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Friday, July 03, 2009

Word of the Week: Android

[modern L. androides Gk. Andr-, “man”] an artificial being that resembles a human in form, especially one made from flesh-like material (as opposed to metal or plastic). [Early cites refer to an alchemical creation and to purely mechanical automata.]

1727-51 E. Chambers Cyclopaedia: Albertus Magnus is recorded as having made a famous androides.

1883 J. Ogilvie Imperial Dictionary of English Language 102/1: Android […] A machine in the human form which, by certain springs, imitates the natural motions of a living man.


dbackdad said...

Wow. I'm really surprised that word is as old as it is. I would have guessed its origins around the time of the heyday of early sci-fi.

CyberKitten said...

Weird isn't it. I too would imagine that most, in not all, of the words used in SF date from the 1930's to the 1960's. Not so apparently - at least for some of them....