by Frank Main - Friday, January 13, 2006 by the Chicago Sun Times
One of the nation's top political bloggers purchased the cell phone records of former presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark on Thursday to demonstrate the growing privacy concerns highlighted in a Chicago Sun-Times story last week. John Aravosis, publisher of AMERICAblog.com, said he bought Clark's records for $89.95 from celltolls.com. Aravosis said he obtained a list of 100 calls made on Clark's cell phone over three days in November -- no questions asked. Aravosis, whose liberal blog is critical of the Bush administration, said he called Clark's cell phone Thursday to make sure the former NATO supreme commander was informed Aravosis bought his records. Aravosis did not publish the numbers on his blog.
"I am not doing this to be mean, I am doing this to help people," Aravosis said. "I supported [Clark's] campaign when he was running in the beginning. "This shows nobody's records are untouchable. . . . Wouldn't it be interesting to know who [Sun-Times columnist] Bob Novak was calling in the month that [CIA agent] Valerie Plame's name came out? How about [U.S. Attorney] Patrick Fitzgerald's phone calls?" Clark said legal remedies are needed to stop companies from selling telephone records.
"When I learned today that my phone records were purchased for less than a hundred dollars I joined millions of Americans who worry about the invasion of their privacy that seems to be the growing price of technology," Clark said. "People should be able to trust that their privacy is being respected and protected by everyone from the government to our internet and mobile phone service providers. Clearly, this is not the case." Clark urged consumers to contact their senators to urge passage of a law to order the Federal Trade Commission to "restore integrity to the system and give people back a reasonable degree of privacy."
Personally I’m stunned by this story. It seems that in the USA its money that talks. How can a company justify selling that sort of information? What other details are available for “less than a hundred dollars”? What ever happened to privacy? Is it happening (or going to happen) over here too?
That IS scary! One has to wonder this though: Am I important enough to have my phone records purchased and also, would anyone who actually wanted my phone records, for whatever reason, have the expendable income to fork over 80+ dollars?
I doubt it. All that means is that I am relatively safe but it doesn't mean that I shouldn't do whatever I can to make sure other people's right to privacy are protected. That's just a really scary story--plain & simple.
Indeed Sadie.... Very democratic though when you think about it. Not only does your government (as probably does ours) spy on its own people - but anyone with a spare $100 can spy on them too....
I saw a story about this on the news a couple nights ago. One woman was being stalked by her ex-husband who bought her cell phone records. Unfortunately I think there's no such thing as privacy in the U.S. anymore and the right amount of money will buy you what you want. I hope this isn't contagious.
V V said: One woman was being stalked by her ex-husband who bought her cell phone records.
Indeed. Such a system where you can pay for call information is SO open to abuse... Is it really legal?
So far it's legal, but there is a bill before Congress right now to close that loophole, so I expect this will change in the near future.
I find this deeply deeply frightening, myself....Since the Bushies have been in office, our "rights" have been eroded at such a rapid rate that it leaves one breathless...These people do feel that THEY are above the law and can do anything and everything THEY want and are justified in doing so...GOOD LORD! What frightens me is that so many people voted for this man and his cronies...What does this say about this many Americans??? Are they stupid? Blind? In Denial?? OR, worse than any of the above..do they believe that all the things this administration does is just fine??? And now, we have Alito, who will probably get confirmed to The Supreme Court and more of our hard won 'rights' will undoubtedly go by the wayside..ROE V. WADE!!!, Setting women back more than 50 years!!! It's all very scary CK...very very scary....and this phone stuff...HELP!!! I had not heard about the Clark phone records...I thank you for bringing that to my attention...it's just all so depressing. Where is it going to end?
I meant to say, also, that the climate created by the W. People allows for the selling of phone records, and the sellers to have no thought about if that is wrong, or not, etc...PLUS the incredible emphasis on Greed, at any cost! As long as you get your money, who cares who it hurts or even if it's wrong..Was it always like this? Perhaps...but it does seem much much worse than it ever was before...All the BIG CEO people who turn to illegal stuff for MORE money, and then end up in jail when they are found out...yes, I know it probably always has gone on, but I do believe it truly IS much worse now.
I'll stop! (lol)
Can anyone name anything that cannot be bought?
Agi said: Can anyone name anything that cannot be bought?
Yes. Happiness... But if you have enough money.. you can rent it.
It IS looking rather black Naomi... Maybe its about time the people got off their hind legs & did something... after all (at least from this distance) it doesn't look like the Democrats are doing very much... Or the media...
There are signs of hope... but I think something needs to be done...
Just chanced across your blog. Great stuff!!
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