Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thinking About: Interesting Times
Anyone who has picked up a newspaper recently or has tuned
into a decent news programme cannot have failed to notice that we live in
interesting times. Not only do we live in an era with a background of Global
Warming rumbling on apparently inexorably we are now faced with what seems to
be an ever widening revolt of the people against their leaders. It’s something
else that has been quietly building during the past few decades. I suppose that
it really hit the headlines with the anti-globalisation movement that was
becoming increasing more organised and more effective against what many
previously believed to be the inevitable process of turning the world into
variations of western democracies all operating under one form or another of
universal capitalism. Many commentators saw this as some kind of end point in
human progress. Despite all of the evidence to the contrary I suppose that many
of them still do.
Looking back, if you can use such a phrase about something
that is still unfolding in front of us, the latest iteration of the global
revolt happened during the Arab Spring which, with winter here, is still
blossoming feed by the blood of martyrs in Syria and in Egypt (again). No one
saw it coming and no one could’ve imagined that we in the west would begin to emulate
it so effectively. What has become known as the Occupy movement could have
equally been called the Western Winter of Discontent (and may well be by future
historians). Interestingly it is not confined to nations too poor to cope with
the austerity measures brought on by the global economic problems created by
the staggering greed of the already super-rich. Protests have sprung up
throughout the west in a decentralised ad hoc fashion that has surprised
supposedly acute political commentators on all sides of the issue. The people –
the much vaunted 99% - seem to finally be saying that they have had enough. For
far too long, they appear to be saying, they have been taken for granted. No
longer. They have found their voice and their voice will be heard despite often
being ignored by the media or suppressed by the authorities. Oh, and what a
huge mistake that suppression has been – when combat veterans are hospitalised for
defending free speech and free assembly, when peaceful protesters are pepper
sprayed and tear gassed, when celebrities, University professors and police
captains are arrested on camera for questioning the actions of an elected
government we know that something is deeply wrong with the way things are.
Throughout Europe and increasingly the United States people are waking up
to the fact that politicians no longer believe that they work for us and not
the other way around. People are waking up to the fact that electing an
official and getting that official to act on their promises and pledges are two
very different things. People have moved from passively not voting to actively
marching and occupying to show their deep disgust and distrust of those
supposedly in power to do our bidding.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
do it Again: Find Organic Molecules Around Gas Planet
20, 2009
Peering far beyond our solar system, NASA researchers have
detected the basic chemistry for life in a second hot gas planet, advancing
astronomers toward the goal of being able to characterize planets where life
could exist. The planet is not habitable but it has the same chemistry that, if
found around a rocky planet in the future, could indicate the presence of life.
"It's the second planet outside our solar system in which water, methane
and carbon dioxide have been found, which are potentially important for
biological processes in habitable planets," said researcher Mark Swain of
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "Detecting organic
compounds in two exoplanets now raises the possibility that it will become
commonplace to find planets with molecules that may be tied to life."
Swain and his co-investigators used data from two of NASA's orbiting Great Observatories, the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope, to study HD 209458b, a hot, gaseous giant planet bigger than Jupiter that orbits a sun-like star about 150 light years away in the constellation Pegasus. The new finding follows their breakthrough discovery in December 2008 of carbon dioxide around another hot, Jupiter-size planet, HD 189733b. Earlier Hubble and Spitzer observations of that planet had also revealed water vapor and methane.
The detections were made through spectroscopy, which splits light into its components to reveal the distinctive spectral signatures of different chemicals. Data from Hubble's near-infrared camera and multi-object spectrometer revealed the presence of the molecules, and data from Spitzer's photometer and infrared spectrometer measured their amounts. "This demonstrates that we can detect the molecules that matter for life processes," said Swain. Astronomers can now begin comparing the two planetary atmospheres for differences and similarities. For example, the relative amounts of water and carbon dioxide in the two planets is similar, but HD 209458b shows a greater abundance of methane than HD 189733b. "The high methane abundance is telling us something," said Swain. "It could mean there was something special about the formation of this planet."
Other large, hot Jupiter-type planets can be characterized and compared using existing instruments, Swain said. This work will lay the groundwork for the type of analysis astronomers eventually will need to perform in shortlisting any promising rocky Earth-like planets where the signatures of organic chemicals might indicate the presence of life. Rocky worlds are expected to be found by NASA's Kepler mission, which launched earlier this year, but astronomers believe we are a decade or so away from being able to detect any chemical signs of life on such a body.
If and when such Earth-like planets are found in the future, "the detection of organic compounds will not necessarily mean there's life on a planet, because there are other ways to generate such molecules," Swain said. "If we detect organic chemicals on a rocky, Earth-like planet, we will want to understand enough about the planet to rule out non-life processes that could have led to those chemicals being there. These objects are too far away to send probes to, so the only way we're ever going to learn anything about them is to point telescopes at them. Spectroscopy provides a powerful tool to determine their chemistry and dynamics."
[Presumably if organic molecules exist around the systems gas-giant then it’s likely that such organic molecules also exist on any, as yet undetected, rocky planets in the same system. Maybe wherever we find such gas-giants that the odds of finding life later are much higher. Here’s hoping…]
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Prodigal by Marc D Giller
In the near future the global hi-tech civilisation is on the
verge of defeating the anti-technology terrorist group known as the Inru. The
greatest weapon against them is Lea Prism an ex-terrorist herself. With the aid
of the worlds first functioning Artificial Intelligence she has tracked down
and killed most of their operative and destroyed most of their installations.
Now only one Inru operation is left – led by Avalon an assassin with almost
supernatural abilities. As corporate mercenaries close in on Avalon’s position
a discovery is made on Mars. A ship sent to salvage equipment from the failed
Mars colony discover a shielded cave containing the bodies of a military unit
is suspended animation. Afraid that they are infected with the deadly virus
that destroyed the colony years previously they are brought aboard but kept in
deep quarantine. But its only when the soldiers are already waking that the
crew realise that one among them is an Inru agent and that a deadly plague is
on its way back to Earth.
This was the sequel to Hammerjack which I read back in May
2009. I was impressed enough with his first effort and was even more impressed
by this one. Giller’s writing has matured nicely since his earlier work and the
extra largely unnecessary flourishes which peppered his original book are
largely missing. He has kept his detailed sense of place and managed to ramp up
the ‘realism’ without losing any of his focus. The plot is nicely tight with
good characterisation and some very nice snappy dialogue. Each major character
has their own voice, their own sense of self and their own believable history.
There are a few stock moments and generic scenes but they were easily
forgivable because of the quality of the rest of the book. This is good solid
Cyberpunk mixed with a decent dose of Military SF. Prism is a great character
and it was a shame to see that the author apparently hasn’t published anything
else since 2006/2007 but at least we have the pleasure of his two published
works. Recommended.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
My Favourite Movies: Source Code
Well, I guess you can’t get much more up to date than this
choice. Source Code came out here in April this year. The trailer looked
interesting enough and I’ve liked Jake Gyllenhall since I first saw him in
Donnie Darko. I did have a few misgivings after seeing previous films that
tried to look at incidents from various viewpoints (for example the terrible
Vantage Point) but then I thought of Déjà vu (starring Denzil Washington) and
thought it might be OK.
OK, spoiler time. If you haven’t seen this movie and intend
watching it on DVD anytime soon I’d stop reading now and skip to my
Motivational poster on Tuesday….. So, for the rest of you here’s a basic
synopsis of the plot:
Gyllenhall is army helicopter pilot Captain Colter Stevens
who, inexplicably at first, finds himself on a train without any memory of
getting there. Across from him is a very pretty girl (played by the lovely
Michelle Monaghan) who appears to be in mid conversation with him. As he
struggles to understand what’s going on around him he catches a glimpse of his
face in the window – and it isn’t his face. Just as he’s beginning to realise
that something very strange is going on the train explodes and he’s suddenly in
what looks like a space capsule. At this point totally disoriented he is talked
down by an Air force officer in the shape of Vera Farmiga. After some
reluctance she tells him that he is part of a special project which can send
him back in time to a specific location for 8 minutes where he inhabits someone
else’s body. His mission is to find out who bombed the train and to get this
information back to the authorities before the bomber can strike again. But he
can only do this in 8 minute slices at the end of which he dies, again and
again and again until he finds out the information they want.
Now this could have easily been a very tedious film indeed –
even if the runtime is only an amazingly short 89 minutes. But several things
make it far from tedious. Although we are forced to watch as the same 8 minutes
unfound, each time with an explosive conclusion, we learn different things each
time around. We learn more about Colter, what happened to him before he first
appeared on the train and we watch as he develops a relationship both with his
Air force ‘handler’ and with the woman sitting in front of him on the train. We
also see him trying to change the outcome of the explosion even though he is
told repeated that such a thing is impossible. That for me was one of the most
interesting aspects of the movie. Despite all of the techno-babble that the
Director of the project used to ‘explain’ things to Colter he still tried to
change things and save the lives of the people on the train knowing that their
deaths had already happened. There is even some talk about changing things in
alternate realities (though the story isn’t explicit about this and doesn’t
really follow this up). What is surprising is what actually happens at the end
of the film. I won’t be giving too much away by saying that Colter succeeds
despite the warnings that he’s wasting time even trying to save people (the
movies tagline: Change the Past – Save the Future kind of telegraphs things
here!) I am, as always, a sucker for a clever film – actually even a film that
tries to be clever but fails despite a good effort. Generally this was such a
clever film. It was a bit heavy handed with the military relationship between
Colter and his handler. It was a bit too obviously post 9/11 – though
interestingly the terrorist is a local nut-job rather than stock Islamists.
About the only thing that disturbed me about the whole thing was what happened
to the original guy that Colter took over? Colter is effectively dead but has
been given a chance to live again in a new body – except that he needs to eject
the previous owner to do so…. And he seems OK with that. Maybe he sees it as
collateral damage or as payment for saving a whole bunch of people on the
train. But no one seems in the least bit bothered that he’s basically just
body-jacked someone. The ethical questions surrounding this are difficult at
best – and completely ignored.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Government: Rich Getting Richer, More People Poor
by Tom Raum for Associated Press
Saturday, October 22, 2011
There were fewer jobs, and overall pay was trending down -
except for the nation's wealthiest. The number of people making $1 million or
more soared by over 18 percent from 2009, the Social Security Administration
said, citing payroll data based on W-2 forms submitted by employers to the
Internal Revenue Service.
Despite population growth, the number of Americans with jobs
fell again last year, with total employment of just under 150.4 million - down
from 150.9 million in 2009 and 155.4 million in 2008. In all, there were 5.2
million fewer jobs than in 2007, when the deep recession began, according to
the IRS data. The figures are just one more indication of the toll that the
worst downturn since the Great Depression has taken on the U.S. economy.
They were published as demonstrations rage on Wall Street and in cities across
the nation protesting a widening income gulf between average wage earners and
the nation's wealthiest. The unemployment rate remains stuck at 9.1 percent,
with more than 14 million out of work and 11 million other discouraged people
who have stopped looking for work or are stuck in part-time jobs. Since 1980,
roughly 5 percent of annual national income has shifted from the middle calls
to the nation's richest households, according to the Census Bureau.
While the average U.S income last year was $39,959, the mean
income - the figure where half earn more and half earn less - was much lower,
$26,364. This disparity reflects the fact that "the distribution of
workers by wage level is highly skewed," according to Social Security. Median
compensation last year was just 66 percent of the average income, compared with
nearly 72 percent in 1980.
[What a shocker – the Rich get richer and the poor get poorer……
Why are people protesting again?]
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Monitor – The Story of the Legendary Civil War Ironclad and the man whose
Invention changed the Course of History by James Tertius deKay
I remember reading about or being taught about the epic 1862
battle between the Union ship Monitor and the Confederate ship Merrimac (AKA Virginia ) in my early
childhood and being amazed. I imagined an unstoppable object meeting an
unmovable force and slugging it out with little effect as onlookers stared in
awe. I have a vague memory of a class in school where we made models of the
Monitor (no one seemed interested in making a model of the ‘beaten’ CSA ship).
Even on this side of the Atlantic over 200
years after the even the historical significance was clear. On that March day
the world’s military fleets became effectively obsolete.
I think that most people know the story. As Union forces
withdrew from territory they could not readily defend they left behind the
ruins of Norfolk
naval base and the burnt out hulks of scuttled warships. Desperate for any
advantage the Confederate forces salvaged as much military equipment as they
could including the hull of the USS Merrimac – which the rechristened the CSS
Virginia. But rather than just rebuilding her from the keel up they decided to
produce a rough and ready ironclad capable of breaking the Union blockade and
changing the face of the Civil War. Fortunately the fledgling Union navy
already had an answer being built. Unlike the highly modified Virginia , the Monitor was a new type of ship
designed and built to a radical design. The world had not seen its type before.
Yet after its classic, and in some ways indecisive, battle it changed the way
modern navies thought about warfare at sea.
A delight to read from cover to cover, this book was a
mixture of a familiar story peppered with unfamiliar detail. I was singularly
unfamiliar with much of the background to the Monitor’s designer who was
apparently loathed by the US Navy Department. I was unfamiliar with the tale of
the Monitors near destruction on the eve of the battle as well as the political
and financial manoeuvres in the months up to its commissioning which nearly
derailed the whole project. At almost every stage it appeared that the cards
had been heavily stacked against the Monitor ever meeting its adversary on the
battlefield of the Hampton Roads. If any one of a number of things had occurred
and the Union ship had failed to make its debut on the world stage its possible
(if unlikely in my mind – though not exactly being a Civil War expert I far from
sure) that the fortunes of the Confederacy might have been much different. It
is easy to imagine that, after breaking through the Union blockade, the CSS
Virginia might have sailed north to shell Boston
or New York
with impunity. What might have happened after that s anyone’s guess!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
My Favourite Movies: High Noon
As I have mentioned before I can trace my love of Westerns
back to my fathers influence. He was a huge fan of John Wayne and this
naturally led to other greats in the genre including this 1952 Oscar Award
winning classic.
As with most of these films the story is deceptively simple.
It starts with Sherriff Will Kane (played effortlessly by Gary Cooper) about to
get married to his Quaker bride (the stunningly beautiful Grace Kelly). Just as
rice is flying he hears that a killer he put away for murder has been released
and is presumably on his way to seek revenge. Encouraged to leave by the
townsfolk the newlyweds hightail it out of town only for Kane to turn back –
initially for practical reasons and then for ethical reasons too. No one,
including his new wife, can understand why he chose to return and put himself
in danger. One by one his support falls away as friends and town businessmen
find excuses why they can’t or won’t stand by him. It seems that the peace and
stability the rule of law has brought is too restrictive impacting as it does
on the takings in the saloon or the local hotel. People have forgotten how it
was when cowboys roamed free in the town all too eager to use their guns on
each other and anyone unlucky to get caught in the crossfire and when it was
barely safe enough for a woman to walk across the street in broad daylight. So
finally, when everything is at stake Kane is left alone to face Frank Miller
and his gang alone.
It is easy to see why this film won 4 Oscars back in 1952.
The flawless script steadily builds tension throughout the 85 minutes right up
to the classic rolling shoot-out. The cinematography is brutal in black and
white (I don’t think it would’ve working in colour as well as it did) and presents
a deeply claustrophobic feeling despite being filmed on open empty streets.
Cooper portrays the growing desperation of Kane brilliantly as he struggles to
understand the town’s reluctance to get involved as well his own fear and
desire to simply be with his new wife. All of that is balanced with his oath of
office and his moral duty to defend people even if they seemingly chose the
opposite. The warring emotions are clearly seen passing over Kane’s face like
the dark clouds that herald a terrible storm. It is truly mesmerising and
terrifying to watch. You can only wonder if you would have his strength of
conviction and moral certainty in the face of such odds and indifference to
those around him.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
24, 2009
controlling instruments on the orbiter found bright ice exposed at five Martian
sites with new craters that range in depth from approximately 1.5 feet to 8
feet. The craters did not exist in earlier images of the same sites. Some of
the craters show a thin layer of bright ice atop darker underlying material.
The bright patches darkened in the weeks following initial observations, as the
freshly exposed ice vaporized into the thin Martian atmosphere. One of the new
craters had a bright patch of material large enough for one of the orbiter's
instruments to confirm it is water ice. The finds indicate water ice occurs
beneath Mars' surface halfway between the north pole and the equator, a lower
latitude than expected in the Martian climate. "This ice is a relic of a
more humid climate from perhaps just several thousand years ago," said
Shane Byrne of the University
of Arizona .
is a member of the team operating the orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science
Experiment, or HiRISE camera, which captured the unprecedented images. Byrne
and 17 co-authors report the findings in the Sept. 25 edition of the journal
Science. "We now know we can use new impact sites as probes to look for
ice in the shallow subsurface," said Megan Kennedy of Malin Space Science
Systems in San Diego ,
a co-author of the paper and member of the team operating the orbiter's Context
Camera. During a typical week, the Context Camera returns more than 200 images
of Mars that cover a total area greater than California . The camera team examines each
image, sometimes finding dark spots that fresh, small craters make in terrain
covered with dust. Checking earlier photos of the same areas can confirm a feature
is new. The team has found more than 100 fresh impact sites, mostly closer to
the equator than the ones that revealed ice.
image from the camera on Aug. 10, 2008, showed apparent cratering that occurred
after an image of the same ground was taken 67 days earlier. The opportunity to
study such a fresh impact site prompted a look by the orbiter's higher
resolution camera on Sept. 12, 2009, confirming a cluster of small craters.
"Something unusual jumped out," Byrne said. "We observed bright
material at the bottoms of the craters with a very distinct color. It looked a
lot like ice."
bright material at that site did not cover enough area for a spectrometer
instrument on the orbiter to determine its composition. However, a Sept. 18,
2008, image of a different mid-latitude site showed a crater that had not
existed eight months earlier. This crater had a larger area of bright material.
"We were excited about it, so we did a quick-turnaround observation,"
said co-author Kim Seelos of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory in Laurel , Md. , "Everyone thought it was water
ice, but it was important to get the spectrum for confirmation."
Mars orbiter is designed to facilitate coordination and quick response by the
science teams, making it possible to detect and understand rapidly changing
features. The ice exposed by fresh impacts suggests that NASA's Viking 2
lander, digging into mid-latitude Mars in 1976, might have struck ice if it had
dug four inches deeper. The Viking 2 mission, which consisted of an orbiter and
a lander, launched in September 1975 and became one of the first two space
probes to land successfully on the Martian surface. The Viking 1 and 2 landers
characterized the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface. They
also conducted on-the-spot biological tests for life on another planet.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena manages
the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington . Lockheed
Martin Space Systems in Denver
built the spacecraft. The Context Camera was built and is operated by Malin.
The University of Arizona operates the HiRISE camera, which Ball
Aerospace & Technologies Corp., in Boulder ,
Colo. , built. The Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory led the effort to build the Compact
Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer and operates it in coordination with an
international team of researchers.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
The Folk of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card
Only six missiles flew in World War Three but it was enough
to end civilisation as we know it. The mixture of nuclear bombs and biological
weapons was enough to push mankind over the edge into oblivion – except for one
place: The Mormon State of Deseret.
This was a book of five short stories telling the story of
the collapse and eventual rebuilding of western civilisation by the Mormon
Church starting with ‘West’ – a tale of a group of Mormons attempting to find
their way through a wasteland to Salt Lake City which was pretty good if
standard post-apocalyptic survivor stuff. ‘Salvage’ told of a group of
teenagers diving in the flooded Salt
Lake looking for treasure
which was something and nothing. ‘The Fringe’ told of the efforts of farmers to
push back the desert to feed their growing population and the efforts of one
man to root our corruption. This was nicely done and had some impressive
characterisation. My favourite was next which was ‘Pageant Wagon’, a tale of a
family of travelling players who argue in front of a hitch-hiker they pick up
on the outskirts of a small town. The characterisation and dialogue are very
good and felt realistic. Lastly was ‘America ’ which told of the downfall
of the revived civilisation from the point of view of a young boy and a South
American shaman.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Thinking About: Irrationality
Despite the fact that we are fully capable of being rational
I think that humanity in general is deeply irrational – even if we put religion
to one side for a moment. We are constant pray to our emotions, we love and we
hate without a rational thought entering our heads. We follow political parties
or football teams for no better reason than our parents follow them and take
any criticism of them as personal insults. We kill and we die for beliefs that
other cultures and other times find completely incomprehensible. Looking back
into our blood soaked history we see armies slaughtering each other over
religious arguments that few soldiers could even begin to articulate. At other
times armies clash and cities burn over subsequently discredited ideologies
passionately believed in and passionately defended by young men and women
taught both to accept ideas and not to question them.
Reason itself has been vilified as a root problem of human
existence. Martin Luther, the father of Protestantism famously said “Faith must trample under foot all reason,
sense, and understanding”. He was not, and is not, alone in this viewpoint. Far
too many people reject reason because it has the power to undermine their
faith. This, in my opinion, is simply irrationality piled on irrationality.
Luther, and those like him, view reason as the enemy and want it stopped being
taught to our children. “I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates
of hell, unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures and
engraving them in the heart of the youth” he said. It’s ironic of course that
his prescription for avoiding Hell would probably ensure its dominion on the
Earth as religious faction fought religious faction over interpretations of the
words of each sects founding fathers. Of course you don’t have to delve into
the historical record to find evidence of widespread irrationality. We have
enough of that around us today – the so-called Global Warming ‘sceptics’, those
who refuse to accept the fact of evolution or the fact that the Earth is more
than six thousand years old and those who work tirelessly to prevent Gay
marriage (as if homosexuality isn’t as natural as heterosexuality).
Sunday, November 06, 2011
US Stops Payments to UNESCO over Palestinian Vote
Agence France
Monday, October 31, 2011
The United States ,
Israel 's top ally, in the
1990s banned the financing of any UN organization that accepts Palestine as a full member. The United States
provides about 22 percent of the UNESCO annual budget. The November payment
amounts to a tranche of what US
officials say is total a annual US
contribution of $80 million to the UN organization. Nuland echoed earlier
remarks by the White House which said UNESCO's admission of the Palestinians as
a full member was "premature" and undermined international peace
efforts and hopes of direct talks on a Palestinian state. The vote "is regrettable, premature and undermines our
shared goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle
East ," Nuland said. The vote, backed by 107 countries in
UNESCO, was a symbolic victory for the Palestinian drive towards full statehood
recognition. But the United States ,
which has vowed to block a separate Palestinian call for statehood recognition
at the UN Security Council, believes the campaign detracts from tough
bargaining needed with Israel
on the terms of a Palestinian state. Nuland said the United States is aware its own
interests could be undermined by its withholding funding to UNESCO.
"Under UNESCO's constitution, a member state will have
no vote in the general conference if it gets more than two years in arrears in
its contribution. So our actual arrearage status will begin in January,"
she said. "We now need to have consultations with Congress," she
said. "Not paying our dues into these organizations could severely
restrict and reduce our ability to influence them, our ability to act within
them, and we think this affects US interests," Nuland said. "So we
need to have conversations with Congress about what options might be available
to protect our interests," she said, declining to elaborate.
[Is anyone else in the least bit surprised by this?
Organisations that go against American policies are made to suffer for it. Any
organisation that, in any way, questions Israel is made to suffer by their
American allies – no matter what else the organisation does or does not do. The
nonsense of ‘premature’ recognition is completely blown out of the water by the
almost instant recognition of the Libyan Transitional Council. What they really
mean is that the Palestinians will be ‘recognised’ 10 years after they stop
making trouble for American interests in the Middle East .
How transparent and petty American policy is – only they cannot see how it
looks to the rest of the world. 107 countries vote for something – America says:
No. Democracy in action? I think not.]
Friday, November 04, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Just Finished Reading :
Classical Thought – A History of Western Philosophy (1) by Terence Irwin
I haven’t read any philosophy for quite some time so thought
that I’d ease back into things with a history of one of my favourite
philosophical periods. I was, unfortunately, a little disappointed with this
Things certainly started well with an interesting chapter on
the lasting effects of the works of Homer and how they prompted the early Greek
moral philosophers to challenge some of the ethical implications of his work.
This led, after some meanderings through the debate about the physical world,
to Socrates and onto Plato. Actually as Socrates apparently left no written
texts of his own the main source of Socratic philosophy is Plato – so it is
rather difficult to separate the two and whole careers have no doubt been made
on drawing the line between where the real Socrates ends and where Plato uses
him to sell his ideas to a larger audience. I’m actually not a huge fan of
Plato – especially in regard to the eternal perfect Forms he postulated. This,
in my opinion, was a huge error and a serious dead end (and helped to underpin
early Christianity into the bargain). Much more to my liking is Aristotle whose
works on Ethics and Politics – and much else besides – have become deserved
classics in their own right. After studying him a few years ago I developed
quite a fondness for the way his mind thinks. I also liked his telling
criticisms of Plato which are outlined in this book. Post Aristotle things
became rather fragmented with various new and breakaway schools of thought
vying for the attention of the rich and powerful (and with the rest of the
thinking public – men that is) amongst these where Epicureanism and the Stoics
(one of my favourites). Arguments raged between these groups about the
reliability of the senses, the nature of reality, virtue and free-will. Finally
the author ended with the ideas of Plotinus – who reworked and commented on
Plato – and discussed his impact on Christianity’s early days.
Ancient World,
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
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