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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, September 07, 2018


Stephen said...

If you can't make the Enterprise, the Orville is also a good ship.

CyberKitten said...

LOL - I thought that'd catch your attention!

I've seen clips of The Orville and it looks a LOT better than the new Star Trek which, honestly, looks terrible.

Stephen said...

In fairness, I haven't watched any full episodes of STD (heh), but the excerpts I've seen have seriously put me off of it -- whether it's the unlikable people arguing with one another, or...Christ, those Klingons. I'd almost do violence to whoever decided to turn fun, crazy Klingons into...whatever the hell those mumbling things are. The Orville is a slight parody of Trek, so there's lots of silliness -- but it's more like the heart of Trek than not. The characters are challenged in a serious way, put into crises of conscience. I just watched an episode last night where an officer barely escapes a planet that is an unfiltered democracy, where everything -- facts, justice, etc -- hinges on upvotes and downvotes. It's like Reddit became a planet. While at first the premise is satirical, there's also that edge of truth, making the viewer think about how karma systems and how mass democracy might actually work or dysfunction.

Oh, and..THESE are Klingons:

I <3 pre-Nemesis Trek's love affair with music. Klingon drinking songs and battle chants made them seem like a real culture.

CyberKitten said...

I've only really seen YouTube bits from both. I really like the look of Orville and really hated the look of STD [snigger indeed!].. Why the keep messing with ST I don't know. But I have zero intention of watching the TV show or the movies....

I was just starting to like Enterprise when the canned it but haven't enjoyed any reinterpretation of ST since. I think the last show I enjoyed most was Voyager.

Stephen said...

Everyone was just starting to like Enterprise when it was cancelled! I think it was just suffering from Trek saturation -- at that point, Enterprise was the fourth consecutive show since TNG aired in the eighties. My favorite thing about Enterprise were the Andorians, I think. Jeffrey Combs (Shran) was a treasure for ST back then. He also played Weyoun and Brunt in DS9.