Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
Plato’s Republic – A Biography by Simon Blackburn
Oddly the author – philosopher Simon Blackburn – starts this
discussion of Plato’s Republic with two confessions. Firstly that, before
taking on the commission, he had never read the book from cover to cover (nor
me yet) and second with the fact that he’s no great fan of Plato (me neither
from what I’ve read). So as you can imagine I wasn’t entirely sure what to
What I got was an interesting, informative and at time
provocative discussion of many of the themes brought out in this seminal work.
I was aware of some of the main themes of the book (even before touching on it
slightly on my last University course) and was, seemingly in good company with
the author, singularly unimpressed by them. Fortunately for me, because I find
the whole idea bizarre and frankly boring, the author didn’t dwell on Platonic
Forms. He did however spend a chapter looking at Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
and had many of the same problems with it as I did. The majority of this
volume, admittedly slim at only 161 pages, focused on the political side of
Plato’s ideal city with its rigid caste system, lack of any kind of democratic
accountability and the rather strange idea that most forms of art, poetry and
theatre should be banned from any society wishing for order on the streets.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Psychic pair fail scientific test
31 October 2012
BBC News education correspondent
A scientific experiment has found that two mediums were
unable to demonstrate that they had special psychic powers. The test by
researchers at Goldsmiths, University
of London , tried to
establish whether mediums could use psychic abilities to identify something
about five unseen volunteers. The results, carried out under test conditions,
did not show evidence of any unexplained powers of insight. But medium Patricia
Putt said this experiment "doesn't prove a thing". This Halloween
challenge was an attempt to investigate whether professional mediums could
demonstrate their psychic powers in a controlled setting - by inviting them to
deduce something about people they had never met and could not see or hear.
The experiment, designed by Chris French, head of the
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths, asked two professional mediums
to write something about five individuals who were concealed behind a screen.
These five volunteers were then asked to try to identify themselves from these
psychic readings - with a success rate of only one in five. This was a result
that was "entirely consistent with the operation of chance alone",
said Professor French. But one of the mediums, Patricia Putt, rejected the
suggestion that this showed any absence of psychic powers - saying that she
needed to work face-to-face with people or to hear their voice, so that a
connection could be established. "Psychic energy" was not likely to
work in the setting created for the experiment, she said, and her success rate
was usually very high. Ms Putt said the experiment was designed to confirm the
researchers' pre-conceptions - rather than examine the nature of her psychic
ability. "Scientists are very closed-minded," she said. She said
there were fraudsters operating as psychic mediums - but that it was wrong for
scientists to think that such mediums "were all the same". But
Michael Marshall of the Merseyside Skeptics Society, who helped to organise the
test, said it showed that claims to have special abilities "aren't based
[No surprise there then. Psychics fail to produce any
statistically significant hits in an actual scientifically controlled test. I
tried it myself some years ago when I had a Tarot car reading and paid extra to
have the whole thing recorded. I made sure that I gave as little information
away as possible during the session and, on reviewing the tape later, found
that she was repeatedly throwing out guesses – probably based on past
experience – and waiting for my confirmation to narrow her focus and without it
her guesses where wildly wrong. Sure, she got a few things right but I could
probably guess a few things about any passing stranger and get them spot on.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Just Finished Reading : A
Brief History of the Wars of the Roses – The Bloody Rivalry for the Throne of England by
Desmond Seward
For a period of 30 years in the second half of the 15th
century England
was at war with itself over who would rule the country. Two sides – grouped
together under the banners of the House of York and the House of Lancaster –
schemed and, from time to time, engaged in deadly conflict. Neither side had
any intention of giving ground or quarter to enemies that they deeply despised.
Both sides saw themselves to be in the right with both God and the country on
their side. In such an atmosphere it is not difficult to understand that almost
any action was justified and any treachery attempted to win the throne once and
for all. It was a conflict that pitched father against son and friend against
friend. So vicious was the feuding between enemies that even between battles,
in times of comparative peace, forces would still ride out to attack their
neighbours or waylay them on the open road. After the few pitched battles that
did take place – apparently a total of 13 weeks over 30 years – the commanders
of the losing side where, as often as not, executed on the spot and, as often
as not, by their own relatives. Uncles executed nephews in reprisal for
previous executions of sons by fathers. It was by all accounts very nasty indeed.
Surprisingly (or at least it surprised me) the rank and file – those who
survived the initial slaughter – where not treated in anything like the same
way. Obligated to follow their lords into battle they were seen as not fully
responsible for their actions. Their lands, now forfeited to the victors, meant
that henceforth they would fight for their new masters and so they were sparred
– until called upon months or years later to stand on another battlefield.
We covered at least part of this great conflict in my early
school history lessons. Back in those days I wasn’t as passionate about history
as I am now so I didn’t pay the subject as much attention as I should have. I
knew (or had a pretty good idea) that Lancaster won – they did – and that the
Wars of the Roses (not called that at the time) culminated in victory at the
Battle of Bosworth in 1485 for Henry Tudor and effectively ended the Middle
Ages (again not called that at the time). Indeed even before I knew anything
about the battle itself I knew who lost because it had been taught to us as a
childhood mnemonic to remember the colours of the rainbow – Richard Of York
Gave Battle In Vain (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). That
Richard being Richard III who died at Bosworth repeatedly shouting ‘Traitor’ at
the top of his voice (rather than ‘A horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse’)
as his enemies surrounded him and hacked him to death. The story of the Wars,
told in truly excellent fashion by the author, overflowed with towering
personalities, both good and bad (in my day for example King Richard III was
still pretty much as bad as they get) most of whom I was at least aware of. Two
‘new’ characters did jump out at me in this narrative though – Margaret
Beaufort the mother of the Tudor dynasty which culminated in Henry VIII and his
daughter Elizabeth I and William Hastings (Lord Oxford) who was the York’s
greatest champion.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Gerry Anderson, the creator of hit TV shows including Thunderbirds, Stingray and Joe 90, has died at the age of 83.
He also created Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons and his
puppet superheroes fired the imaginations of millions of young viewers in the
1960s and '70s. Thunderbirds, a science-fiction fantasy about a daring rescue
squad, ran from 1965 and was his most famous show. Anderson had suffered from Alzheimer's since
2010 and the disease had worsened in recent months, his son Jamie said.
[This guy pretty much *was* my childhood. I grew up with
Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet (who I desperately wanted to be through most of my pre-teens),
Stingray and, somewhat later, UFO. I have the complete Thunderbirds on DVD and
will probably pick up the other series too. I'm sure that I'm not alone in
being hugely influenced by the works of Gerry Anderson. They don't make things
like his shows any more.]
Monday, December 24, 2012
My Favourite Movies: Eight Legged Freaks
For those who know me, or those who have meandered through
my favourite movies posts, this particular movie selection should come as no
surprise considering that I am a long time fan of 50’s monster movies. Indeed a
scene from one of my all-time favourite monster movies (and indeed one of my
favourite bits from that movie) appears briefly – on a TV screen – in this film
and is used as an explanation of a child’s overactive imagination (as he
rightly says early on – no one believes the kid).
Anyway as you can imagine if you haven’t already seen this
minor classic the film revolves around giant spiders. Lot
and lots and even more giant spiders…… You see the small Arizona
town of Prosperity
is dying after the local gold mine ran dry. There’s no work and everyone is
slowly leaving. Meanwhile the town big-wig (payed by Leon Rippy) has cut a deal
with a chemical firm to (illegally) store toxic chemicals in parts of the
abandoned mine and some of it gets into the local water supply. Insects
drinking this water are then fed to inmates of the local spider farm and the
rest, as they say, is mayhem. Unsurprisingly the arachnids grow quickly to huge
proportions and pretty soon the local cats, dogs and occasional person starts to
go missing. As the chief of police (played by the lovely Kari Wuhrer pictured
above) struggles with what’s going on in her previously sleepy town an old
would-be boyfriend (David Arquette) returns after a 10 year absence….. and
finally though rather belatedly they start to believe the kid (Scott Terra).
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
18, 2012
circle stars beyond our sun. Only a handful smaller than Earth have been found
so far. Spitzer has performed transit studies on known exoplanets, but UCF-1.01
is the first ever identified with the telescope, pointing to a possible role
for Spitzer in helping discover potentially habitable, terrestrial-sized
worlds. "We have found strong evidence for a very small, very hot and very
near planet with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope," said Kevin
Stevenson from the University of Central Florida in Orlando . Stevenson is lead author of the
paper, which has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.
"Identifying nearby small planets such as UCF-1.01 may one day lead to
their characterization using future instruments."
hot new planet candidate was found unexpectedly in Spitzer observations.
Stevenson and his colleagues were studying the Neptune-sized exoplanet GJ 436b,
already known to exist around the red-dwarf star GJ 436. In the Spitzer data,
the astronomers noticed slight dips in the amount of infrared light streaming
from the star, separate from the dips caused by GJ 436b. A review of Spitzer
archival data showed the dips were periodic, suggesting a second planet might
be blocking out a small fraction of the star's light.
technique, used by a number of observatories including NASA's Kepler space
telescope, relies on transits to detect exoplanets. The duration of a transit
and the small decrease in the amount of light registered reveals basic
properties of an exoplanet, such as its size and distance from its star. In
UCF-1.01's case, its diameter would be approximately 5,200 miles (8,400
kilometers), or two-thirds that of Earth. UCF-1.01 would revolve quite tightly
around GJ 436, at about seven times the distance of the Earth from the moon,
with its "year" lasting only 1.4 Earth days. Given this proximity to
its star, far closer than the planet Mercury is to our sun, the exoplanet's
surface temperature would be more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (almost 600
degrees Celsius).
the roasted, diminutive planet candidate ever had an atmosphere, it almost
surely has evaporated. UCF-1.01 might therefore resemble a cratered, mostly
geologically dead world like Mercury. Paper co-author Joseph Harrington, also
of the University of Central Florida and principal investigator of the
research, suggested another possibility; that the extreme heat of orbiting so
close to GJ 436 has melted the exoplanet's surface. "The planet could even
be covered in magma," Harrington said. In addition to UCF-1.01, Stevenson
and his colleagues noticed hints of a third planet, dubbed UCF-1.02, orbiting
GJ 436. Spitzer has observed evidence of the two new planets several times
each. However, even the most sensitive instruments are unable to measure
exoplanet masses as small as UCF-1.01 and UCF-1.02, which are perhaps only
one-third the mass of the Earth. Because knowing the mass is required for
confirming a discovery, the paper authors are cautiously calling both bodies
exoplanet candidates for now.
the approximately 1,800 stars identified by Kepler as candidates for having
planetary systems, just three are verified to contain sub-Earth-sized
exoplanets. Of these, only one exoplanet is thought to be smaller than the
Spitzer candidates, with a radius similar to Mars, or 57 percent that of Earth.
hope future observations will confirm these exciting results, which show
Spitzer may be able to discover exoplanets as small as Mars," said Michael
Werner, Spitzer Project Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in
Pasadena, Calif. "Even after almost nine years in space, Spitzer's observations
continue to take us in new and important scientific directions."
good news. Finding small exoplanets is tough. As we get better at doing so I
expect that we’ll find a lot more. I actually think that stars without any
accompanying planets will be very rare rather than planets themselves – which I
think will be very common. What this means, of course, is that Earth’s supposed
uniqueness will become less and less tenable – as of course will our own. It
wouldn’t surprise me in the least if, once we have the ability to detect such
things, life (and probably intelligent life) turns out to be everywhere we
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
The Silent Man by Alex Berenson
CIA Special Agent John Wells is weeks from burning out.
Still recovering from his last assignment he is ordered to take leave and
reluctantly agrees. Bored after a few days he decides to call in at the office
to see if there’s anything he can do when the car he and his girlfriend are
travelling in is attacked by two teams of gunmen on motorbikes. When his
girlfriend is hospitalised he uses all of the CIA resources to determine
exactly who paid for the hit. Tracking the contract down to a Russian arms
dealer he is determined to seek revenge but, as the investigation continues, he
uncovers a much greater threat – a threat to the US itself. Radical Muslim
terrorists have stolen ex-Soviet nuclear weapons and are intent on detonating
them on American soil. But the theft happened weeks ago and the Russian
authorities only reluctantly agree to provide the most basic information to the
Americans. Meanwhile Wells is closing in on the terrorists as they build the bomb
that could change everything.
I guess that I should have been put off by the Washington
Post comment on the back of this book comparing the novels hero John Wells to
Jack Bauer of ‘24’ fame. It didn’t. This, I thought, would just be a disposable
airport book read in a few days and then simply forgotten. It certainly started
out that way with cardboard characters and much American jingoism.
Surprisingly, as I read on, it got better. There was definitely a black/white,
good guys/bad guys thing going on but I was very surprised that the terrorists
themselves where fleshed out as real people with real grievances and real
motivations. Most of the characters in the book where, as I suspected,
stereotypes but, from time to time, I did actually find myself enjoying the
ride. Despite being nothing special, and most certainly not great literature, I
was fairly entertained for the few days that it took me to whiz through the
pages. Something to take on holiday with you I think to switch your brain into
neutral after too much time at work. Just leave it in the hotel room
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
New Label
I've just added another new label over on the far right - Religion. This specifically applies (at least for now) to books I've read on the subject. So far there's not that many but I've a few more in the pipeline and they can't really be ignored anymore. I've been rather wide in my interpretation of the subject area and I know some of my readers may think I've gone far too wide but I think I'll stick with my criteria for now.
I've just added another new label over on the far right - Religion. This specifically applies (at least for now) to books I've read on the subject. So far there's not that many but I've a few more in the pipeline and they can't really be ignored anymore. I've been rather wide in my interpretation of the subject area and I know some of my readers may think I've gone far too wide but I think I'll stick with my criteria for now.
Just Finished Reading :
A General Theory of Magic by Marcel Mauss
I have been interested in magic for a very long time - or
more accurately in magical thinking. Wishes, prayers and spells are all, it
seems, part of the same package – the desire to shape the world the way we want
it by exercise of our own wills. To basically make things happen the way we
want them to by force of will alone. That’s magic in a nutshell. Everything
else – the rituals, the words spoken, the articles used – are essentially garnish.
Like me, Mauss tries to understand why magic and magical
thinking exists – not only in supposedly primitive societies but still in the
modern world. Writing in 1902 he, like many of his contemporary
Anthropologists, studied accounts of travellers to exotic locations throughout
the world – rather than visiting the tribes in question himself – to discern
the essence of their beliefs. As travel throughout the far flung places became
easier with the growing number of powerful steam driven ships (to say nothing
of the expanding empires in the Far East )
contact with previously unknown peoples increased accordingly. This allowed the
prevailing theory of cultural evolution to be examined in detail as it was
believed ‘primitive’ cultures practiced magic – as an early form of science –
which morphed over time into religion which then fell away with the advance of
science. Understanding these magical societies therefore allowed the
anthropologists, so they believed, to look back into our own pasts and to
discern where religions came from.
This book has been on my shelves for anything up to 10 years
before I read it some weeks ago (my review backlog is holding at 10 books at
the moment or approximately 6 weeks). I’d dipped into it a few times – mostly
for quotes for essays – so the overall content was familiar ground to me. I’ve
also read other books, or bits of them anyway, from the same era dedicated to
the theory that cultures evolve through a series of stages culminating, of
course, with today’s superior one. Maybe this familiarity was part of the
reason that I found this a bit of a slog almost like it was an assigned book at
College or something. Maybe my interest in the subject has waned over the years
or maybe it was as dry and as stuffily academic as I thought it was. I
certainly don’t think it’s quite the thing for the average casual reader!
Interesting in parts though it is I can only really recommend it to students of
the History of Anthropology – both of you.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I don’t often post rants on this Blog because it’s not that
kind of place. There are already quite enough websites out there that fill the
Internet with ranting on every conceivable topic. This Blog is, I hope, a haven
from such places where people can, if they wish, discuss interesting ideas or
just stop by for a few minutes to pick up something amusing or occasionally
cute. But not today…..
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
The Hydrogen Sonata by Iain M Banks
After decades of thought, argument and planning the Gzilt
civilisation has finally decided to Sublime – move everyone into a different
dimension which is known to be (or at least strongly suspected to be) a much
higher level of existence. As the final days approach high ranking members of
the military and political office – which to the Gzilt are effectively the same
thing – are confident that nothing can possibly go wrong. It is then that a
small unarmed emissary ship arrives at the edge of Gzilt territory with a piece
of news the leadership of the Gzilt need to know before the End of Days. As
soon as the information is passed over the warship receiving it immediately
opens fire destroying the emissary and killing everyone aboard. Departing the
scene the warship is unaware that the brief explosion has been noted by a
Culture ship on its way to the Gzilt home world to attend the final pre-Sublime
ceremonies. Changing course to investigate further it starts a chain of events
that will catapult a reserve Lieutenant Commander into the position of most
hunted woman in that part of the Galaxy, uncover the location and mental state
of the oldest man alive and call into question the foundations of Gzilt civilisation
and the foundation of the Culture itself – and all in less that 24 days.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
My Favourite Movies: Dune
I think I saw this 1984 SF classic movie on video (remember
that?) rather than at the cinema. I certainly can’t imagine my brother or any
of my college friends wanting to see this. At the time I was probably the only
person I knew who had read the book and without that as a prompt I doubt if
they would have had the slightest interest.
Dune, for those of you who haven’t read the book and its 5
sequels (plus seemingly endless new novels based in that universe), was a
massively influential SF novel by the late great Frank Herbert which had been
published in 1965. I read it (and the two sequels) in my late teens and it
completely blew me away. I think occasionally that I should read them again –
basically every time I watch this movie – but haven’t been back for over 35
years. I sometimes wonder if it will have anything like the same effect it did
the first time.
But to the movie – Dune is a hugely complex tale based in
humanities far future where, thousands of years after humanity has thrown off
the shackles of machine intelligence a power struggle exists between two of the
great houses, House Harkonnen (the bad guys) and House Atredies (the good
guys). As the Emperor of the known universe is afraid of the growing power of
House Atredies he basically sets them up by giving them a juicy planet to run –
Dune of the title – and then double crosses them. Unfortunately for him (and
the bad guys) the young Duke – Paul played by Kyle MacLaclan – escapes with his
life (and his Mother) and falls in with the local inhabitants known as the
Fremen and ends up leading them – with his knowledge of new technology and his
superior genetics – in accordance with their age old prophecy. That in a
nutshell is the very bare bones of the story. It’s actually much more complex
than this and immeasurably more complex in the book(s). Even running to almost
3 hours the film needs to constantly trim the plot, meld things together and
skip over whole chunks of the story (one of the things I was most disappointed in
is the almost negligible presence of my favourite character Duncan Idaho played
by Richard Jordan) and because of this seeming either badly edited (which I
think it might have been) or even incoherent (which it will probably appear to
anyone who hasn’t read the book(s). In fact watching this film is probably a
bad idea to anyone who hasn’t read them as it would raise far too many
questions – probably all prefigured with a WTF moment – for a novice to really
enjoy it or get that much from it.
I’m really not selling this very well am I? The question is,
I suppose, despite all of its many problems why have I watched it 5-6 times at
least and why am I putting it in my favourite movies pile? One of the things
going for it is that it’s a fair attempt at what is probably an unfilmable
book. The novel is just too deep, too complex and too intricate to be a single
film. If it was made these days it would be at least a trilogy with the next
two books being parts 4 and 5. That I think could work. Another thing is that
MacLaclan makes a creditable Paul Atredies both before and after his
transformation. Likewise the Fremen are pretty much as I imagined them to be.
The look and feel of the movie – almost steam-punk at times – is very good and
I loved how Paul explained the new weapons to the Femen and then demonstrated
them to devastating effect. The SFX on the whole where reasonable for the time
but look very dated by today’s standards. The acting was generally overblown
with more than its fair share of cringe worthy moments – Sting in particular
was truly awful in his role of the Harkonnen assassin Fayd. Generally the cast
list was very impressive but so many world class actors in one film inevitably
left some very little to do except strut around looking important. Luminaries
such as Francesca Annis, Brad Dourif, Jose Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Freddie Jones,
Virginia Madsen, Jurgen Prochnow, Patrick Stewart, Dean Stockwell, Max Von
Sydow and Sean Young peppered the screen sometimes with mere walk on parts. I
imagine that most of their talents ended up on the cutting room floor due to
time constraints if nothing else which was a real shame.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
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