Just Finished Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
(FP: 1960) [309pp]
Scout could see that Atticus, her father, was distracted by
something. What that something was she had no idea. Anyway, she had enough to
think about – school for one thing as if she needed that! She could already
read and understand some of the things in her father’s paper and could ask
questions if she didn’t. What did she need to go to school to learn about
things that had no interest for her? Her elder brother Jem said that things
would get better in a few years but at 6 years old ‘a few years’ seemed a lifetime
away. But something was definitely ‘off’. In the meantime there was a town
mystery to solve – or at least to poke at a bit with a stick. ‘Boo’ Radley’s
place had been locked up all her life but the rumours of what went on and had
gone on in there buzzed around like fireflies and enticed the children, now
with Dill in attendance, to see what they can find out – despite the danger and
the chance that Atticus might find out and stop them. But Atticus was away at
the State capitol more and more these days and, despite her reputation, the
family cook’s eyes couldn’t be everywhere. It was only when Scout got into
fights with her classmates that Atticus had to explain why some people were
calling him names. A black man called Tom Robinson had been accused of a
terrible crime and Atticus had been given the job of defending him. Some people
in their town thought that such a defence put him beyond the pale. Atticus
simply disagreed with their assessment. As the trial approached and tensions in
the town started to rise the children realised that something big was happening
in their very midst, something important, something they would remember long
afterwards and something they were determined not to miss on any account.

I have vague memories of seeing the 1962 movie
starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch and Mary Badham as ‘Scout’ (Jean Louise
Finch) – pictured above. So I was aware of the rough plot going in. What I wasn’t
expecting, not knowing much else about the book, was that the PoV of the novel
was Scout’s. Not only did this work really well – I thought that she had a
wonderful ‘voice’ even if it was clearly beyond her fictional years. Seeing
everything from a child’s perspective not only gave things an almost ‘magical
realism’ quality but allowed the reader to follow her around town asking
questions that either the adults would never have asked (or thought) and – by and
large – answered in a straight-forward manner. This meant that the reader’s ignorance
was removed slowly as the story progressed. Using a child to lead the way
through the thicket of politics and prejudice in 1930’s Alabama was a stroke of
genius that made the novel a timeless classic and, in my opinion, well
deserving of the Pulitzer Prize. Despite being a time and place well outside my
experience I had little trouble navigating around the fictional town of Maycomb
and engaging with its residents – both good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant. I
found myself completely captivated with the town’s goings-on and the complex
social web of families, ancestry, class and race. I was honesty surprised at
both how good this novel was and how much delight I had reading it. Definitely
worthy of its classic status and, if like me you’re one of the few people who
haven’t read it, I heartily recommend you do so. As you might imagine given the
plot, the era and the location, there are more than a few ‘N’ words dropped
throughout the text. This is forgivable considering these factors but just so
you know. [Sidebar: One such use really jumped out at me when Scout dropped the
‘N’ bomb in conversation with Atticus. He told her off and said that she
shouldn’t use that word – not because it was wrong or deprecating but because
it was ‘common’. I found that quite interesting…..] So that’s me equalling (I
think) the number of classics read from last year. One more in the review pile
and, hopefully, a few more after that.Awards
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction - Best Book
Brotherhood Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews
Paperback of the Year award from Bestsellers magazine in 1962
nice review... i haven't read it either: someday, over the rainbow...
Atticus is right. Blacks shouldn't use it, either. I don't respect anyone who uses it, -er or -a. The novel was superb drama as I remember, and of course I've gotten to visit the very courthouse they filmed the movie in...:)
@ Mudpuddle: Oh? I thought that this would be a set text in school?
@ Stephen: I was definitely impressed by the writing. More classics (from around the world) to come. Hopefully I can read at least 6 this year to make up for the relatively poor showing (only 3) last year.
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