Just the UK. But I imagine graphs across a lot of the planet show similar upturns. On that chart it looks like I have about 10 years left...... I'm aiming to beat that!!
I imagine the average will increase as we have more generations that haven't ever had a smoking habit. I'm not against it as a vice, but healthwise it's a nightmare.
an average of the global population? no probably just the uk?
Just the UK. But I imagine graphs across a lot of the planet show similar upturns. On that chart it looks like I have about 10 years left...... I'm aiming to beat that!!
I imagine the average will increase as we have more generations that haven't ever had a smoking habit. I'm not against it as a vice, but healthwise it's a nightmare.
I really don't understand why apparently rational people smoke. When asked even they can't explain it to me..... [shakes head]
by the graph, i left the planet about 3 years ago...
@ Mudpuddle: That's why I have little truck with 'averages'. That average age could be made up of a huge range from 1 to 100. I'm aiming for the top!
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