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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Mudpuddle said...

"Something there is that does not love a wall" mr. Dumpty does, tho... i don't recall the cat, a plus attraction...

Fred said...


Could that be Alice?

CyberKitten said...

@ Mudpuddle: I don't recall a cat either. Lovely creatures - generally....

@ Fred: Alice was definitely my interpretation. She certainly looks to be in the iconic dress. However, I don't recall Alice & Humpty being in the same Universe..... [muses]

Fred said...


I also don't remember Humpty in Wonderland or in the Looking Glass.

CyberKitten said...

Apparently he's in Looking Glass. It's not a story/book I'm that familiar with.

Fred said...


I may have read it, but I remember nothing about it. I thought Humpty Dumpty was just a character in that short poem, probably with some political significance to it.