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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, November 08, 2013


VV said...

I loved SF when I visited there. I could easily live there, loved the weather, the geography, the food.

CyberKitten said...

I'm in 2 minds about SF. Initially I was very disappointed after growing up on 70's and 80's TV shows based in the city. IRL it as a lot more seedy and run-down than I expected. You cold hardly walk 100 metres without someone asking you for money. It's not that bad even in London.

On the other hand I did find an excellent late night book shop and a micro-brewery pub that I still remember fondly after 13 years.

The funniest part of the trip was when my friend ordered egg on toast for breakfast and I had to explain what 'sunny side up' meant! I apologized to the waitress and told her that he didn't watch much US TV.... [grin]