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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Poster Time.


Laura said...

OOh, I like that. Not that I say the pledge anymore, but I like that.

Evil Spock said...

I'd rather do the Green Lantern Oath.

Aginoth said...

We're Watching Fox....

JR said...

I prefer that to the Pledge of Allegiance, which I have to say a number of times a month at governmental meetings. They also recite the Lord's Prayer which makes me really uncomfortable. I believe in God and have no problem with the Lord's Prayer in general, but I do have a problem with it being said prior to governmental meetings. As the attorney for these meetings I want to remind them about the separation of church and state, but as an employee of my firm, and living in a very conservative area, I know my comments would not be appreciated.

CyberKitten said...

V V said: As the attorney for these meetings I want to remind them about the separation of church and state, but as an employee of my firm, and living in a very conservative area, I know my comments would not be appreciated.

It's a shame that you feel the need to keep quiet....

JR said...

Unfortunately that's the climate I live in. I have to pick my battles.

CyberKitten said...

Indeed VV, indeed.

Never engage in battle if you have a good chance of losing.

Have you read 'The Art of War'..?

JR said...

I haven't, are you recommending it? I hate having to pick my battles, but have come to realize charging at windmills doesn't suit me either. ;-) I did mean to tell you I received _The God Delusion_ by Richard Dawkins for Christmas and can't wait to dig into it, but it will probably have to wait until I get settled into my new routine of working extra hours.

CyberKitten said...

V V asked: I haven't, are you recommending it?

Oh, I would recommend that to everyone!

V V said: I did mean to tell you I received _The God Delusion_ by Richard Dawkins for Christmas and can't wait to dig into it, but it will probably have to wait until I get settled into my new routine of working extra hours.

Me too... but I already had it. Going to be my Summer reading I think... [rubs hands].