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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Religions don't deserve special treatment.

By A C Grayling

October 19, 2006

It is time to reverse the prevailing notion that religious commitment is intrinsically deserving of respect, and that it should be handled with kid gloves and protected by custom and in some cases law against criticism and ridicule. It is time to refuse to tip-toe around people who claim respect, consideration, special treatment, or any other kind of immunity, on the grounds that they have a religious faith, as if having faith were a privilege-endowing virtue, as if it were noble to believe in unsupported claims and ancient superstitions. It is neither. Faith is a commitment to belief contrary to evidence and reason, as between them Kierkegaard and the tale of Doubting Thomas are at pains to show; their example should lay to rest the endeavours of some (from the Pope to the Southern Baptists) who try to argue that faith is other than at least non-rational, given that for Kierkegaard its virtue precisely lies in its irrationality.

On the contrary: to believe something in the face of evidence and against reason - to believe something by faith - is ignoble, irresponsible and ignorant, and merits the opposite of respect. It is time to say so. It is time to demand of believers that they take their personal choices and preferences in these non-rational and too often dangerous matters into the private sphere, like their sexual proclivities. Everyone is free to believe what they want, providing they do not bother (or coerce, or kill) others; but no-one is entitled to claim privileges merely on the grounds that they are votaries of one or another of the world's many religions. And as this last point implies, it is time to demand and apply a right for the rest of us to non-interference by religious persons and organisations - a right to be free of proselytisation and the efforts of self-selected minority groups to impose their own choice of morality and practice on those who do not share their outlook.

Doubtless the votaries of religion will claim that they have the moral (the immoral) choices of the general population thrust upon them in the form of suggestive advertising, bad language and explicit sex on television, and the like; they need to be reminded that their television sets have an off button. There are a number of religious TV channels available, one more emetic than the next, which I do not object to on the grounds of their existence; I just don't watch them. These remarks will of course inflame people of religious faith, who take themselves to have an unquestionable right to respect for the faith they adhere to, and a right to advance, if not indeed impose (because they claim to know the truth, remember) their views on others. In the light of history and the present, matters should perhaps be to the contrary; but stating that religious commitment is not by itself a reason for respect is not to claim that it is a reason for disrespect either. Rather, as it is somewhere written, "by their fruits ye shall know them"; it is this that far too often provides grounds for disrespect of religion and its votaries.

The point to make in opposition to the predictable response of religious believers is that human individuals merit respect first and foremost as human individuals. Shared humanity is the ultimate basis of all person-to-person and group-to-group relationships, and views which premise differences between human beings as the basis of moral consideration, most especially those that involve claims to possession by one group of greater truth, holiness, or the like, start in absolutely the wrong place. We might enhance the respect others accord us if we are kind, considerate, peace-loving, courageous, truthful, loyal to friends, affectionate to our families, aspirants to knowledge, lovers of art and nature, seekers after the good of humankind, and the like; or we might forfeit that respect by being unkind, ungenerous, greedy, selfish, wilfully stupid or ignorant, small-minded, narrowly moralistic, superstitious, violent, and the like. Neither set of characteristics has any essential connection with the presence or absence of specific belief systems, given that there are nice and nasty Christians, nice and nasty Muslims, nice and nasty atheists.

That is why the respect one should have for one's fellow humans has to be founded on their humanity, irrespective of the things they have no choice over - ethnicity, age, sexuality, natural gifts, presence or absence of disability - and conditionally (ie. not for intrinsic reasons) upon the things they choose - political affiliation, belief system, lifestyle - according to the case that can be made for the choice and the defence that can be offered of the actions that follow from it. It is because age, ethnicity and disability are not matters of choice that people should be protected from discrimination premised upon them. By contrast, nothing that people choose in the way of politics, lifestyle or religion should be immune from criticism and (when, as so often it does, it merits it) ridicule.

Those who claim to be "hurt" or "offended" by the criticisms or ridicule of people who do not share their views, yet who seek to silence others by law or by threats of violence, are trebly in the wrong: they undermine the central and fundamental value of free speech, without which no other civil liberties are possible; they claim, on no justifiable ground, a right to special status and special treatment on the sole ground that they have chosen to believe a set of propositions; and they demand that people who do not accept their beliefs and practices should treat these latter in ways that implicitly accept their holder's evaluation of them. A special case of the respect agenda run by religious believers concerns the public advertisement of their faith membership. When people enter the public domain wearing or sporting immediately obvious visual statements of their religious affiliation, one at least of their reasons for doing so is to be accorded the overriding identity of a votary of that religion, with the associated implied demand that they are therefore to be given some form of special treatment including respect.

But why should they be given automatic respect for that reason? That asserting a religious identity as one's primary front to the world is divisive at least and provocative at worst is fast becoming the view of many, although eccentricities of dress and belief were once of little account in our society, when personal religious commitment was more reserved to the private sphere - where it properly belongs - than its politicisation of late has made it. From this thought large morals can be drawn for our present discontents. But one part of a solution to those discontents must surely be to tell those who clamour for a greater slice of public indulgence, public money and public respect, that their personal religious beliefs and practices matter little to the rest of us, though sometimes they are a cause of disdain or amusement; and that the rest of us are as entitled not to be annoyed by them as their holders are entitled to hold them. But no organised religion, as an institution, has a greater claim to the attention of others in society than does a trade union, political party, voluntary organisation, or any other special interest group - for "special interest groups" are exactly what churches and organised religious bodies are.

No one could dream of demanding that political parties be respected merely because they are political parties, or of protecting them from the pens of cartoonists; nor that their members should be. On the contrary. And so it should be for all interest groups and their members, without exception.

[It had to be said… and it was said so well.]


sirkolgate said...

Hey now...

*shrug* Why should we lock up some of our emotions and not others?

If I'm gay and have a rainbow on my car or a shirt that says "I'm with Him" (and I'm a he) am I more or less wrong than the guy with the Jesus shirt?

Should the paws of religion be out of politics and other 'public' groups? Sure...

Yet, as often as I'm a nice guy, I'd rather not be one for this article.

While it is indeed very well said, it is not said well. This article could easily be stripped of a few words and be a fantastic peace about the "Wrath of Opinion" and its rampant effect on the world.

This is kinda a 'bait and switch' because it makes a load of great points about how people with opinions can make things rough on everyone else, but then it points a very loaded gun at Religion.

How coy.

*laughs* Didn't even really bother me much. But I was smart enough to realize what the article was 'really' about. I fear for those who would read this emotional article and become 'emotional' and feel that as a christian I'm some proud overzealous freak that's going to steal your children from their beds.


Oh, and Religion is not some juggernaut of distruction because it ignores science. People kill and hate people for lots of reasons... land, taxes, money, skin color... religion is just one of the players.

Science gave us guns, planes, ships, bombs, nukes... so what? We kill ourselves for the same reasons, but better. Thanks.

Those points are dumb, yes. But they are true.

A handful of facts in a sauce of fancy literary speak isn't always what's right. Let's not forget that.

dbackdad said...

To sirkolgate ... huh? Every once in awhile, each of us gets a blog tourist that flies in, makes an unintelligible comment and leaves never to be heard from again. To those people, I suggest:

- step back from the keyboard
- put down the crack pipe
- take a deep breath

Then you can come back and try to put together a cogent thought.

Concerning the article, I think it's dead on. Dawkins talks about this very point a lot in the God Delusion. Religion shouldn't be allowed to be in this bubble that is immune from criticism and analysis. Nothing else is afforded such an honor.

CyberKitten said...

Hey, sirkolgate. Welcome back.

sirkolgate asked: Why should we lock up some of our emotions and not others?

Probably because some of our emotions are bad or inappropriate? Hate is a fairly negative emotion wouldn't you say?

sirkolgate asked: If I'm gay and have a rainbow on my car or a shirt that says "I'm with Him" (and I'm a he) am I more or less wrong than the guy with the Jesus shirt?

Dr Grayling specifically mentioned that things beyond our control - like sexual orientation - should be protected against discrimination whilst things like belief systems (of any kind) should have no such protection. We are Christians, Communists or Flat Earthers by choice.

sirkolgate said: This article could easily be stripped of a few words and be a fantastic peace about the "Wrath of Opinion" and its rampant effect on the world.

You're going to have to explain that one to me.

sirkolgate said: But I was smart enough to realize what the article was 'really' about. I fear for those who would read this emotional article and become 'emotional' and feel that as a christian I'm some proud overzealous freak that's going to steal your children from their beds.

Is that what the article was *really* about? I thought it was about no longer giving religion a free ride?

sirkolgate said: Oh, and Religion is not some juggernaut of destruction because it ignores science.

No, it's just dumb and shows its wilful ignorance.

sirkolgate said: People kill and hate people for lots of reasons... land, taxes, money, skin color... religion is just one of the players.

Very true.

sirkolgate said: A handful of facts in a sauce of fancy literary speak isn't always what's right. Let's not forget that.

Again true - but I think that Dr Graylings article makes some very good points. Religion should not be protected from debate, criticism or ridicule. No other belief system is so protected. Why should religion?

sirkolgate said...

Forgive the initial argument. I guess I let my crackpipe get the best of me.

I guess, being all religious, overzealous, unpredictable, and illogical I simply over extended myself. I was hurling my comments at the article in ‘general’ rather than making substantiated points.

Too much poetry in my life… I’d suppose.

My comment regarding opinion and the nature of this article is as follows:

Religion is an emotional endeavor. It is purely in the minds of those who practice, hence the requirement of faith. It can’t be proven in any way and many of its historical stories or beliefs are full of mysticism.

As such I would say that we are all very ‘opinionated’ in ways that would resemble the effectual unintelligence of those who practice religion. We do certain things because that is the way we ‘always’ did them regardless of why we started doing them that way, or because there is a ‘better’ way.

Why then should we do anything except what is the ‘best’ way?

I agree all our politicians and every decision should be made the ‘best’ way. The ‘best’ being taking in to consideration all possible elements of a decision and basing the answer on what is pure, whole, moralistic, and clearly the solution which ‘best’ solves the problem.

The article makes no point against multitudes of things that exist in this world that demand ‘respect’ yet are in their nature wholly against everything that is ‘respectful’. It’s just a point of fact that wherever a multitude gather and solidify under a banner of some principle or another they’re going to expect a certain amount of ‘respect’ whether the people around them like it or not.

So I’d assume it’s biased =)

In summary… I’d say that religion doesn’t deserve anything outside of what people are willing to give it. In that fancy way that you always did what your friends did even though “If all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?” Why not write an article about why we shouldn’t have night because it’d make us all so much more productive? The article inflames people against a group of people on valid points with harsh language. That’s why it was written and that’s why it is wrong.

As you will most likely come to see, from my comments which will continue in a rather non-touristy way, I am intelligent enough to be an Athiest, but the romantic in me won’t give up his cold hard grasp on not dying when I die.

Stupid... I know.