The Hangover Cure Myth.
From The BBC:
With the festive season in full flow, researchers reveal what many may have suspected - hangover cures do not work. A team from the Peninsula Medical School found "no compelling evidence" that a range of herbal and conventional treatments were effective.
Writing in the British Medical Journal, the researchers say only abstinence or moderation can really stop hangovers. The team looked at existing research into potential cures, or preventative measures. But they could only find eight robust studies to examine. The trials looked at eight different agents: propranolol (a beta-blocking drug), tropisetron (drug for nausea and vertigo), tolfenamic acid (a painkiller from the same family as aspirin and ibuprofen), fructose or glucose, and the dietary supplements borage, artichoke, prickly pear, and a yeast based product.
Writing in the BMJ, they said: "The paucity of trials is in stark contrast to the plethora of 'hangover cures' marketed on the internet. "Our findings show no compelling evidence to suggest that any intervention is effective for preventing or treating alcohol hangover." But they said "encouraging findings" existed for borage, the yeast product and tolfenamic acid. The researchers, led by Max Pittler, said: "Our findings show no compelling evidence to suggest that any complementary or conventional intervention is effective for treating or preventing the alcohol hangover."
Edzard Ernst, professor of complementary medicine at the Peninsula Medical School, said: "We carried out our own - quite enjoyable - study to see if artichoke extract was an effective hangover cure. "It may have been fun to do, but the results were terrifically disappointing. We looked at other research into over-the-counter and herbal remedies which are on offer. "But they didn't work. And the only thing you can do with a hangover is let your body heal itself and learn the lesson that nature's telling you; don't do it again or do it in moderation." Women are advised to drink no more than three units a day, while the limit for men is four.
Now THAT sounds like a fun experiment to run! I can just imagine the assignment: “Right Class… For this weeks homework I want you all to go out and get drunk. Then I want you to take various substances in an attempt to ameliorate the effects of your hangovers. Remember. You will be graded on this.”
So, Guys & Gals, it looks like hangover cures are another Christmas myth. Unless you know better of course?
well, sweetheart - that's a D'UH!!!! post :-)
I just loved the way they 'experimented'.... (chuckle).
Then again... Medical students... 'nuff said.
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