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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Stephen said...

Technically we did; older books with traditionalist authors I've read employ a lot of special characters with words that have been adopted from the romance languages ("role", for instance, with a little thing oer the o). And English being Germanic might have had the ß..

Karlo said...

We should use Chinese characters for English words (like the Japanese do for most of their words). That would give U.S. kids something to do.

CyberKitten said...

Spelling and things have changed lots over the centuries. It's quite interesting how some things where dropped, other things adapted and other things adopted.

karlo said: We should use Chinese characters for English words (like the Japanese do for most of their words). That would give U.S. kids something to do.

Oh, I think the whole world is going to have to learn at least some Chinese in the coming decades. Getting a head start is definitely a good thing!