Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Voyager surfs Solar System's edge
By Jonathan Amos for The BBC
28 June 2013
"It could be any day, but it could also be several more
years." Ed Stone cannot say when the Voyager-1 spacecraft will leave the
Solar System, but he believes the moment is close. The latest data from this
extraordinary probe, reported in this week's Science journal, suggests it is
surfing right on the very edge of our Sun's domain. The particles streaming
away from our star have reduced to a trickle at its present location, 18.5 billion
km from Earth. Particles flying towards it from interstellar space, by
contrast, have jumped markedly in the past year. It all points to an imminent
departure, which would make Voyager the first man-made object to cross into the
space between the stars.
"It's hard to imagine there's another layer between the
one we're in and the outside," Dr Stone told BBC News.
"Topologically, it makes sense that this is the outermost layer. The only
question is: how thick is it?" Launched way back in 1977, the probe has
now travelled so far from home that its constant chatter of data takes 17 hours
to arrive at the US space agency's receiving network. And chatter, it does. Voyager's
instruments are busy sampling the far-flung environment. This has allowed Dr
Stone and colleagues to map the shape and reach of the heliosphere - the giant
bubble of charged particles blown off from our Sun. In 2004, it reached a turbulent
region referred to as the heliosheath, where particles bounced around in all
directions. It was expected this would be the final stage before the leap to
interstellar space. But, as has been the case throughout this 35-year mission,
Voyager threw up yet another surprise. Last year, it detected what appears to
be a discrete boundary layer that Ed Stone's team call the "heliosheath
depletion region" in Friday's three Science papers. It is a kind of
magnetic highway where energetic particles on the inside can get out easily,
and the galactic cosmic ray particles on the outside can zoom in. "It is
where the Sun's magnetic field has piled up, compressed up against itself. It
has also doubled in strength. It's smoother than anything we've ever seen with
Voyager," Dr Stone explained.
The team is now watching the direction of the field lines
very carefully. Currently, they orientate east-west, wound into a spiral by the
rotating Sun. But when Voyager finally breaks through into interstellar space,
they are expected to shift dramatically, running north-south. This is an acid
test for Dr Stone. Although some might argue the particle data is evidence of
Voyager being outside the Solar System, the project leader believes the probe
cannot truly be said to be beyond the Sun's domain until it has also escaped
our star's magnetic influence. But do not expect an immediate, definitive announcement
from Nasa that Voyager is in interstellar space when the magnetic signal does
switch. Instead, the instrument scientists will sit and listen to the probe's
chatter, perhaps for several months. They will want to be absolutely sure
Voyager has broken through the so-called heliopause.
Like the surfer who rides the front of a breaking wave,
battling the foam, Voyager will take some time to move completely clear of
everything behind. "The edge may be somewhat turbulent. We just don't
know," Dr Stone told BBC News. "This is exploration after all, and we
will find out how Nature makes this interface. But it will be moving because
the Sun does 'breathe' in and out. Voyager 1 is on course to approach a star
called AC +793888, but it will only get to within two light-years of it and
take some 40,000 years to make the passage. Voyager 2, which was launched a few
weeks before Voyager 1, is on a slightly slower path to interstellar space and
is probably a few years from seeing the heliosheath depletion region. Both
probes have sufficient power in their plutonium "batteries" to keep
working into the next decade.
[What amazes me, truly amazes me, is not that Voyager 1 has
just about reached the edge of the Solar System, but that it continues to send
back data – and useful data at that! What an amazing piece of engineering it
is. The men and women who worked – and continue to work – on this project
should be rightly proud of their achievement. Excellent!]
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Endless Forms Most Beautiful – The New
Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom by Sean B Carroll (FP:
The last time I studied biology in general or genetics in
particular in any depth was around 35 years ago. Since then I’ve read the odd
book or two on the subject so whilst not exactly out of the loop on the subject
I’m not as familiar as I once was (or arguably still should be) with the ins
and outs of the workings of DNA. In consequence I honestly struggled with the
first half of this book. It wasn’t that it was badly written or poorly
explained – it certainly wasn’t that – it was just that some of my mental processors
had rusted up in the intervening decades of relative inactivity. Despite the
amount of effort it took to keep up with the intricacies of DNA in action and
the assimilation of new discoveries about how exactly wings, legs, eyes and
eye-spots come into existence and change form and function over time I did
manage to keep up – though sometimes only just – with this fascinating story.
Facts inevitably came thick and fast, experiments reeled off and detailed
photographs explained to show how the same gene(s) that gave rise to the eyes
of a fly gave rise to the very different eyes in mice and men. All in all there
was quite a lot to absorb even after you got over the wow factor and,
sometimes, the yuk factor.
I was far happier with the second section of the book – or should
I say more at ease – where the author applied everything he brought up in the
first section. Here he moved on from the ‘pure’ genetics of Evo Devo
(Evolutionary Development Biology) to its application(s) out in the real world.
Here he looked at the questions that had baffled previous generations of biologists
and showed how the new approach could offer solutions – problems like the Zebra
stripes, the development of the eye (not ‘re-invented’ on multiple occasions as
previously thought), the development of flight in insects and birds and the development
of the human brain plus much else besides. I can’t possibly prĂ©cis the amount
of information held in this book nor will I attempt to do so. I can only
suggest that you sit down in a quiet room with a good strong cup of coffee and
some of your favourite biscuits and have at it. It will probably be hard going
unless you’re a lot closer to your College biology class than I am. But it’s
definitely worth the effort to get to know what’s been going on in the world of
evolutionary genetics in the last few years. The myths that Darwinian evolution
is falling apart, has hit an impenetrable impasse or has simply run out of steam
are blown apart. Real solid progress is outlined on practically every page. The
implications are sometimes quite staggering. Not only are we moving into an era
where we have a much greater knowledge of how Evolution actually works on a
day-to-day basis we are not that far away from being able to manipulate this
process at a cellular level. Once we know for certain exactly what needs to
happen to produce a butterflies wings or a fish fin we are in a position where
we can truly design living beings. Not only will we be able to design bacteria
to produce any chemical in any quantity we wish we can bring back extinct
creatures and create new ones that have only previously existed in the human
imagination. The power of this technology is incredible. We are, it appears,
not too far away from creating life from scratch. It’s all very exciting and
more than a little disturbing!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules
Verne (FP: 1863)
In Early 1862 intrepid explorer Dr Samuel Fergusson, his
friend and determined sportsman Dick Kennedy and hid man-servant Joe set out
from the island of Zanzibar determined to cross the whole of Africa from east to
west by means of a hydrogen filled balloon. Where they will finally make
landfall is entirely in the hands of Providence and the skilful handling of the
balloon by Dr Fergusson himself. Along the way they must battle against a harsh
hot environment, hostile natives and bands of slavers, aggressive animals and
the ever present danger of being suspended under a balloon filled with
explosive gas! It is only through the dedicated application of science, common
sense and the very latest in weapons technology that they manage to make their
way across the Dark Continent. But real hazards exist and nothing worthwhile is
gained without a modicum of danger. Sacrifices are made in order for the expedition
to move forward, blood is split, sweat is required and in the final stages of
the flight it is down to every true Englishman to do his duty even at the cost
of his very life. Only in this way can the occupants of the balloon maintain
their superiority over the ignorant and superstitious natives who dog their
every step.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Antimatter atoms are corralled even longer
By Jonathan Amos for BBC News
6 June 2011
Scientists have succeeded in trapping atoms of anti-hydrogen
for more than 15 minutes. The feat is a big improvement on efforts reported
last year that could corral this mirror of normal hydrogen for just fractions
of a second at best. The researchers tell Nature Physics journal that they can
now probe the properties of antimatter in detail. This will help them
understand why the Universe is composed of normal matter rather than its
opposite. The laws of physics appear to make no distinction between the two and
equal amounts should have been created at the Big Bang. "We have improved
the efficiency of trapping compared with what we published last November,"
said Jeffrey Hangst, who works on the Alpha collaboration at the Cern particle
physics laboratory in Switzerland. "In order to make these studies, it
surely helps to have more atoms and we've made an improvement of about a factor
of five. We announced 38 trapped atoms [last year]; we've now studied about 300
which have been held for varying amounts of time."
Particle physics labs such as Cern can make antimatter
particles routinely but until now they have had great difficulty in retaining
this material because it will instantly annihilate on contact with conventional
containers made of normal matter. The Alpha collaboration, however, has
developed a frigid, evacuated, "magnetic bottle" that allows its
scientists to enclose anti-hydrogen particles and draw out the time before they
are destroyed. Initially this was a mere two-tenths of a second but the team
says it has increased this period more than 5,000-fold. The significance is
that it allows the antiparticles to relax to their ground state. "If you
think of an atom as a little planetary system with the electron orbiting the
nucleus - or in our case, a positron orbiting the anti-proton - the ground state
is the one where the electron or positron is closest to the nucleus,"
explained Dr Hangst. "We think we make our anti-hydrogen in excited
states; in other words the positron is at a larger distance from the nucleus.
It has more energy. That's not the state we want to study. It takes some fraction
of a second for these atoms, once they're produced, to get to the ground state.
"If you hold them 1,000 seconds, you can be quite sure they're in the
state you want to study; and this is the first time that anyone can make that
claim." The Alpha team now plans to use microwaves to probe the
anti-hydrogen atoms' internal structure.
They would also like to see how these particles behave in
the gravitational fields that exist in our "normal Universe". At the moment, the anti-hydrogen atoms are
held in their bottle at just half a degree above absolute zero. For the gravity
experiments, conditions would need to be a few thousandths of a degree above
the theoretically coldest achievable temperature. "The question is very
simple: do matter and antimatter obey the same laws of physics? That's a very
simple question, but a very profound one," Professor Hangst told BBC News.
"The Big Bang theory says there should have been equal amounts of matter
and antimatter at the beginning of the Universe. Nature kinda 'took a left
turn' and chose matter. "We know that we're missing something from the current
model of how the Universe works; we just don't know what that is. So, anytime
you get your hands on antimatter you should look very carefully to see if you
can find something different."
One task is to increase the number of anti-atoms in the
trap. The team says this is more useful now than trying to increase the anti-atoms'
longevity which is ample for the planned experiments. But collaborator Dr
Makoto Fujiwara says this could change: "Our current apparatus is not
optimised in fact for even longer life-time. It's possible that we have them
much longer already but it will be limited by the vacuum - the residual gas in
the system - and in the future I think we want to optimise that for even better
life-times because in some cases we may want to hang on to the antimatter
longer." The Alpha collaboration originally posted news of its 1,000-second
confinement earlier this year on the the Arxiv repository. The research has now
been formally published in Nature Physics.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Just Finished Reading: War at Sea in the Ironclad Age by
Richard Hill (FP: 2000)
As I have said several (OK, many) times before I have a
particular interest in historical periods of transition such as the Industrial
Revolution, the Renaissance and so on. One of the much shorter transitions that
I find fascinating is the move from sail and wood to steam and iron in ship
construction. Over an amazing 50 years the worlds navies moved from a largely
sail powered, wooden constructed and broadside gun battery design to something
recognisably modern – the British built Dreadnought with advanced steam
engines, iron and steel hulls and boasting fore and aft large calibre guns in
fully rotatable turrets. It was nothing less than a revolution in sea power
progressing at such a rapid speed that warships practically became obsolete within
a few years of slipping into the water for the first time and without firing a
shot in anger.
Starting from the US Civil War – the origin of many of the
innovations later to become standard in navies across the world – the author
outlines the technical and strategic drivers for the development of advanced
warships built to compete with the designs produced for the British, French,
Russian, German and Japanese navies to name the major players in this global
game of one-upmanship. Surprisingly very few of the ships designed with such
great effort where ever used to dominate other ships of their class. Apart from
clashes with out-of-date and heavily outclassed opponents there are very few
notable encounters between modern fleets and the few lessons that could be
drawn from these encounters where difficult in the extreme to interpret
accurately. Such lessons – both correct and incorrect – would come to haunt all
of the world’s navies in the upcoming clash of giants in World War 1.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
My Favourite Movies: Kiss the Girls
I’m fairly certain that I saw this 1997 film at the cinema
before I watched (and re-watched) it on DVD. It has that cinematic feel in my
mind every time I watch it – OK in a generally darkened room on a large widescreen
TV but the point stands. I can’t quite remember if I read the book before or
after though. I have a feeling it was after because I saw the second Alex Cross
film (Along Came a Spider) after reading the book – which probably explains why
that movie disappointed me.
But I digress and ramble, which is never a good combination.... Kiss the Girls is a detective
thriller set mostly in North Carolina where a number of exceptional women have
disappeared. When the niece of Alex Cross (played by the wonderful Morgan
Freeman) is added to their number he high-tails it to the area to offer his assistance
as one of the country’s top criminal psychologist’s. What he finds is a local
police department completely out of its depth and reluctant to ask for help it
doesn’t feel it needs. Things come to a head when young surgeon Dr Kate
McTiernan (played by the gorgeous and talented Ashley Judd) is kidnapped and
then manages to escape from the self-styled Casanova. Cross is convinced that
only the Doctor can help him find and release his niece and the other women
before the kidnapper (and sometimes killer) either leaves them to die or kills
them himself. The investigation itself goes slowly and is thrown into confusion
by revelations both close to home and across the continent in California. The
question that Alex must answer in time is are these just distractions or are
they vital to unravelling the case? Alex also needs to decide if he can save
his niece without destroying his career in the process.
The first thing that hit me when I watched this recently was
the cinematography which I thought was very good indeed – with sweeping panorama’s
of the woods where some of the girls had been found and the use of slow motion
to show emotional turmoil and exactly where the protagonists were focusing
their attentions. Freeman was, as I expected, superb as Cross. I know there’s a
new Alex Cross film out but Freeman isn’t in it and that, more than anything
else, is stopping me giving it a screening. Whenever I read an Alex Cross novel
I see Freeman no matter how the author describes him. For me Freeman is Cross. Understandably
I love Ashley Judd. I think I’ve only seen her in 3 movies (not counting the cameo
in Olympus Has Fallen) which are Heat, Kiss the Girls and Double Jeopardy. She
essentially plays the same character in all three. Maybe she’s been type-cast
or maybe that’s just how she acts or maybe that’s just her. Either way I can
barely take my eyes off her. The rest of the cast deserve a mention too. Cary
Elwes was suitably creepy as one of the local detectives and Brian Cox was
suitably abrasive as his boss. Lastly I’ll mention Jay O Sanders who played the
FBI lead who obviously had a history with and deep respect for Cross. They had
a good chemistry on screen and I wouldn’t be very surprised if they were
friends in real life.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
“The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.”
James Branch Cabell
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Man calls Solihull police to complain about prostitute's
From The BBC
13 June 2013
A man has been warned after he dialled 999 to complain about
a prostitute's looks after meeting her. West Midlands Police said they were
contacted by the caller who said he "wished to report her for breaching
the Sale of Goods Act". The force said the call was received at about
19:30 BST on Tuesday complaining that the woman was not as attractive as she
had claimed. Officers have now sent the man a letter warning him about wasting
police time. West Midlands Police said the man had claimed he met the woman in
a hotel car park.
"The caller claimed that the woman had made out she was
better looking than she actually was and he wished to report her for breaching
the Sale of Goods Act," a spokesperson for the force said. "When he
raised this issue with the woman concerned, she allegedly took his car keys,
ran away from the car and threw them back at him, prompting him to call police."
During the call, the man can be heard to say: "I've
arranged a meeting with her, but beforehand I've asked her for an honest
description, otherwise when I get there I'm not going to use her services. "Basically
she has misdescribed herself, misrepresented herself totally. She was angry
because she obviously thinks I owe her a living or something." Sgt Jerome
Moran, based at Solihull police station, called the man back to offer some
advice. He said: "It was unbelievable - he genuinely believed he had done
nothing wrong and that the woman should have been investigated by police for misrepresentation. "I told him that she'd not committed any offences and
that it was his actions, in soliciting for sex, that were in fact
illegal." Despite the man refusing to give his details, police were able
to identify him and have sent him a letter warning him about his actions.
The Sale of Goods Act 1979 gives consumers legal rights,
stipulating goods which are sold must be of satisfactory quality, be fit for
purpose and must match the seller's description.
[OK, after I stopped laughing at this I really had to check
the date. Is it April Fool’s Day already? Apparently not….. How anyone could
call 999 (the UK equivalent of 911 – for my American readers) to complain about
a prostitute’s looks beggars belief. But it seems that there are people out
there really that dumb!]
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Just Finished Reading: The Orphaned Worlds by Michael Cobley (FP: 2010)
Before the lost human colony on the planet Darien was
rediscovered the uncovering of ancient ruins were a mere curiosity. No longer.
Now they are the focus of increasingly disparate and desperate forces. On one
side are the human settlers and their local Uvovo allies. Ranged against them
is the Sendruka, rulers of a vast Interstellar empire and apparent saviours of
Earth in its recent conflict with an Achorga hive. Determined to fight with
little hope of success the humans and Uvovo dig in and await the first Sendruka
attack. They don’t have long to wait. Meanwhile another force determined to
take the planet for their own arrives in orbit. In the ensuing chaos an ancient
enemy long thought defeated begins to plan its own campaign to take and hold
the ancient ruins while it awaits for reinforcements to arrive. As the fighting
intensifies across the alien landscape a small party delve deep into layers of
reality looking for allies in the coming war. These allies have almost god-like
powers and helped defeat the ancient enemy known as the dreamless ones eons ago
in a war that almost destroyed all life in the Galaxy. If the enemy return in
any numbers it is doubtful if the ancient defenders can defeat them this time.
If they can’t the very future of the Galaxy and every life in it rests on the
abilities of the humans and their apparently primitive Uvovo allies to find a
way to defeat them on their own.
I did have some misgivings about this book as I opened the
first page. Although I had generally enjoyed the previous volume in this
space-opera trilogy I couldn’t help finding it all rather derivative and often
a little embarrassing in places. This book was however thankfully much better.
The characters, one of the stronger points in the first book, remained as
strongly written and as individual as ever. What had improved quite a bit was
the tightness of the plotting (despite a few wanderings here and there which I
suspect will mean something in book 3) the dramatic elements (and not only in
the well constructive battles) and the levels of inventive detail. In fact
there were pretty much improvements at every level. So despite being a
wrist-aching 606 pages I managed to polish it off in around a week. There are
still bits from time to time that seem a tad derivative but it’s difficult
these days to write anything wholly original. If you looks hard enough you can
see elements of Star Wars, The Matrix, Dune, Terminator and a host of other
movies and books. But such things are part of the culture we live in, or swim
in, and can hardly be ditched without leaving nothing but empty pages. I did
think more than once that I was a bit harsh with the first book but that was
probably caused by an unfair comparison to the Culture series by Iain Banks –
unfair indeed! Despite the odd raised eye-brow and the odd laugh at the author’s
audacity I can honestly say that I really enjoyed this book. I am already
looking forward to reading the last in the trilogy. Recommended.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Wolf by Garry Marvin (FP: 2012)
Personally I think wolves are amazing creatures deserving of
our admiration and respect. Apparently, as with much else it seems, I am in the
minority holding this opinion and have been for the greater part of human
history. This amazing little book – a mere 181 lavishly illustrated pages –
covers that history of humanities relationship with the wolf. Until recently it
was almost without exception an adversarial one – usually with the wolf at the
wrong end of a gun.
Wolves have long been viewed as much more than mere
carnivorous competitors especially after the introduction of domesticated
livestock. Wolves were viewed as being especially vicious, killing for the sake
of killing and enjoying themselves in the process. They became associated with
the dark forest and with nature at its most savage, most cruel and most
cunning. They became a personification of the chaos of the natural world in
opposition to the supposed order of the human world and became an identified
danger to that order and so were hunted down wherever they were found. Long
after they became extinct in most of Europe their presence lingered in myth and
in the idea of the werewolf – that terrifying creature who only appeared to be
human until the true beast was released to wreak havoc in otherwise peaceful
Times change and with them the perception of the wolf – now seen,
at least in some quarters, as an indication of a healthy ecosystem. Wolves,
what few remain, are protected (although not without opposition) and as often
as not revered rather than reviled becoming the icon and poster child of
elements of various environmental groups. Wolves are now seen to have much more
positive attributes – loyalty to the in group, loving parents, clever,
resourceful – than ever before. Wolves now appear positively in advertising,
movies and in military organisations. The world has turned and with it the
fortune of wolves.
Sunday, June 09, 2013
Iain Banks dies of cancer aged 59
From The BBC
9 June 2013
Author Iain Banks has died aged 59, two months after
announcing he had terminal cancer, his family has said. Banks, who was born in
Dunfermline, Fife, revealed in April he had gall bladder cancer and was unlikely
to live for more than a year. He was best known for his novels The Wasp Factory,
The Crow Road and Complicity. In a statement, his publisher said he was
"an irreplaceable part of the literary world". A message posted on
Banksophilia, a website set up to provide fans with updates on the author,
quoted his wife Adele saying: "Iain died in the early hours this morning.
His death was calm and without pain." Publisher Little, Brown Book Group
said the author was "one of the country's best-loved novelists" for
both his mainstream and science fiction books. Iain Banks' ability to combine
the most fertile of imaginations with his own highly distinctive brand of
gothic humour made him unique," it said. After announcing his illness in
April, Banks asked his publishers to bring forward the release date of his
latest novel, The Quarry, so he could see it on the shelves.
On Sunday, it was revealed the book - to be released on 20
June - would detail the physical and emotional strain of cancer. It describes
the final weeks of the life of a man in his 40s who has terminal cancer. Speaking
to the BBC's Kirsty Wark, Banks said he was some 87,000 words into writing the
book when he was diagnosed with his own illness. "I had no inkling. So it
wasn't as though this is a response to the disease or anything, the book had
been kind of ready to go," he said. "And then 10,000 words from the
end, as it turned out, I suddenly discovered that I had cancer."
Little, Brown said the author was presented with finished
copies of his last novel three weeks ago. Banks' first novel, The Wasp Factory,
was published in 1984 and was ranked as one of the best 100 books of the 20th
Century in a 1997 poll conducted by book chain Waterstones and Channel 4. In
2008 he was named one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945 in a list
compiled by The Times. The writer also penned sci-fi titles under the name Iain
M Banks. His most recent book, The Hydrogen Sonata, was released last year. Fellow
Scottish author Ken MacLeod paid tribute to Banks, saying he had "left a large
gap in the Scottish literary scene as well as the wider speaking English world.
He brought a wonderful combination of the dark and the light side of life and he
explored them both without flinching," he said. "He brought the same
degree of craft and skill and commitment to his science fiction as he did to
his mainstream fiction and he never drew any distinction in terms of his pride
in what he was doing." Another contemporary, Iain Rankin, told the BBC
that Banks was "fascinating, curious and full of life. He didn't take
things too seriously, and in a way I'm happy that he refused to take death too
seriously - he could still joke about it," he said. "I think we all
thought he would have a bit longer than he got. What made him a great writer
was that he was childlike; he had a curiosity about the world. He was restless,
he wanted to transmit that in his work, and he treated the cancer with a
certain amount of levity, the same that made him a great writer.
Other authors to pay tribute included Irvine Welsh, who
tweeted: "RIP Iain Banks. One of the finest writers and greatest
imaginations ever." Sci-fi writer John-Paul Cleary also said: "Tragic
news about Iain Banks, my hero and inspiration, a writer of incredible
creativity and wit." Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond said: "Iain
was an incredibly talented writer whose work, across all genres, has brought
pleasure to readers for over 30 years. "His determination not just to
complete his final novel but also to reflect his illness in the pages of his
work, will make that work all the more poignant and all the more
significant." After announcing his illness, Banks had described being
"hugely moved" by the public support for him through his website. "Still
knocked out by the love and the depth of feeling coming from so many people;
thank you, all of you," he wrote on Banksophilia last month.
[I was shocked to hear recently that Banks – quite possibly
my favourite SF author ever – had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Even
knowing that this day was coming I’m still saddened that Iain has gone. No more
Culture novels, no more off-the-wall fiction, no more Iain Banks. It’s a sad,
sad day. RIP Iain Banks.]
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Water cannon 'not the answer' to riots, Met chief says
From The BBC
24 December 2011
Water cannon is "not the answer" to combat any
future rioting, the head of the Metropolitan Police has said. Bernard
Hogan-Howe told the BBC the focus of the police was to try to prevent
disturbances. A watchdog had suggested water cannon and plastic bullets could
have been used in a "number of real scenarios" during the riots in
England in August. Mr Hogan-Howe also said the suggestion that riot police
could be armed with live ammunition was not an option.
A report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary, published
earlier this week, suggested water cannon and plastic bullets could be
considered to deal with rioters throwing missiles and petrol bombs, to stop
"violent attacks on the public" and arson attacks, and also where
fire and ambulance crews were under threat. Legal advice in the review of the
riots indicated that firearms could "potentially" be deployed where
arson posed a threat to life, or of serious injury.
The report said water cannon were an "effective means
of dispersal" which caused injuries to the public in static and
slow-moving situations. But in his first interview since the report was
published, the Met Police commissioner said he was waiting to be persuaded of
their benefits. "We have seen them in Northern Ireland. They have been
effective there, but they do have their limitations, they are not the
answer," he said. "In any country, if you haven't used things before
then, of course, nobody is going to go willingly towards this new approach. I
am not a passionate zealot for this. Of course these things are expensive, most
of the time they just sit there doing nothing."
Riots broke out in Tottenham, north London, on 6 August, two
days after the fatal shooting by police of 29-year-old Mark Duggan. Unrest
spread across London and to other cities, including Manchester, Birmingham and
Bristol over the following days. After the review of police tactics used during
the disturbances, it was reported that the Chief Inspector of Constabulary Sir
Denis O'Connor had controversially suggested officers could shoot arsonists if
they posed a threat to life. Mr Hogan-Howe said he wasn't sure that was what
Sir Denis had intended to say. "My understanding of what he was pointing
out was if you've got people whose life is at risk, or you've got very serious
damage to property with arson, you have to make sure you have all options
available," he said. The Met Police chief has reacted cautiously to the
prospect of using water cannon to deal with rioting He said arming riot police
with live ammunition was not a foreseeable option. But he acknowledged that the
police needed to review their tactics in light of the summer disturbances and
said the police had to have an "open mind".
"What we can't see is what we saw in London: is riots
develop, buildings set on fire. We can't see that sort of thing happen and
stand idly by and say we'll just stand by our old tactics," he said. A
report from the Home Affairs Committee earlier this week described the policing
operation to tackle the riots as "flawed". MPs said insufficient
numbers of officers were initially deployed and police training for public
disorder was inadequate. The Policing Large Scale Disorder: Lessons from the
disturbances of August 2011 report said flooding the streets with police was
what ultimately quelled the disorder. Mr Hogan-Howe said it was important for
the force to ensure it had enough officers to deal with trouble if it did break
out. "The principal thing we have looked at is to make sure we have the
right resources available and we are able to mobilise them," he said. "There
weren't enough officers available on that Saturday night in Tottenham, so we
need enough officers, they need to be well-equipped, well-trained, and available
to deal with what was a very difficult situation."
Friday, June 07, 2013
Thursday, June 06, 2013
Just Finished Reading: Herodotus – A Very Short Introduction
by Jennifer T Roberts (FP: 2011)
Yes, it’s Very Short Introduction time again – it does come
around quickly doesn’t it? I thought I’d try something a little different this
time. Herodotus is known as the ‘father of History’ as he is credited at
producing the first book recognisably dealing with History as a subject we
could relate to – although this is not without controversy as he mentioned Gods
and various other entities or events which we would call supernatural these
days. Saying that, of course, should come as little surprise considering the
time in which he wrote. To produce such a work in a purely secular manner
wouldn’t have just been strange – it would have been extraordinary!
What Herodotus produced was extraordinary enough without
going the extra mile to make things more acceptable to a modern European
readership. He managed to produce a history of the known world seemingly
without too much of the usual Greek flavour (often seen as mere arrogance) of
seeing all non-Greek populations as being fundamentally inferior. Herodotus
simply wanted to know what the diverse populations and cities outside of the
Greek world were like and, more importantly, why they were like that. What
circumstances led to their foundation and what events and personalities helped
shape them. It was a real investigation into origins, causes and effects.
Fundamentally Herodotus was attempting to answer the question of why the
disparate cities of the Greek states went to war with the great Persian Empire
and why a seemingly inferior culture – measured from outside – prevailed against
the world’s greatest super-power at the time. Along the way he found time to
discuss the cultures, myths, eating habits, sexual mores and much more besides
of every city or region he could visit or interrogate the citizens of.
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
“In a feverish fantasy, I imagined that there had been a
time, when the world was young, that stars filled the sky – made it a solid
sheet of light arching over the earth. But one by one, the starts began to die –
and Man, having a poor memory, began to believe that the sky had always been
Excerpt from The Celebrated Carousel of the Margravine of
Blois by Megan Arkenberg.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
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