Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Our Man in New York – The British Plot to Bring America into the Second World War by Henry Hemming (FP: 2019) [326pp]
It had often been a story told around the family dinner table – how his father had almost drowned age 3 just days before the outbreak of World War Two. Luckily, for both his father and the author, a family friend had been on hand to fish the wandering boy out of the pond and save his life. But who exactly was this family friend?
His name was Willian Stephenson (which turned out not to be
the name he was born with) who, in 1939, was a successful businessman with
contacts and contracts all across Europe. With war on the horizon Stephenson
offered his services and those of his organisation to British Intelligence who
turned him down. Impressed with his obvious abilities that had another idea.
They wanted him to sail to New York and run the MI6 office there. His remit was
an apparently simple one – to report back on American willingness to help
Britain’s war effort and to ‘do what he could’ to encourage the US to enter the
war on Britain’s side. It was going to be a tough hill to climb. In May 1940
only 7% of Americans thought that declaring war on Germany was a good idea.
America had a large German population who either desired neutrality or active
support of their homeland. Meanwhile German propaganda had been operating for
some time inside the US to ensure that they didn’t join forces with Britain
against the Axis Powers. If that wasn’t enough there was a well-funded (again
in part but by no means exclusively by the Nazi government) Isolationist
movement that had many supporters and celebrity endorsement by the likes of
all-American hero Charles Lindbergh. With a limited budget and only a handful
of staff in New York Stephenson did the only thing he could – he spent his own
money on moving the MI6 operation to better and bigger premises and started a
recruitment campaign. His objectives were clear: He needed to accurately gauge
US public opinion on the war, he needed to counteract German propaganda, he
needed friends in high places, he needed to discredit Lindbergh and he needed
to manipulate American media outlets to turn public opinion in the way his boss
back in London most desired. Over the next year, despite the forces ranged
against him Stephenson waged a campaign the likes of which had not been seen
(or honestly conceived of) until then. By October 1941 76% of Americans
approved of their President’s foreign policy and stance towards Germany. By
November 1941 an impressive 85% of Americans fully expected to be at war with
Germany imminently. Mission accomplished.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Hail to the Chief (1)
Although I have no intention to read biographies of every US President I will naturally, through other endeavours like the World Wars or the Cold War, come across them from time to time. I’m also interested in some of the characters that have filled that post over time – especially people like Kennedy & Nixon – who have become iconic for a number of reasons. So far, as with most things here seemingly, its early days but who knows where such reading will lead, right? The roll call so far is as follows – and as usual I’ll do an ‘update’ every 6 months to see how we’re doing….
Richard M Nixon (37) 20th January 1969 – 9th
August 1974
All The President’s Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
John F Kennedy (35) 20th January 1961 – 22nd
November 1963
One Minute to Midnight – Kennedy, Khrushchev and Castro on
the brink of Nuclear War by Michael Dobbs
Friday, May 28, 2021
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Our Man in Charleston – Britain’s Secret Agent in the Civil War South by Christopher Dickey (FP: 2015) [327pp]
Even on the journey to Charleston British consul Robert Bunch had yet to decide if his posting was an opportunity or a poison chalice. On the face of it his task was a simple one – although singularly beyond his predecessor’s capabilities – to change a South Carolinian law that was inconveniencing the British crown. The law, brought in to effect after a slave uprising some time before, mandated that all non-white sailors aboard ships entering Charleston harbour would be held in jail – at the ship owners expense – for the duration of the ships visit. The reason was a simple one, at least to the great and the good of that slave owning state – seeing and (heaven forbid) communicating with free men of colour would only lay the seeds of rebellion in the minds of ignorant black folk so everything possible needed to be done to prevent this. The British consul’s first task was to get this law modified (if not overturned) to prevent British citizens from being abused (or worse) in Charleston’s jail system just for having the misfortune of being on a ship that called into that port and for being black. Unsurprisingly Bunch had his work cut out for him but he didn’t stop there. In the years that followed consul Bunch, often way beyond his remit (and sometimes either simply ignored or reprimanded) produced report after report and letter after letter both to his superior in New York as well as to his Foreign Office superiors in London outlining conditions in Charleston and in the South generally and, as Secession and even war approached alerted London as to the mood of the Southern states (and later the Confederacy) as well as their expectations of British intent. Bunch provided, often at great personal and professional risk, vital intelligence about the burgeoning insurrection and detailed assessments that often proved to be both detailed and prescient.
This was quite an eye-opening book on multiple levels. I had
no idea that British consuls were even active in the Southern US never mind
that at least some of them played such vital roles in informing the British
response to the emerging Civil War. I was also rather surprised at the level of
opposition to Slavery by the British government. I know slavery was abolished (in
the most part) in 1833 across the Empire – with some parts only being added
later – but was unaware at just how much effort Britain expended to stop the
TRADE in slaves rather than slavery per se. Not only did the British
essentially bully other countries (notably Spain) to enact similar legislation
in its colonies (Cuba especially) but also stationed elements of the Royal navy
off the coast of Africa to interdict any ship suspected of transporting slaves
across the Atlantic. This cost the British economy around 2% of GDP, around
5,000 lives lost and existed for SIXTY years. I had zero idea that this was a
thing! Inevitably there will be books on the way about this very subject so
stay tuned. Taking this into account you can imagine consul Bunch’s views on
the Southern idea that Britain would inevitably first recognise the Confederacy
post-secession and would probably fight on their side against the North because
of – cotton. This was, of course, a complete fantasy. As the future rebellion
built intelligence from Bunch and others had already resulted in increased investment
in cotton production in both Egypt and India. Even after the war started and
cotton exports dropped to almost nothing (which caused great hardship in the
mill towns of Northern England) there was never any possibility that Britain
would back the South. The whole idea was inconceivable. What was much more
likely was a British war AGAINST the South if the Confederacy had gone ahead
with the idea of re-opening the Atlantic slave trade to ease its economic woes.
If Confederate slavers had tangled with British naval vessels war between those
two entities would have most likely followed.
For a whole host of reasons this was one of my top reads of
the year so far. Not only did I learn a LOT about the move towards Civil War in
the US (admittedly from a fairly low level to begin with) but I also renewed my
fascination with 19th century British politics and especially the
career of Lord Palmerston (known as “pumice stone” for his legendary
abrasiveness!) who during that period was sometimes Foreign Secretary and Prime
Minister. I think I added at least 3-4 books to my Amazon Wish List because of
this book and it has provided me with several avenues of new research to follow
– so great stuff. As always much more to follow. Highly recommended.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Monday, May 24, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The King Who Had To Go – Edward VIII, Mrs Simpson and the Hidden Politics of the Abdication Crisis by Adrian Phillips (FP: 2016) [345pp]
The Abdication Crisis of 1936 is yet another of those incidents in British history that I know of but know very little about. No more! What I ‘knew’ (or more accurately thought I knew) about the events essentially boiled down to the facts that the future King – Edward VIII – had formed a relationship with a women considered to be ‘unsuitable’ because of her prior divorce and chose, for the good of the Monarchy and Country, to give up the throne to his brother (who became George VI) because he couldn’t or wouldn’t give up the woman he loved. All very romantic and only partially true, but it was the story concocted for public consumption. As with most things the truth was rather more complex and a bit more sordid.
The problem was Edward himself. Young, wilful, not too
bright and full of his own self-importance and privilege he was determined to
have his own way and decide his own life – regardless of his position or his
role as sovereign. If he was to be King, he thought, then he could do what he
damn well pleased and the fly-by-night politicians would just have to deal with
it – and him. Unfortunately for Edward the days of absolute (or even
quasi-powerful) monarchy was long gone and the days of a more free monarchy had
yet to come. Wallace Simpson was unsuitable for a whole list of reasons. Her previous
divorce was one of them. Divorce in 30’s Britain was still difficult, expensive
and socially consequential. What was worse in this case was that she had
remarried and would need to be divorced for a second time to marry the future
monarch. Naturally Special Branch – essentially the UK’s political police force
– investigated Simpson and discovered evidence that she was actually engaged in
two affairs, on with the future King and another (simultaneously) with a
younger man. What made things worse was that Edward refused to hide Wallace in
the background (as the Prime Minister expected a ‘respectable whore’ to behave)
but entertained her on his yacht and took her to events and official meals. One
politician’s wife refused to go to any event where Wallace might be invited
because she didn’t want to be introduced to a ‘whore’. You can see a theme
here. What made things worse – something that Edward was good at – was his insistence
that Wallace became Queen rather than his consort. The Prime Minister was not
alone in the idea that the country would not stand for that, indeed some of the
Commonwealth/Empire leaders made it quite clear that the integrity of the
Empire itself might be called into question if the marriage went ahead and
Wallace was crowned. The brewing constitutional crisis might well become an
Imperial crisis with the growing clouds of a European war on the horizon.
Told in fascinating detail this is the story of the
political machinations that were going on in the background between
politicians, civil servants, newspaper moguls and hangers on to either keep the
King on the throne, remove Mrs Simpson from the scene (only half-jokingly was
the idea of ‘knocking her on the head’ floated) or having his reluctant brother
take up the role of monarch so things could blow over. The whole story gives a
real insight into late 30’s British society, the coming war (increasingly on
everyone’s minds) and the future of the monarchy – still resonating today. As
one who is most definitely not entranced by royalty I did find this narrative
completely captivating and felt that a gap in my knowledge of British history
had been very well closed. Definitely recommended for anyone who has heard of
the Crisis and wondered what all the fuss was about.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Ella Wheeler Wilcox - 1850-1919
To sin by silence, when we should protest,
Makes cowards out of men. The human race
Has climbed on protest. Had no voice been raised
Against injustice, ignorance, and lust,
The inquisition yet would serve the law,
And guillotines decide our least disputes.
The few who dare, must speak and speak again
To right the wrongs of many. Speech, thank God,
No vested power in this great day and land
Can gag or throttle. Press and voice may cry
Loud disapproval of existing ills;
May criticise oppression and condemn
The lawlessness of wealth-protecting laws
That let the children and childbearers toil
To purchase ease for idle millionaires.
Therefore I do protest against the boast
Of independence in this mighty land.
Call no chain strong, which holds one rusted link.
Call no land free, that holds one fettered slave.
Until the manacled slim wrists of babes
Are loosed to toss in childish sport and glee,
Until the mother bears no burden, save
The precious one beneath her heart, until
God’s soil is rescued from the clutch of greed
And given back to labor, let no man
Call this the land of freedom.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The Virus Hunters – Dispatches from the Frontline by Joseph B McCormick & Susan Fisher-Hoch (FP: 1996) [354pp]
It was almost like being a GP – late night urgent requests
and neighbourhood house calls, except that the requests came from the CDC or
WHO and the house calls could be anywhere in the world. But when the medical
emergencies could result in thousands of deaths (or more!) a little
inconvenience and some hard travel were all part of the deal. Of course there
was never anything little about the job these intrepid men and women undertook.
Looking back into efforts to address outbreaks of multiple potential
epidemics in Africa in the 1980’s onwards (from the point of view of the
mid-1990’s) the authors alternately tell their tales of travel to places few
had heard of – including the authors themselves more often than not – to investigate
unexplained illness and, too often, unexplained death. Often the local medics,
who again too often at the time where both poorly trained and poorly equipped,
were at a loss to explain the origin and spread of a pathogen and had called on
local authorities to help when the outbreak had either become too large to
ignore or too inconvenient to cover up. Struggling governments don’t like
appearing weak – either to the world community, their own population or to
their enemies both foreign and domestic – so (again) too often they called for
help when all else had failed. With limited resources and staff with the
necessary knowledge and experience it was normal for CDC to send a single
operative (or rarely two) to investigate and report back. Whilst major cities
in the region were usually adequately supplied with electricity and roads the
sites of the outbreak were anything but. Few had nearby airfields (even for
small craft when they were available) and fewer pilots – even from the country’s
military - were willing to fly into ‘hot zones’ fearing contamination
themselves. This often meant hours long, back breaking, travel in unsuitable
vehicles to villages with only intermittent electricity and few, if any,
medical supplies. The CDC medics took what they could carry and used what they
found when they arrived.
When facilities allowed the initial diagnosis took place in
the field. As technology and knowledge improved throughout the 80’s this became
easier but sending samples of unknown pathogens to labs in Europe or back to
the States was not unprecedented adding delays and the inherent danger that
either the samples were lost, destroyed or had decayed during the trip. Being
at ground zero in these circumstances was very frustrating and downright
dangerous. A slip with a needle or scalpel, a possible infection with Ebola
(which actually happened to one of the authors!) could mean hours or days
travelling just to get tested. The stress must have been crushing at times.
Told with real drama these stories of quiet heroism
highlighted the activities of the CDC, WHO and others (in this case in Africa)
on the frontline of disease control and epidemic/pandemic early warning.
Dealing with some of the most dangerous diseases known to man (so far!) these
men and women are doing a vital job to protect humanity from our oldest enemy.
Although somewhat dated by now this is still an interesting read to understand
what was going on at the end of last century in the world of epidemiology and
can be used as a deep background study and an aid to understand what has been
going on (and sometimes not going on!) during the latest pandemic. Recommended
but more up to date books to come.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Monday, May 17, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The Mighty Dead – Why Homer Matters by Adam Nicolson (FP: 2014) [251pp]
This was, as you might expect, an impulse buy. Although I know of (as does just about everyone in the West) the existence of the Illiad and the Odyssey I’ve never read either (although I have of late been dipping into an old – 1950 – translation of the Illiad) and the closest I’ve come to them so far is a few modern interpretations and the epic movie Troy which I honestly enjoyed a great deal. I’d heard that Homer might not be an actual person who wrote these iconic tales of western cannon but that he was, possibly, either a composite of several writers, a generic term for those who told the tales (prior to them finally being written down) or even the name of the first person to translate them from the spoken word to the written text. The author goes over each of these theories and shows on multiple occasions and in multiple ways just how far back in time – literally to the days before History – the tales go, teasing out individual word use, descriptions of weapons and armour and so on to show that the tale existed LONG before the age that finally immortalised it. But that was just the beginning.
I won’t even try to precis this book but will, instead, look
at some of the themes the author covered. Naturally both tales are central to
the books overall narrative but many questions need to be asked (apart from
where they came from and did the Trojan War actually happen for real). When the
Illiad is considered the first question that needs to be raised is ‘Which
Illiad?’ Not only have there been, over the centuries since it was first
written down, many, many translations of varying quality but there are multiple
versions of the original text dating back far into antiquity. The Librarian’s
at Alexandria tried to produce an ‘authorised’ version but were not wholly
successful. Then there’s the question of just how it was possible to remember
and ‘sing’ such a long and complex narrative – which naturally leads on to the
many quirks and repartitions in the text that allow such a prodigious feat of
memory to be achieved.
The thing that jumped out at me most however was not really
about the text but about the war itself. Troy was a comparatively minor city –
rich as it was – on the edge of an Asian empire. The Greeks, in contrast, were
a rabble of squabbling tribes barely out of the Stone Age. Rather than the
heroes of the piece, despite thousands of years of propaganda to back their
case, they were in fact the bad guys – most literally the barbarians at the
gate. That, of course, flips the whole narrative on its head. I wonder if there
are books out there telling the siege of Troy as a tragedy from the Trojan
point of view?
Coincidentally I have just finished a relatively recent
updated narrative about the Trojan War told from the point of view of Patroclus,
lover and friend of Achilles. As stated previously I dipped into the 1950
Penguin translation of the Illiad that I’ve had for years/decades and it looks
very readable (and is, therefore, probably a rather ‘free’ translation!) so
there’s more Homeric texts to come. It almost feels like Fate…. But if you’re a
fan of two of the truly great classics of western literature this is definitely
the book for you. Starting from an admittedly low base I definitely learnt a
lot about the background to the stories and their ongoing importance in the
western cannon. Most definitely more to come. Highly recommended.
Longlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction 2014
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Paris Reborn – Napoleon III, Baron Haussmann, and the Quest to Build a Modern City by Stephane Kirkland (FP: 2013) [292pp]
If there is one thing that History teaches – apart from the fact that we humans do not learn from History – is that things are invariably contingent. There is no Fate, no Destiny and no Plan. Bullets miss their intended target, winds change direction at just the wrong time (or just the right one), and messages are delayed, lost, misread or ignored in the heat of battle. Such things are woven into the fabric of human history and are one of the things that make predicting things such a headache. Looking back, and having a grasp of the minutiae of unfolding events, we can see that things often viewed in hindsight as inevitable are anything but – things could always have been different. This applies to individual lives, countries, battles and cities.
Paris, now rightly regarded as a world city, a city of light
and one of the urban wonders of the world, was anything but in the early 19th
century. Growing organically without much in the way of planning or foresight
it was starting to fall victim to its own success. Small changes had been made
over time to alleviate problems here and there and opportunities to upgrade or
demolish buildings had been taken in the event of fires or other disasters but
it was time for something more radical. But first a vision was required and
someone powerful enough to drive that vision forward. Step forward the unlikely
possessor of that vision - Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, nephew of the more
famous Napoléon Bonaparte we all learnt about in history class. Vision he had,
but power and influence he most certainly lacked. Luckily for him (and arguably
the world) he was about to be ‘used’ by a political fixer by being installed as
President of France in 1848 and, after his short and undistinguished term in
office, then being replaced by said ‘fixer’. Unfortunately Charles Louis had
other ideas and executed a palace coup becoming Napoleon III – Emperor of the
French – in 1852. Power, influence were now his along with the vision of
creating a city fit for an Empire. Appointing Georges-Eugène Haussmann (later
Baron Haussmann) as Prefect of the Seine to co-ordinate the project the
wholesale overhaul of the city could begin.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
..and that's it for Star Wars Week. I hope you enjoyed this brief diversion but now back to 'normal' programming... [grin]
Just Finished Reading: The Boxer Rebellion by Richard O’Connor (FP: 1973) [348pp]
It’s sad to say but before reading this excellent history my knowledge (such as it was) of the Boxer Rebellion consisted mostly of snippets from other works and the 1963 movie 55 Days at Peking starring Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner and David Niven. Needless to say most of the movie was almost dead wrong historically.
The Boxer Rebellion was, it seemed, a long time coming.
China had been attacked, occupied and essentially bullied into economic ‘co-operation’
since the early 1800’s and was getting more than a little sick of it. A big
complaint was the activities of Christian missionaries who continued to convert
thousands of Chinese subjects to their cause and belief. But really most of it
was about power – and money. The Chinese authorities – especially the Empress –
knew full well that they could not confront the European Powers directly so
when the Boxer Uprising took place they saw their opportunity. The Boxers took
great offense to foreign intervention in Chinese affairs and began attacking
Europeans and those who worked for them with ever greater vigour. Naturally
complaints were raised (and acknowledged) but secretly the authorities either
turned a blind eye to Boxer activity or even actively encouraged it – handing over
weapons and offering training where appropriate. The ‘foreign’ settlement in the
capital Peking saw which way things were going and asked their respective
governments for military guards – which duly arrived. These consisted mainly of
marine units from the ships in harbour over a hundred miles away plus military
band units so hardly the best of the best (back in those days – 1900 – the marines
where not yet a countries elite fighting force).
It was not long before ‘blind eyes’ and tacit approval
turned into full government support and a concerted attack on European
settlements in several locations (not just in Peking) took place and involved
Chinese imperial troops as well as Boxer irregulars. The Legation in Peking was
very heavily outnumbered and was not expected to last very long. If it had been
overrun and the diplomats killed the resultant revenge from all of the Powers
would have been devastating to China despite the weak excuse of ‘The Boxers did
it’. How the Empress thought she would get away with such a thing is beyond me.
If things had gone ahead as planned and the Powers reacted as I fully expect
they would it wouldn’t have surprised me if China as a sovereign nation had
simply ceased to exist after being carved up and apportioned out to the
countries involved. However, as actually hinted at in the ‘63 movie (so kudos
there for that at least), the Chinese military commander refused to give over use
of heavier artillery to the Boxers knowing full well that the Powers couldn’t
withstand that and the number of casualties that would follow. What did
surprise me (although maybe it shouldn’t have) was the fact that, unlike the
movie portrayal, the Powers not only did not have any kind of unified command
structure – so communications were often delayed – but that several countries
contingents simply refused to co-operate with others which naturally meant
extra work to ensure that certain Powers where not required (or asked to)
assist certain others. For example the French refused to help the Germans
(ditto) and the Russians and Japanese could barely stand each other.
Interesting the film shows the US Marine commander (Heston) and the Japanese
commander having good relations (I did wonder if this was in order to back up
the anti-communist ‘pact between the two in the 1960’s). What the book relates
is that the Japanese commander was not only the most experienced and most able
of those available but (I think) also senior in rank so, technically at least,
should have been in overall command of the defences. Unfortunately it was
decided that it would be unthinkable for white men to be commanded by a
Japanese officer – no matter how capable. Despite the brief reference to Ava
Gardner playing at nursing (I think as I skipped through most of the ‘love
interest’ bit between her and Heston) women played almost no part in the movie.
In reality (again quite different) not only did they provide nursing services,
cooking and cleaning (again just being the turn of the 20th century)
but also produced most of the sandbags used in the barricades. One women (who I
think was either French or American) joined the men on the barricades with
rifle in hand. She was asked to leave as she provided too much of a distraction
to the men. The other thing that the movie completely edits out –
understandably as it adds a whole other level of possible confusion – was the
fact that a lot of Chinese Christians helped with barricade construction, and
much of the more mundane activities of any prolonged siege. The film also
failed to show the blatant disregard for the Chinese suffering in a near-by
compound despite the fact that the European Powers had offered them protection –
at least initially.
The siege at Peking and elsewhere lasted almost 2 months
largely due to the incompetence of and arguing between the respective Powers.
An initial relief attempt had to be rescued and withdrawn because it was too
small, put together too quickly and had grossly underestimated the resolve of
Chinese units ranged against them. Only when a properly constituted force was
ready – which took an inordinate amount of time – was progress made and the
siege of the foreign legation lifted. Again in the movie this was shown as a
just in time relief complete with marching bands. The reality was not so neat
however. There the movie ended complete with cheering. What it didn’t show was
what happened next. As Chinese forces left Peking the victorious (mostly
European) armies did what they always do – looted the city, for about a month.
Each Power looted in its own way and despite being ordered not to the American’s
joined it. Some people made LOTS of money and museums and art galleries, to say
nothing of heads of state, acquired choice Chinese artefacts which are still
held today. As with previous conflicts the defeat of Chinese forces led to
great penetration by the victorious Powers and even more trouble stored up for
This was a really fascinating book that had been sitting,
unread and unloved, for far too long on one of my shelves. I wish I had read it
sooner. I actually re-watched ’55 Days’ the day I finished this (YouTube for
the win!) to see just how different the movie version was to the actual
reality. I shouldn’t have been shocked but I was. This was an extremely
informative and interesting look at a piece of Imperial history and an
important part of the history of Western-Chinese relations that still echoes
today. Definitely worth reading if you can find a copy. Highly recommended.