There was a funny incident at work this week. I was talking to a colleague and noticed that she was bundling together a bunch of cable-ties. “62” I said. “What?” she replied. “62 cable-ties”. “How did you know?” she enquired, looking confused. Of course I didn’t know and told her so. “Are there really 62?” I enquired. She nodded and looked a little spooked out.
Actually this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Some years ago after a long day, after an even longer week, a group of us were tidying some stuff away when the Boss asked how many instruction sheets we had left over. They were in envelopes so I picked up a handful of them and waved them in front of my face. “27” I said. The Boss gave me a rather unkind look and advised me to count them properly. Which I did – to find that there were indeed 27 envelopes.
Even stranger, some years earlier I was doing A Level Psychology at college when another study group needed volunteers for a set of ESP experiments. The one I was given was guessing the suit of playing cards as each one was presented face down to me. As I guessed one after the other the girl conducting the experiment began to look more and more uncomfortable. After a few minutes she suddenly looked relieved. I enquired what the matter was and she told me that until that moment I had correctly guessed 29 cards in the correct sequence.
During my teenage years I experienced déjà vu on an almost monthly basis and for my own amusement told people exactly what was going to happen in the next few minutes. More often than not I was right. On another occasion I heard my brother call my name from another part of the house so I went looking for him. When I asked him what he wanted he informed me that he hadn’t called me. He was going to but then decided against it. Both my Mother and I have had dreams that have come true – though famously she got my sex wrong before the birth. We also have been known to answer the phone before it rings. In fact I did that just last week at work.
The guys at work have a good laugh about my ‘psychic abilities’ and I do find them highly amusing. You might find it odd that I don’t believe that there is anything supernatural going on – or even anything particularly strange. I know lots of people who have had prophetic dreams, or déjà vu or any number of so-called psychic experiences. As far as I am concerned it’s just a normal non-supernatural part of life. The brain is an incredibly complex organ which we are only just beginning to understand. So-called ‘psychic’ abilities are nothing more, I suspect, than the brain doing things that we have always been able to do – except that now in this high-tech age we have forgotten that we can. So if weird stuff happens to you from time to time my advice is to enjoy it while it lasts and not to take it too seriously.