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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Cartoon Time.


Scott said...

People waiting for doctors? Must be Canadians.

CyberKitten said...

Really? I thought that the Canadian Health Service was quite good. They certainly seem to put a lot of their GDP into things like that....

Scott said...


If I want an MRI I can get one tomorrow.

Sadie Lou said...

Scott's right, I don't understand the "waiting" part of this joke. I have a family doctor and we get seen within 10 minutes of arrival. I'm not saying that my experience speaks for all Americans but I question the cartoonist's agenda here.

Scott said...

The agenda is, quite simply, we should have Universal health care. Because while it's glaringly apparent that U.S. politicians have no idea how to protect citizen's rights, manage budgets, educate students, manage foreign policy, manage social security, manage utilities, manage monetary issues, manage intelligence, manage welfare, and manage emergency rescue, the majority of Americans want to make politicians doctors and have them manage our health care as well.


CyberKitten said...

Personally I took it to be a comment about military spending Vs what I took to be spending on Health care for those who can't afford to pay for it....

As to the cartoonists *actual* intention... I have no idea.