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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cartoon Time.


Stardust said...

Too bad more moderates, atheists and agnostics don't speak up against the religious anti-science zealots. If we did, we would shut them up rather quickly and they wouldn't end up running our government.

CyberKitten said...

stardust said: Too bad more moderates, atheists and agnostics don't speak up against the religious anti-science zealots.

Why don't you think more people say something? What have they got to be afraid of?

JR said...

Um, depending upon your locale, being stoned to death, burned at the stake, shot by a religious nut, the list goes on....

CyberKitten said...

V V said: Um, depending upon your locale, being stoned to death, burned at the stake, shot by a religious nut, the list goes on....

OK. *Apart* from that what's the problem [laughs].

wstachour said...

My friend commented on this topic the other day. She wanted to put a Jesus-fish-like "Flying Spaghetti Monster" sticker on her car, but she was afraid people would vandalize it.

But who ever vandalizes the cars with Jesus fish on them?

These are not equal sides of a dispute. Certainly in history violence has occasionally come from the extreme Left, but in my experience religious folks are much more likely to be violent than atheists.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

This made me think og Keith Olbermann's "SPECIAL COMMENTS"...The one today way FANTASTIC! I so hope you will go on his blog site and look for this Special Comment, February 14th, 2008...OR, YouTube often has them....This one was so POWERFUL, today....This man is such a Brave Broadcaster.....I LOVE HIM!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

By way of explanation: This one today was giving it to Bush...Not about anything religeous, but about what a lier he is, among other things.He calls him a fascist, too! (Which he is!!!)
Olbermann is the BEST Broadcaster on Television, for my money!