded in 1998, the NASA
Astrobiology Institute is a partnership between NASA, 14 U.S. teams and
six international consortia. The institute's goals are to promote, conduct, and
lead interdisciplinary astrobiology research; train a new generation of
astrobiology researchers; and share the excitement of astrobiology with
learners of all ages.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Captain of Rome
by John Stack
After the crushing defeat of the Carthaginian navy, Rome is confident that her forces can continue to push
back the forces of Carthage and bring the whole
of Sicily
under its dominion. Led by a young and ambitious new Tribune the Roman fleet is
ambushed due to his inexperience and almost destroyed by an act of cowardice.
It is only the swift action of Captain Atticus of the flagship Aquilla that
staves off total disaster. But the Tribune has powerful friends and the Greek
born Atticus precious few. Vilified for his part in the abortive attack Atticus
must prove himself time and again in combat against superior forces at sea and
assassins on land. Meanwhile the Carthaginians are planning their most audacious
attack yet – a direct assault on the city of Rome itself!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
My Favourite TV: Generation Kill
Generation Kill was a 7 part 2008 serialisation of the book
of the same name by Evan Wright who was an embedded reporter with 1st
Recon Marines as they entered Iraq
during Gulf War Mk 2. Told from the point of view of the grunts on the ground
this was a visceral experience of long periods of deep boredom peppered by
short periods of terror as both enemy and friendly bullets and bombs came their
way. The squad, held together by Brad ‘Iceman’ Colbert (played amazingly by Alexander
Skarsgard), fight their way through IED’s, enemy snipers and their own
commanders often glory fuelled incompetence. Their main preoccupation, apart
from some seriously off-key singing and off-colour humour, is simply to stay
alive long enough to get sent home once their tour is over. This proves easier
said than done in one of the most dangerous places on Earth.
I liked this so much when they showed it on late night cable
TV that I bought the DVD box-set when it came out. Although probably toned down
from reality it was gritty enough and seemingly realistic enough to feel
incredibly fresh. The chaos of war was portrayed beautifully again and again as
random events, sometimes resulting in equally random death, happened wherever
the camera pointed. American troops, never really know for their fire control,
seemed ready to gun down people just because they happened to be in the wrong
place at the wrong time – sometimes for ‘something to do’ or just to have a
‘kill’ against their name. The deep cynicism about their commanders, who seemed
to have little or do appreciation of what they were asking their troops to do,
pervaded the whole series. This was only counteracted by the even deeper
loyalty to each other – even the fuck-ups in their own Humvee’s. You don’t have
to read between the lines to realise that this was a severe and telling
criticism of the whole Iraq
adventure while at the same time showing an admiration and an understanding of
the grunts tasked to implement highly questionable policy decisions made
thousands of miles away. This series is very much not for the faint of heart.
As the warning clearly says on the back of the DVD box: Contains strong
language, violence, sex references and real corpses. If you haven’t seen it
before and haven’t been put off by that I can highly recommend this to you. I
can’t promise that you’ll enjoy it – it’s not that kind of TV – but I don’t
think that you’ll forget it anytime soon. Oh, and definitely watch the
interview with the real 1st Recon Marines (some of whom played
themselves in the series). It’s an eye-opener.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Report: Weapons Manufacturers 'Lost' More Than 16,000 Guns
over Two Years
by Jordy Yager
Sunday, September 4, 2011
More than 16,000 guns were “lost” from gun manufacturers’
inventories over the last two years, according to a report by a gun control advocacy
group. The report, released by the Brady
Center to Prevent Gun
Violence, pulled data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives (ATF) and found that 16,485 guns left the inventories of nearly
4,500 licensed gun manufacturers throughout the country without a record of
them ever being sold. In 2004 Congress passed the Tiahrt amendment – named for
its sponsor then-Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas) – which prohibited the ATF from
requiring gun manufacturers to track their inventory. The Brady Campaign has
long advocated for a repeal of the Tiahrt amendment. “It is shocking that gun
makers are so oblivious to public safety that they lose track of thousands of
guns every year,” said Dennis Henigan, the acting president of the Brady Center .
“Given the lethality of its product, the gun industry has a special duty to act
responsibly. Instead, it has a scandalous record of carelessness.”
The report states that the unaccounted for guns are often
used in crimes because a trace of the weapon is not as likely to lead law
enforcement officials back to the criminal. “This lack of any security or
inventory requirement for gun manufacturers and dealers makes it easy for gun
sellers to claim falsely that firearms they have sold illegally and
“off-the-books,” were lost or stolen,” the report states. “Firearms that
disappear from gun manufacturers’ plants without records of sale are frequently
trafficked by gun traffickers and prized by criminals. Guns taken from gun
manufacturing plants may also be removed before they have been stamped with
serial numbers, making them virtually untraceable.” The report was not able to
identify which specific gun manufacturers had the greatest number of missing
guns. The Brady Center released the report in the wake
of an internal shakeup within the ATF and the Justice Department.
Three top officials, including the acting head of the ATF
Kenneth Melson, left their positions as a result of their role in the botched
Fast and Furious gun tracking operation, which attempted to sell thousands of
guns to known and suspected straw buyers for Mexican drug cartels. But
officials declined to provide the weapons and their buyers with adequate
surveillance, allowing the guns to flow into the hands of criminals on both
sides of the border. The ATF has been without a Senate confirmed director since
2006 largely because of lobbying efforts by the National Rifle Association
(NRA), which views some of the agency’s power as an infringement on Second
Amendment rights.
[Maybe Sarah Conner is stockpiling them for Judgement Day?]
Friday, September 09, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
XPD by Len Deighton
In the closing days of WW2 the US forces stumble upon a secret
cache of priceless art and other items hidden away by retreating German forces.
Tempted by the gold and cash they were carrying a group of American soldiers ‘lose’
3 of the trucks and disappear into the night. Years later they have each become
successful businessmen with links to a Swiss bank holding millions in gold. But
one of the treasures held in the bank can not be measured in its dollar
valuation. For amongst the currency and bearer bonds is a set of Top Secret
minutes of a meeting that might have changed the course of world history.
Attended by only four people in England ’s
darkest hour it revealed a secret so devastating that any knowledge of it could
wreck the reputation of whole countries. To stop this happening the British
Secret Service have been ordered to treat anyone they even suspect of knowing
about the documents as enemies of the State and to implement directive XPD –
Expedient Demise.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
A Brief History of The Vikings – The Last Pagans or the First Modern Europeans? by Jonathan Clements
I have a ‘thing’ about warrior cultures as well as an
interest in Vikings dating back to my childhood. Indeed it’s probably quite likely
that I have some Viking genes kicking around my DNA (OK probably along with a
lot of other Europeans) as they settled in the part of Ireland my
Father was from – at least that’s what the romantic side of me thinks anyway.
But to the book itself….. Interestingly he doesn’t start
with the usual introduction of the Viking Age with the attack on the monastery
on Lindisfarne . He starts much further back in
Roman times when there are apparent reports of Viking style raids on the East
coast. Rather inevitably after the Romans left the raids increased and, from
time to time, sometimes they stayed. As you might expect they never actually
called themselves Vikings – indeed no one at the time called them that. Like
many things to do with English history it was a term invented by the
Victorians. But whatever they called themselves they came from Scandinavia sometimes as traders (AKA spies) and
sometimes as raiders – especially when times were hard back home. They both
raided and traded throughout Europe – all over England, Scotland, Ireland and
Wales, France (Normandy being named after them of course) and as far East as
Russia. Apparently they tried to raid further East in the Arab lands but got
their assess handed to them – although ironically they were sort after as
mercenaries by various sultans. From bases in Iceland they sailed West
discovering and occupying Greenland (presumably much greener back then) and
more famously Vinland AKA Newfoundland where they had issues with the Native
Americans – always a fascinating Alternative History jumping off point. They most certainly got around. But where they
most interested me and fed my ever growing interest in English history was how
the Viking colonisation impacted on it. Of course this ended in 1066 with
Harold Godwinson fighting the successful battle at Stamford
Bridge followed by the much less
successful one near Hastings .
William the Bastard (later William the Conqueror) was of course a descendent of
Vikings who had settled in Normandy .
I found this book very enjoyable indeed. Not only was it on
a subject that I have long been interested in, the style of the writing was engaging
with lots of interesting information that was new to me. Unlike the recent book
on the Samurai I was able to keep track of most of the various characters in
the book though I admit it helped to have heard of a fair few of them before.
If you are interested in early European history in general or the Vikings in
particular this is definitely the book for you. Recommended.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Cool Stars Have Different Mix of Life-Forming Chemicals
April 7, 2009
Life on Earth is thought to have arisen from a hot soup of chemicals. Does this same soup exist on planets around other stars? A new study from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope hints that planets around stars cooler than our sun might possess a different mix of potentially life-forming, or "prebiotic," chemicals.
Astronomers used Spitzer to look for a prebiotic chemical, called hydrogen cyanide, in the planet-forming material swirling around different types of stars. Hydrogen cyanide is a component of adenine, which is a basic element of DNA. DNA can be found in every living organism on Earth.
The researchers detected hydrogen cyanide molecules in disks circling yellow stars like our sun -- but found none around cooler and smaller stars, such as the reddish-colored "M-dwarfs" and "brown dwarfs" common throughout the universe. "Prebiotic chemistry may unfold differently on planets around cool stars," said Ilaria Pascucci, lead author of the new study fromJohns Hopkins
University , Baltimore , Md.
The study will appear in the April 10 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
Young stars are born inside cocoons of dust and gas, which eventually flatten to disks. Dust and gas in the disks provide the raw material from which planets form. Scientists think the molecules making up the primordial ooze of life on Earth might have formed in such a disk. Prebiotic molecules, such as adenine, are thought to have rained down to our young planet via meteorites that crashed on the surface. "It is plausible that life on Earth was kick-started by a rich supply of molecules delivered from space," said Pascucci. Could the same life-generating steps take place around other stars? Pascucci and her colleagues addressed this question by examining the planet-forming disks around 17 cool and 44 sun-like stars using Spitzer's infrared spectrograph, an instrument that breaks light apart, revealing signatures of chemicals. The stars are all about one to three million years old, an age when planets are thought to be growing. The astronomers specifically looked for ratios of hydrogen cyanide to a baseline molecule, acetylene. They found that the cool stars, both the M-dwarf stars and brown dwarfs, showed no hydrogen cyanide at all, while 30 percent of the sun-like stars did. "Perhaps ultraviolet light, which is much stronger around the sun-like stars, may drive a higher production of the hydrogen cyanide," said Pascucci.
The team did detect their baseline molecule, acetylene, around the cool stars, demonstrating that the experiment worked. This is the first time that any kind of molecule has been spotted in the disks around cool stars. The findings have implications for planets that have recently been discovered around M-dwarf stars. Some of these planets are thought to be large versions of Earth, the so-called super Earths, but so far none of them are believed to orbit in the habitable zone, where water would be liquid. If such a planet is discovered, could it sustain life?
Astronomers aren't sure. M-dwarfs have extreme magnetic outbursts that could be disruptive to developing life. But, with the new Spitzer results, they have another piece of data to consider: these planets might be deficient in hydrogen cyanide, a molecule thought to have eventually become a part of us. Said Douglas Hudgins, the Spitzer program scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington, "Although scientists have long been aware that the tumultuous nature of many cool stars might present a significant challenge for the development of life, this result begs an even more fundamental question: Do cool star systems even contain the necessary ingredients for the formation of life? If the answer is no then questions about life around cool stars become moot."
Other authors include Daniel Apai of the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md.; Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Thomas Henning and Jeroen Bouwman of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany; Michael Meyer of the University of Arizona, Tucson; Fred Lahuis of the SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, the Netherlands; and Antonella Natta of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Italy.
[Interesting. Does this mean that cool stars, without a building block of DNA, would be surrounded by lifeless planets or could they contain life not based on DNA? One day we might find out…..]
April 7, 2009
Life on Earth is thought to have arisen from a hot soup of chemicals. Does this same soup exist on planets around other stars? A new study from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope hints that planets around stars cooler than our sun might possess a different mix of potentially life-forming, or "prebiotic," chemicals.
Astronomers used Spitzer to look for a prebiotic chemical, called hydrogen cyanide, in the planet-forming material swirling around different types of stars. Hydrogen cyanide is a component of adenine, which is a basic element of DNA. DNA can be found in every living organism on Earth.
The researchers detected hydrogen cyanide molecules in disks circling yellow stars like our sun -- but found none around cooler and smaller stars, such as the reddish-colored "M-dwarfs" and "brown dwarfs" common throughout the universe. "Prebiotic chemistry may unfold differently on planets around cool stars," said Ilaria Pascucci, lead author of the new study from
Young stars are born inside cocoons of dust and gas, which eventually flatten to disks. Dust and gas in the disks provide the raw material from which planets form. Scientists think the molecules making up the primordial ooze of life on Earth might have formed in such a disk. Prebiotic molecules, such as adenine, are thought to have rained down to our young planet via meteorites that crashed on the surface. "It is plausible that life on Earth was kick-started by a rich supply of molecules delivered from space," said Pascucci. Could the same life-generating steps take place around other stars? Pascucci and her colleagues addressed this question by examining the planet-forming disks around 17 cool and 44 sun-like stars using Spitzer's infrared spectrograph, an instrument that breaks light apart, revealing signatures of chemicals. The stars are all about one to three million years old, an age when planets are thought to be growing. The astronomers specifically looked for ratios of hydrogen cyanide to a baseline molecule, acetylene. They found that the cool stars, both the M-dwarf stars and brown dwarfs, showed no hydrogen cyanide at all, while 30 percent of the sun-like stars did. "Perhaps ultraviolet light, which is much stronger around the sun-like stars, may drive a higher production of the hydrogen cyanide," said Pascucci.
The team did detect their baseline molecule, acetylene, around the cool stars, demonstrating that the experiment worked. This is the first time that any kind of molecule has been spotted in the disks around cool stars. The findings have implications for planets that have recently been discovered around M-dwarf stars. Some of these planets are thought to be large versions of Earth, the so-called super Earths, but so far none of them are believed to orbit in the habitable zone, where water would be liquid. If such a planet is discovered, could it sustain life?
Astronomers aren't sure. M-dwarfs have extreme magnetic outbursts that could be disruptive to developing life. But, with the new Spitzer results, they have another piece of data to consider: these planets might be deficient in hydrogen cyanide, a molecule thought to have eventually become a part of us. Said Douglas Hudgins, the Spitzer program scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington, "Although scientists have long been aware that the tumultuous nature of many cool stars might present a significant challenge for the development of life, this result begs an even more fundamental question: Do cool star systems even contain the necessary ingredients for the formation of life? If the answer is no then questions about life around cool stars become moot."
Other authors include Daniel Apai of the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md.; Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Thomas Henning and Jeroen Bouwman of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany; Michael Meyer of the University of Arizona, Tucson; Fred Lahuis of the SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, the Netherlands; and Antonella Natta of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Italy.
[Interesting. Does this mean that cool stars, without a building block of DNA, would be surrounded by lifeless planets or could they contain life not based on DNA? One day we might find out…..]
Friday, September 02, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Say It With Bullets by Richard Powell
Bill Wayne is back in the States and looking for his
friends. Five years previously they had left him for dead, shot in the back,
bleeding out his life on an airfields tarmac. Now freshly arrived from China he is
shot at from the dark and is convinced that his ex-friends want him dead before
he tracks them down. As cover he signs up with a tour company travelling from Cheyenne to Salt Lake City
and from Reno to Yosemite .
At each stop he finds a ‘friend’ and at each stop a ‘friend’ dies – but not at
his hand. For someone is dogging his every move and killing his ex-friends
before he can find out who shot him all those years ago. To add to his ever
present worries Bill has become attached to the tour guide, a girl from his
past who he had all but forgotten. Before their journey ends it’s likely that
one of them will end up dead. The question is who and when.
Written in 1953 this was a pretty good example of noir
fiction complete with a fast pace, snappy dialogue (some of which was frankly
hilarious) and some pretty good action sequences. Although there was nothing
particularly innovative or outstanding about this novel but it was solidly
entertaining from beginning to end. It was certainly one of the better examples
of the Hard Case Crime series (which actually isn’t saying very much) and might
suit someone either new to noir fiction or someone looking for a weekend of
light reading. Generally recommended.
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