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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

WoW Guilds

I’ve been playing WoW (World of Warcraft) for quite some time now and, after my initial reservations and resistance I’m really enjoying it for lots of reasons. One of them is seeing avatars running around and reading off their Guild names. Guilds are basically groups that people belong to which give them perks and allow easy grouping up for any activity, such as Dungeons and Raids, that need more than one person to complete. For a little while I’ve been noting down some of my favourites which either made me laugh and sit back and be impressed at someone’s inventiveness. Some of them won’t, I’m afraid, be as funny or as smart to non-WoW players but it doesn’t take that long to whip-up a new character and join in. See you in Azeroth!
Here they are (so far):

Raging Horgnomes

Debbie Does Dalaran

Real Men Wear Pink

How I Met Your Murloc

Soggy Biscuit

Sonic Death Monkey

Little Guild of Horrors

Saturday Knight Fever

Fire Breathing Kittens

Perpetual Noobdom

Touch My Totem

No Soup for You

In Search of Sunrise

The Red Raiding Hood

Global Banking Elite

Slow Down It’s a Game

The Sausage Army

Holy ButtRockets

Cupcake Pirates

Hello Kitty Initiative

Fluffy Destroyers


Stephen said...

Do people still use the old clan convention of putting bracketed initials in front of their names to identify their clan?

CyberKitten said...

Not as far as I can tell. All you see is the character name with the Guild name underneath in angled brackets (which I can't put here because Blogger thinks they're HTML instructions).

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Back in my Everquest Online Adventures days I started a clan named The Elite Grand Master Ferocious Fighting Squirrels of Norath. I was tired of all the elite, exclusivist guilds, that were all about grinding and raiding. I just wanted a guild that would be fun and off support for it's members.

CyberKitten said...

Cool name! I would've totally joined that Guild!!! [lol]

To my mind the whole idea of playing any game is to have fun. If you're not having fun then go and do something else...!

We had a laugh tonight. One of the guys was invited to The Stalin Guild which apparently operated along Marxist-Leninist principles..... [rotflmao]

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

LOL @ The Stalin Guild!

You would have been most welcome in our guild! Sadly it was eventually turned into what it was mocking, and merged with another guild. Pretty sure that guild moved to WoW, but I'm not sure what their name was.

Sleepypete said...

I think the guilds in Guildlink were fairly tame in comparison to some of those ...

The guild I started "Mercenaries of Darkness" seemed to get a few variations of the name appearing in other guilds.

CyberKitten said...

I think some of it is people pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable by the screening software - and the rest are probably just having fun with naming things in a clever way.

VV said...

I don't play, but can see the humor and cleverness in a number of these names.