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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Yet another reminder that Rupert Grint is the weakest link in those movies. I find his overacting distracting.

That's a perfect little montage with the perfect song though. :-)

CyberKitten said...

Hi Mike. If I haven't already done so I wish you & yours a Happy New Year.

Grint was almost certainly the worst thing about the Harry Potter films. Which from me isn't really saying much as I *really* didn't like them. I suffered through the first three films and books until I decided that I really didn't see what all the fuss was about.

Agreed that the song and the montage are pretty perfect. I started looking out for 'Blurry' but the embedd had been disabled - so I thought I'd post this instead. It's a great 'fun' song from a very good band.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

I enjoyed the books, and all the films so far. The later books are my favorites.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Where are my manners?! A Happy New Year to you and yours as well!! :-)

VV said...

I liked the first movie, all the others after that, just weren't as good. I think the first one was only good for the novelty of the special effects and the story. My son liked all the movies and books. Harry Potter got him reading when nothing else would. Who knew he was simply bored with all the reading material the public schools were offering him. Once he explained that he liked "complicated" and "long" and "difficult" then we quickly moved on to _Lord of the Rings_ and books of that ilk.

Thomas Fummo said...

Tom felton just reminds me of Eminem.

oh yeah,
Ron + Hermione 4 evah.