About Me

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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cartoon Time.


VV said...

I felt a little pressured to get MySpace and Facebook pages by friends and acquaintances who always wanted me to see photos only accessible on their pages and keep in touch that way. I hated it! (Constant messages from people I really didn't want to keep in that close a touch with, and them posting my photos and personal info everywhere.) A few weeks back I finally deleted my Facebook page. I hated that there were these electronic connections out there in cyberspace to everyone I ever knew or worked with. I mean, how would I ever be able to go on the run and hide from the Feds with all that info out there? They'd find me in no time. A girl really should keep some of her associations private. Now I just have to figure out how to delete my MySpace page and begin making new friends and acquaintances that nobody knows about so I'll have a place to hide should the need ever arise. ;-)

Thomas Fummo said...


they trick you into it

and then they drag you deeper

and deeper

until you're trapped forever.

CyberKitten said...

Most of my friends are now on Facebook and have asked me to join them on several ocassions. As I speak to them IRL or by e-mail on a daily basis I didn't think Facebook was going to be exactly life enhancing. I spend too much of my day looking at this screen anyway without adding yet another reason to burn out my retina's..... [laughs]