Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
Alfred Hitchcock!I tried looking up the dog's name, but he had four of the same breed -- Mr. Jenkins, Geoffrey, Stanley, and Sarah.
[lol] Maybe I need to start a Name to a Tail series?
I knew it was Alfred Hitchcock. I see Stephen beat me to naming the dog. :-)
two more to go - and then a break for a few months I think. Future random pix will probably be aircraft or maybe snow - to remind us what it looks like!
We finally got an inch or two of snow tonight. Rain is supposed to melt it all overnight.
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Alfred Hitchcock!
I tried looking up the dog's name, but he had four of the same breed -- Mr. Jenkins, Geoffrey, Stanley, and Sarah.
[lol] Maybe I need to start a Name to a Tail series?
I knew it was Alfred Hitchcock. I see Stephen beat me to naming the dog. :-)
two more to go - and then a break for a few months I think. Future random pix will probably be aircraft or maybe snow - to remind us what it looks like!
We finally got an inch or two of snow tonight. Rain is supposed to melt it all overnight.
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