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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Picture Time.



craziequeen said...

Our new holiday cottage??

[looks hopeful]


CyberKitten said...

Could be... except that I have *no* idea where it is - probably in Scotland or Ireland... maybe....

Juggling Mother said...

Unfortunately it's in Brittany - it's a famous tourist attraction there - well, it would be if the French weren't so rude to tourists.....

JR said...

JM, ahh, there go any thoughts of an idyllic vacation.

CyberKitten said...

Never had a problem with the French. Wonderful people as far as I can tell....

Juggling Mother said...

huh, I hitched right through Europe when I was young. the French were resoundingly rude each time I passed through.

(FYI, the Germans were probably the nicest - or maybe the Irish, but they've changed since then!)

I have met nice French people - although never in France!