Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Force young people to vote at first opportunity, says think tank
From The BBC
26 August 2013
Young people should be required to turn out at the first election in which they have the right to vote, the IPPR think tank has said. The plans, to be set out in a forthcoming report, involve a small fine for young people deciding not to vote at their first election. They would also offer first-time voters who did not back any political party a "none of the above" option. Labour is reportedly considering whether to back the idea. Shadow Lord Chancellor Sadiq Khan has also said his party might propose lowering the voting age from 18 to 16. IPPR researchers found that the UK has one of the largest differences in voter turnout between young and old people in Europe. In 2013 local elections, an estimated 32% of 18- to 24-year-olds voted, compared with 72% of those aged over 65, the think tank said. It also estimated that turnout for under-35s earning less than £10,000 a year was just 34%, whereas turnout for over-55s with an income of at least £40,000 a year was 79%. According to the IPPR's figures, young people have been hit hardest by public spending cuts, with 16- to 24-year-olds facing cuts to services worth 28% of their annual household income, compared with 10% of the income of those aged 55-74.
Guy Lodge, an associate director at the think tank, said: "Unequal turnout matters because it gives older and more affluent voters disproportionate influence at the ballot box. Turnout rates among the young have fallen significantly which means there is less incentive for politicians to pay attention to them. Young people who don't vote today are less likely than previous generations to develop the habit of voting as they get older, which is why first time compulsory voting is so important." The result was a "vicious cycle of disaffection and under-representation" in which, he said, "As policy becomes less responsive to their interests, more and more decide that politics has little to say to them." Report co-author Sarah Birch, a politics professor at the University of Glasgow, added: "There are many other things that young people are required to do, not the least of which is go to school. "Adding just one more small task to this list would not represent an undue burden, and it could well help to reinvigorate democracy. It would make politicians target first-time voters like never before and give young voters the potential for far greater political power."
[How delightfully ironic – forcing people to express their democratic right. Isn’t that kind of the opposite of democracy? After all democracy is basically about choice isn’t it? You choose which political party to vote for but, just as importantly, you choose to vote in the first place. In democracies around the world you have an undeniable right to vote, arguably you have a duty or even an obligation to vote – after all voting is the lifeblood of democracy. But if you choose not to exercise that right, duty or obligation should you be punished? Is having the right to ‘none of the above’ enough to compensate for the imposition of government into yet another area of citizens free choice? How long before the ‘none’ option is removed? How long before spoiled papers carry the same sanction as not voting at all?
Voting is a choice and should remain that way. You do not get people into the habit of voting every 4-5 years by forcing them to do so the first time. That’s just crazy. All major political parties are seeing their total vote fall for the very simple reason that every year less and less people trust them to do anything more than line their own pockets and continually lie to us about everything they do. Encouraging people to vote by force is nothing more than an act of desperation. It is no more than a farce. If politicians want us to vote for them they’re going to have to something they will find very difficult indeed. They will need to earn our trust.]
From The BBC
26 August 2013
Young people should be required to turn out at the first election in which they have the right to vote, the IPPR think tank has said. The plans, to be set out in a forthcoming report, involve a small fine for young people deciding not to vote at their first election. They would also offer first-time voters who did not back any political party a "none of the above" option. Labour is reportedly considering whether to back the idea. Shadow Lord Chancellor Sadiq Khan has also said his party might propose lowering the voting age from 18 to 16. IPPR researchers found that the UK has one of the largest differences in voter turnout between young and old people in Europe. In 2013 local elections, an estimated 32% of 18- to 24-year-olds voted, compared with 72% of those aged over 65, the think tank said. It also estimated that turnout for under-35s earning less than £10,000 a year was just 34%, whereas turnout for over-55s with an income of at least £40,000 a year was 79%. According to the IPPR's figures, young people have been hit hardest by public spending cuts, with 16- to 24-year-olds facing cuts to services worth 28% of their annual household income, compared with 10% of the income of those aged 55-74.
Guy Lodge, an associate director at the think tank, said: "Unequal turnout matters because it gives older and more affluent voters disproportionate influence at the ballot box. Turnout rates among the young have fallen significantly which means there is less incentive for politicians to pay attention to them. Young people who don't vote today are less likely than previous generations to develop the habit of voting as they get older, which is why first time compulsory voting is so important." The result was a "vicious cycle of disaffection and under-representation" in which, he said, "As policy becomes less responsive to their interests, more and more decide that politics has little to say to them." Report co-author Sarah Birch, a politics professor at the University of Glasgow, added: "There are many other things that young people are required to do, not the least of which is go to school. "Adding just one more small task to this list would not represent an undue burden, and it could well help to reinvigorate democracy. It would make politicians target first-time voters like never before and give young voters the potential for far greater political power."
[How delightfully ironic – forcing people to express their democratic right. Isn’t that kind of the opposite of democracy? After all democracy is basically about choice isn’t it? You choose which political party to vote for but, just as importantly, you choose to vote in the first place. In democracies around the world you have an undeniable right to vote, arguably you have a duty or even an obligation to vote – after all voting is the lifeblood of democracy. But if you choose not to exercise that right, duty or obligation should you be punished? Is having the right to ‘none of the above’ enough to compensate for the imposition of government into yet another area of citizens free choice? How long before the ‘none’ option is removed? How long before spoiled papers carry the same sanction as not voting at all?
Voting is a choice and should remain that way. You do not get people into the habit of voting every 4-5 years by forcing them to do so the first time. That’s just crazy. All major political parties are seeing their total vote fall for the very simple reason that every year less and less people trust them to do anything more than line their own pockets and continually lie to us about everything they do. Encouraging people to vote by force is nothing more than an act of desperation. It is no more than a farce. If politicians want us to vote for them they’re going to have to something they will find very difficult indeed. They will need to earn our trust.]
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Dracula Cha Cha Cha by Kim Newman (FP: 1998)
Rome, 1959. The worlds press, celebrities and the new jet-set are arriving in the city in ever increasing numbers to witness the social event of the century. The reclusive Count Dracula, previous consort to Queen Victoria, is to marry Moldavian princess Asa Vajda in an attempt widely perceived as the prelude to him emerging back into the world of European power play. Amongst the late arrivals is Irish journalist Kate Reed who previously fought in the English resistance under Dracula’s iron rule. Within hours of her arrival her vampire companions are brutally attacked by a killer of immense speed and strength – yet Kate in convinced that the killer is no vampire himself. With a mystery to solve she turns to her long time companions the elder vampire Genevieve Dieudonne and her long-time lover Charles Beauregard late of the British Secret Service. As more vampire elders are murdered against all logic the suspicion falls on all the powerful organisations represented in Rome – the Mafia, The British, Russian Special Forces, the Vatican, or maybe Dracula himself clearing out the elder vampires to make way for the new and vibrant undead. What few of them realise is that forces older than Dracula himself are moving into opposition to him regaining power and they will let no one or nothing stand in their way – be they vampire or human.
I’ve read Kim Newman before – The Bloody Red Baron – so knew at least something of what I was letting myself in for. What I had forgotten was the delightful and playful way he weaves the real and the fictional into a compelling and highly original, to say nothing of outrageous and hilarious, tale of the power struggles of vampires now very much in the public eye. The basis of this frankly bizarre ‘alternate world’ is that the Bram Stoker story is true (indeed was a subversive and banned book under Dracula’s rule of England) but that he survived the supposed victory of human over vampire, emerged into the light – metaphorically speaking – and began creating a European dynasty for himself and his kind. Vampirism in effect goes mainstream distorting history, culture and economics along the way (part of the continual fascination in the book is the plethora of little details – like raspberry ripple ice cream where the ‘ripple’ is in fact blood – that make it out as a very different world). The characterisation is practically flawlessly handled although the author does sail very close to the wind from time to time but always manages to pull back before comedy becomes farce. There is a real love of the genre here and not simply a jumping on the band-wagon. Newman knows his subject and milks it for all he’s worth. The plot moves at a generous pace and certainly kept me guessing almost to the end. He has created a compelling and totally believable universe where fiction vampires (and fictional humans) co-exist uneasily with the rest of us. A delight and, in consequence, recommended. More of Mr Newman to come I think!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
My Favourite Movies: The Mummy
Way back in 1999 when I still went to the cinema at every opportunity I took a chance and saw this movie. Maybe it was because even after all that time I still had fond memories of Raiders of the Lost Ark which this film seemed to be channelling. Maybe it was because it just looked like fun, lots of fun.
The story takes place (mostly) in Egypt at some point between the World Wars. Trying to get enough practical experience to be accepted as an archaeologist is Evelyn Carnahan (played by the delightful and delicious Rachel Weisz) who is presented with a very unusual puzzle box with what appears to be a map of the lost city of Hamunaptra reputed to be the location of untold treasures. Forced to join forces with the ex-soldier who found the map (Richard O’Connell played in brilliant over-the-top fashion by Brendan Fraser) they begin an adventure that no one could have imagined – especially the staid Evy who steadfastly refuses to believe in the supernatural. But that is exactly what they find in the aptly named ‘City of the Dead’. Locked away for 3000 years is the mummy of Pharaoh’s high priest Imhotep (played by Arnold Vosloo who spent most of the movie frowning at those around him) who is accidently resurrected and is very, very annoyed. Setting an ancient curse in motion he plans to bring his ancient lover back from the dead and rule over mankind for ever – unless Evy, her light-fingered drunken brother (played by John Hannah as comic relief), O’Connell and the mysterious Arab warrior Ardeth Bay (played by Oded Fehr) can stop him in time.
It’s funny that sometime film critic Jonathan Ross described this film as ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark meets The Terminator’. It certainly had elements of both – though far more from Raiders to be honest. It certainly had that sense of Saturday morning matinee fun that pervaded almost every scene in Raiders. The Mummy is most definitely a film that doesn’t take itself too seriously, indeed it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. The plot is far from original, the dialogue is cheesy and the plot, such that it is, is so full of clichés that you could watch it a second or third time and make a game out of finding them. I’m sure that the SFX was pretty good for the time but has become very much to be expected over the last 14 years so none of it will raise any admiring eyebrows. The chemistry between Fraser and Weisz is great fun to watch. They certainly had a lot of fun together playing would-be lovers. The comedy elements provided by Hannah and Omid Djalili is mostly slapstick but still amusing and the bad-guy weasel (played by Kevin J O’Connor) is suitably slimy and objectionable. Of course the fact that the film has no great depth makes it supremely easy to just sit back and enjoy the adventure. You certainly don’t have to think about anything. The elements that are even slightly odd or potentially difficult to swallow are explained by a cast member in ‘the-know’ to those less fortunate (which probably means that they are on the shortlist to being an ex-cast member). In this movie what you don’t know will most definitely kill you as will tripping at the wrong moment! The main reason why I still like (and watch) this film after 14 years is, as I keep saying, it’s unapologetically fun, fun, fun. If you treat it as such I’m sure you’ll be in for a good time too.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Thinking About: Babies
There’s been a lot of talk about babies recently and not
just because of the recent Royal birth. In the last few weeks a report was
published outlining the fact that the financial cost of raising a child from
birth to 18 has risen to over £140,000 – how they arrived at this figure I have
no idea. This week it was revealed that, I think for the first time, the number
of one child families in the UK (or possibly just England and Wales) breached
the 50% barrier. Almost immediately calls where heard to encourage parents to
have at least a second child for a multitude of reasons. I found this to be
quite incredible.
It is certainly arguable that a significant number (if not
actually all) of the world’s most pressing issues are as the direct result of
human population growth. The strain on resources from water, food, oil and land
is caused by the simple fact that we already have far too many mouths to feed.
Extoling people to have more children is, to me, at the very least a
questionable (if not actually crazy) recommendation. Rather than criticising
single child families we should be congratulating them. Rather than burdening
them with even more financial responsibilities we should be thanking them for
being pragmatic, reasonable, and sensible – especially in these times of fiscal
irresponsibility. If families across the world restricted themselves to a
single child, or certainly to no more than two, global population would level
out before falling back to a more reasonable level. After a few generations the
Earth, if it was capable of such a thing, would heave a sigh of relief and the
people of that time could spend more time improving the lives of the much
reduced population rather than spending more and more of their time and energy
chasing fewer and fewer resources.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Just Finished Reading: The Etymologicon – A Circular Stroll
Through the Hidden Connections of the English Language by Mark Forsyth (FP:
It all started with an apparently simple question from a
stranger – where does the word ‘Biscuit’ come from (twice baked before you
Google it). After regaling the poor slob for the next 10-20 minutes of all the
connections between biscuit and bicycle and much else besides he managed to
escape never to look back. The author, after being sat down for an intervention
by his closest family and friends, decided he had a problem which needed to be addressed
– by putting all of his energy and knowledge of the English language into a
book which he called The Etymologicon.
If like me you’ve ever wondered where some of the words and
phrases you hear every day or maybe even use every day come from this is most
definitely the book for you. Full of interesting stories (some of which I
honestly had problems swallowing whole), the highways and byways of the planets
global language – until it’s eventually replaced by Chinese – and revelations
of the true meanings of some of the phrases that, on the face of it make no
sense at all (my favourite bug-bear is ‘the exception that proves the rule’)
this book will make you laugh out loud, nod sagely, bore people to death with
language based revelations and generally make a nuisance of yourself for days
on end. What it also did to me is deepen the love of the quirkiness of my
native language all the more by letting me into some of its secrets and seeing
just how random some of the sources are – not only from across the world but by
the English mishearing, misunderstanding or simply modifying existing words to ‘make
more sense’ and thereby changing them forever. If you never really considered language
as a living, evolving thing this book will definitely change your mind on that
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Already Dead by Charlie Huston (FP: 2005)
Joe Pitt likes his independence, indeed he insists on it.
After spending his formative years inside a rag-tag group calling itself The
Society he has had enough of internal politics, bullshit and in-fighting. But
no one can stand alone in the dangerous streets of New York. Everyone needs
friends and protectors and they need Joe – to do their dirty work for them. One
group in particular cannot be said No to. Running most of Manhattan they call
themselves The Coalition and when they ask Joe to do them a favour he readily
agrees. After all Joe certainly can’t exactly go around ignoring the wishes of
the most powerful group of Vampires in his own city. That’s just a quick way to
a slow death. The favour they ask of him seems, at first, very simple: Find a
runaway kid with too much interest in the sleazy underbelly of the city and
return her to her family unharmed. Of course Joe knows things are never really
that simple. For one thing the girl doesn’t want to be found and certainly
doesn’t want to return to her drunk mother and a father who has a disturbing
interest in young girls. For another the father, one of the richest men in New
York, knows that Vampires exist and seems willing to trade on that knowledge.
For Joe it’s just another fucked up deal in a fucked up life. But at least he
doesn’t need to worry about much in the city that never sleeps. Punks, drug
dealers and even zombies don’t faze him too much because Joe is way beyond
being concerned about his own life because Joe Pitt already dead.
What a way to start off a collection of vampire novels! I
loved this from practically the first page. Being a huge fan of noir fiction
and the vampire genre it was great to see them so well mixed in this very
enjoyable book. Huston has a great style that drags you into the story and
makes you feel every bump in the road, every smell of garbage rotting in
doorways and feel every knife thrust and the resulting spray of hot coppery
blood. Yes, it’s that down and dirty. This is certainly no soft and fluffy
vampire tale (I have one of those to review later!) but a very adult tale of
violence, fear, insanity and horror. It is most definitely not for the faint of
heart or the easily offended. It even made me cringe a few times and I’m not
exactly easily offended. Other parts where of necessity hilariously funny. One
of the vampire gangs was made up of characters straight out of the 60’s and 70’s
who seemed stuck in that radical mind-set and the language of political
correctness even arguing that the term ‘Zombie’ was offensive to those
suffering from the disease but insisting that they shouldn’t be called ‘victims’
because this was a derogatory term! Pitt himself is a character full of
conflict and is wonderfully multi-layered. His musing on the form and origin of
vampirism is one of the most interesting I’ve read to date. The most interest
clan in the novel called themselves The Enclave and treated their vampirism as
an almost religious experience and dedicated their very, very long lives to
understanding what exactly they had become.
As with all of the best fiction the world created by the
author had the ring of truth and reality. The structure of New York with humans
and vampires co-existing (though largely unknown to the human population) was
very interesting indeed. How exactly you hide a population of 4,000 vampires
from discovery and extermination was an ever present problem to all of the
disparate vampire groups and was probably the only thing they had in common. I
shall look forward to finding out much more about both the psychology and sociology
of vampires in future Joe Pitt novels. Highly recommended to any lovers of our
fanged friends (or should that be fiends)!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Thinking About: Television
About 40 or so years ago my then English teacher tried to do
what all good English teachers try – to get a bunch of working-class teenagers
to read more or actually just to read something. As part of the process she got
us to tell her, and the rest of the class, how much TV we watched during an
average week. As the discussion moved around the class we heard from kids who
watched 4, 6 and 8 hours of TV each week. The teacher stopped briefly when one
kid said 12 hours and she told the rest of the class that it seemed a bit
excessive. Then she got to me. During the round-table thing I’d been doing sums
in my head and had come up with a figure that took into account the truth, not
seeming too excessive and a pinch of shock value. So when she got to me I said
48 hours. She was honestly shocked that one person could sit in front of a TV
for two whole days out of each week. What she didn’t realise of course was that
the real figure was probably closer to 60 hours than it was to 48.
Back in those days, before I got the reading habit, I’d
watch TV from when I got in from school until it was time for bed – so probably
somewhere between 4 to 6 hours. On weekends I’d probably watch at least 12
hours of TV a day and that was without watching any sports coverage. Oh, and
what made it worse if such a thing was possible is that, back in those long ago
days, we only had three TV channels. It wasn’t until I hit my 20’s that we got
a fourth channel and a fifth a few years later. These days of course I have
access to over a hundred channels without adding any of the pay-to-view stuff.
Of course what is ironic about the whole thing is that as the number of
channels increased and then exploded I’ve actually been watching less and less
Inevitably it all started with books – which I only really
dived into heavily at around 14 years old care of my brother’s friend lending
me some classic SF. From then my TV watching probably dropped by at least half
or maybe more. It was then that comments about ‘always having my nose in a
book’ started. But at least I wasn’t spending every spare hour hooked to the
boob tube. Funnily lately I’ve started feeling nostalgic about 70’s and 80’s TV
and have picked up a few DVD box sets of my favourite series. Not surprisingly they
had nowhere near the reaction to the first time viewing and whilst not exactly
boring they seem to be poorly acted, poorly plotted and had terrible special
effects. All understandable of course with the 20-20 vision that is hindsight.
In my late 20’s I finally went away to University and during
the first year was having so much fun that I hardly watched TV at all except
when I was at home during the holidays. I can’t remember missing it. When we
moved out for our final two years and had a TV delivered and mostly watched
News shows rather than anything else. We became Newsaholics switching from one
channel to another to catch any updates. It was around then that 24 hour TV
came online and we tried that for a while – we were students after all so didn’t
exactly have to get up early – but soon discovered that there was precious
little programming available to fill in the extra hours. That came later.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Just Finished Reading: The Anglo-Saxon Age – A Very Short
Introduction by John Blair (FP: 1984)
This was to be honest a very short introduction indeed only
running to a mere 75 pages. Needless to say I started and finished it during a
single Sunday a few weeks ago. The author is very clear that, for most of the
period under discussion, we can say precious little about what happened and
what we can say must be taken cautiously. Very little text survives before
600AD and what does survive is partisan. The archaeological evidence, again
what has survived, can tell us something about the spread of Anglo-Saxon burial
sites across what would become England – named after the Angles of course – but
provides us with no great detail and says very little indeed to decide the
thorny question of what happened to the indigenous population after the
Anglo-Saxons arrived in ever increasing numbers. Where they assimilated,
exterminated or forced to leave to inhabit the edges of the island in Cornwall,
Wales and Ireland? It is a question and a debate that may never be fully answered.
What does seem to be clear is that, over 400-500 years
various waves of immigration (or invasion depending on your point of view or
perspective) arrived on the English shore and set up home here. Inevitably
conflict arose and throughout that period dynasties rose and fell, territories
expanded and contracted and both heroes and villains fell under the swords of
their enemies. This is the area where legend and history meet and intermingle
and national foundation myths are born. I was certainly brought up on stories
of Alfred the Great, Arthur and, at the end of the Anglo-Saxon age Harold
Godwinson. I wonder how many names the present young generation would
recognise. Not many I’m guessing. We are, it would seem, increasingly cut adrift
from our history and national legends much to our detriment I feel.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
My Favourite Movies: The Lost Boys
When their mother Lucy (Diane Wiest) loses out on her
divorce she’s forced to move to Santa Clara California, a small coastal resort
town, to live with her eccentric father while she finds her feet again. In the
mix are her teenage sons Michael (Jason Patric) and Sam (Corey Haim) who take an
instant dislike to the place after growing up in Phoenix – and that’s before
they find out that their new home is the murder capital of America. The reason
for such notoriety is soon in evidence when Michael catches the eye of a
wandering teen girl (Jami Gertz) and follows her before she’s picked up by her
boyfriend David (Kiefer Sutherland) and his gang of teenage delinquents. What
the boys don’t realise, but soon discover, is that David and his friends are
vampires who live the teenage dream of sleeping all day, partying all night,
never growing old and never dying. Made in 1987 this is a teen movie literally
to die for.
Of course being a late 80’s movie this movie is a very
self-conscious piece of cinema both playing homage to the vampire film whilst
at the same time subverting the genre. I can’t remember teenage vampires before
this film though it might not have been a completely new idea. But you can
imagine how powerful the idea was to the 80’s teenagers – the very thought of
extending their (at least potential) party lifestyle for ever, living a life –
OK technically not ‘living’ a life – without a care and definitely without any
responsibility, never having to grow up, never having any responsibilities,
never needing a job and all of the crap that entails. Sounds pretty good on the
face of things!
Yet the film is far from perfect. The soundtrack certainly
rocked which didn’t do the overall feel of the film any harm though it helped
to date it a bit (in a good way). The poorest aspects of the film where the
young protagonists turned vampire hunters and in particular the Frog brothers (Edgar
and Allen) played by Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander who were honestly
terrible – particularly Feldman who hammed things up well beyond his acting
skill level. But saying that Lost Boys is a creditable addition to the Vampire movie
genre. It has some nice updates to the ideas behind the living dead and wasn’t
afraid to have some fun. It’s a bit gory in places – the old bit of flying
blood and almost cartoon violence – but nothing too graphic or too visceral.
Taken for what it is, a light horror flick with its tongue firmly in its cheek,
this is an entertaining film worth a watch at least once – though I’m guessing
that some of you will be buying the soundtrack after seeing it so be warned.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Thinking About: T-shirts
When I used to work in an office in London I had to wear a
suit every day to work. I didn’t mind it too much – except maybe during the
summer – but never really liked it. For one thing it made me feel anonymous,
just one of the crowd (OK, that’s a complex subject for me but more about that
another time). One thing I did to stamp my individuality on things was my
choice of ties – bold, colourful or just silly. Later when I move office and
city I still worked in a suit but when that job came to an end I joined a
tech-support group where suits definitely didn’t fit in. For one thing we didn’t
have many direct dealings with ‘the public’ and for another we seemed to spend
our out of office time either scrabbling under people’s desks or in server
rooms where hanging ties and flapping jackets just got in the way. It’s there
that I got into the habit of wearing T-shirts. Then came dress-down Friday….. I
don’t think I’ve worn a shirt since – except for the occasional interview.
These days, despite the increased need to meet
clients/customers or ‘Points of Contact’, I’m very much a T-shirt only person.
I think if I showed up in a shirt/tie combination people would think I’d either
had a break-down or was going for an interview I’d kept secret up until then. Indeed
over the years in my present job I’ve become notorious or at least noteworthy
for my variety of off-the-wall or just odd T-shirts. Even when I’m wearing a
top over my T-shirt people still ask what I’m wearing underneath and even one
of our contractors was taken to task by her boss for dressing like me too much
which he saw as unprofessional. I did have a good laugh about that!
I certainly pick my T-shirts with great care. I certainly
don’t wear logo T’s as I don’t regard myself as a free mobile advertisement.
What I do wear reflects my personality and my take on the world. I wear T’s I’ve
picked up on holiday which I choose again with great care. Often they’re funny
or off-beat. I wear T’s of my favourite cartoon characters or from my favourite
cartoon series, so Bugs Bunny (a hero of mine), The Simpsons and Family Guy and
not forgetting Mutley from Whacky Races. I think I’m most renowned for my SF
related T’s I stumbled across in the SF shop Forbidden Planet. Many of them are
produced by a company called Last Exit to Nowhere and cover a whole range of
movies and TV Series. I have RoboCop, Bladerunner, Alien(s), Iron Man, and
Terminator related T’s which always bring a smile to people who recognise them.
What makes me smile most is that most people don’t recognise them, though I
have had quite a few people smile, give me the thumbs up or even laugh out loud
on at least one occasion. My latest acquisitions are Blizzard designed World of
Warcraft T’s which, again, go over most people’s heads – which makes wearing
them even funnier.
Friday, August 09, 2013
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Just Finished Reading: An Introduction to Political
Philosophy by Jonathan Wolff (FP: 2006)
Over the past few months I’ve been working up a head of
steam to get into reading political books. As I recently discussed elsewhere a
mere 6% of my reading is in the field of politics despite having strongly held
opinions on the subject (or maybe because of that very reason – why read books
on a subject where I’ve largely already made up my mind?). Taken together with my utter distaste for
politicians of all persuasions and my recent decision to stop voting for any of
the major political parties my incentive to dive into a politics book has been
pretty low. But, partly prompted by a series of books I’ve stumbled across
which promises some very interesting political commentary and partially by
appreciating that my lack of political depth is a deficiency that needs to be
addressed, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and give it a go.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
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