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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

God, Inc Episode One.

Found this on You Tube. Hilarious......


Paste said...

I enjoyed that, I felt it could have been expanded quite a bit, let's see what Miracles dept has to offer!

Paste said...

Just seen Episode 2 as well!

Paste said...

I'd be grateful if you could change my link to


Great video by the way.

CyberKitten said...

I'll be posting Episode 2 (and hopefully more) in the coming week(s)

Will do Dave. Should've done it sooner but I'm crap @ Admin stuff...

Paste said...

Thanks for attempting to change it but unfortunately it is now completely inacessible! It's a merger of your and my blog addresses???

CyberKitten said...

Sorry Dave. I'll try again........ Hard to believe I work in IT (well, for another 3.5 days anyway.......)

Michael Bains said...

You work in IT? Me too! Kinda... {-;

I'm a PC tech but once told my boss "I'm not really a techie" cuz he's a fairly serious geek, but me? I'd rather be socio-politi-blogging. Eventually I do still plan to get a MA/PhD and teach/consult, etc.

Found you via Stardust (cool comments, yo) and like your site muchly.

I'd Rather Blogging Hhmmm... Maybe I can get a gig in Heaven's Advertising Dept when I die...

Oops! I forgot. I've already got a sulphurous, black mold infested Condo leased for eternity in the Septic Bowel of Hell.

C'est la vie


JR said...

That was entertaining but I agree, they could have expanded a little on it. Can't wait to see part two.

CyberKitten said...

Thanks for your comments michael..

When people have told me in the past I'm going to Hell I usually respond that at least it'll be warm & most of my friends will be there... [grin]. Not that I believe in the child-scaring BS anyway but it normally has pretty good shock value.

V V - Entertaining indeed. Part Two is almos twice as long & I'm hoping for a continuing series. It's a pretty good idea & I can really see it as a TV sitcom too. Not sure how that'd fly in the States though!