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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Today in Movie History - 12th May 1984. Skynet's first attempt to kill Sarah Conner before she can give birth to John Conner, future leader of the Human Resistance and Savior of Mankind. Fortunately for all of us it fails..... 


Stephen said...

Have you seen the real-life Sarah Connor robot story?


(Picture of a series of tweets)

CyberKitten said...

Sarah O'Connor........! Unless the Terminator's were just being thorough!


Sometimes someone gets a bright idea @ work to publish everyone's photograph on our website. My excuse can cause confusion: I say that I can't allow any images of me to be published because as soon as they do robots from the future appear and try to kill me and it all gets *really* messy. I say that its happened before (when no one believed me) which is why I had to leave my previous job and live under an assumed name. I say that I'm doing it for everyone's safety and that they shouldn't push the matter. Around that point they leave muttering under their breath about not employing crazy people in future.....

Mudpuddle said...


Stephen said...

You sound like a fun person to work with!

CyberKitten said...

'Fun' isn't a word my work colleagues usual use when they talk about me. 'Difficult', now that's a word I hear a lot..... or 'challenging'.... [lol]