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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Pulp SF Art

From the Feb 1948 edition of Amazing Stories.


Paste said...

It's strange isn't it how things have turned out? I bet if you read the stories in this comic then they'd all be saying that by the year 2000 we'd all be travelling around as per on the cover. When in actual fact anyone in 1948 would have no trouble at all recognising our cars with a wheel in each corner, a steering wheel. windscreen etc etc. Sci fi of 50 odd years ago always concentrated on travel and yet nearly always missed the real difference ie communication. (PCs, mobiles etc etc). I always thought that Star Trek in 1968/9 got pretty close with the communicators that they used that were remarkably like mobile (cell) flip phones.

CyberKitten said...

The future is certainly not what it used to be. SF authors in the 50's in particular were *very* confident that just about everything was possible by the Year 2000. How wrong they where!

I'm sure that they would be amazed at some things we take for granted but would be horrified by much else.

I did laugh when I saw a recent episode of ST:OS (Star Trek: Original Series) when the crew of the Enterprise traveled 'back' to the 1960's... and made sure that the general population couldn't see them using their communicators. Of course today no one would notice them using their 'flip-phones'.. [rotflmao].

Apparently you can get that sound they make as your ring tone!