Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Looking Backwards: A Matter of Life and Death (2)
As I’ve mentioned recently it appears that the vast majority of my uncovered ancestors lived and died within sight of where they were born. I see where I get my ‘home body’ genes from. There are a few examples of those who moved though – some a great distance to VERY foreign lands. I’ve already mentioned some connections with the Caribbean island of Barbados (of which more later) and a few connections with America (before the Revolution). But, as always, there’s more…..
Just recently I’ve been looking at William Banks II
(1796-1868), my 4th great-grandfather, and his wife Elizabeth – nee Taylor
(1798-1868) who moved from Shropshire, England (where a great many of my
ancestors originated) and ended up in Spanish Fork, Utah where they farmed and
raised five children. One of those children, John Banks (1834-1896), my 3rd
great-granduncle, fought with the Utah Territory Militia in the ‘Blackhawk War’,
the name of the estimated 150 battles, skirmishes, raids, and military
engagements taking place from 1865 to 1872, primarily between Mormon settlers
in Sanpete County, Sevier County and other parts of central and southern Utah,
and members of 16 Ute, Southern Paiute, Apache and Navajo tribes, led by a
local Ute war chief, Antonga Black Hawk. [Thanks, Wiki] How WEIRD is THAT! One
of HIS sons, Robert Taylor Banks (1871-1915) married a local Utah girl Ellen
Gudrun Johnson (1871-1964) whose family was from ICELAND [another STRANGE
connection] and whose mother had the brilliant, if difficult to pronounce name
of Ingibjorg Ingimundsdr.
Then, there’s the brilliantly named Mary Elizabeth Gilson
Pomfrett (1630-1653), my 10th great-grandmother, born in the East
Riding of Yorkshire who gave birth to Thomas Key (1643-1695) at age 13! [interestingly
Thomas was born in Cheshire and not Yorkshire where Mary, his mother, was from.
I’m guessing she was sent to relatives to give birth and then either return
home or leave for the New World] and who died 10 years later in Charles City,
Virginia, New England in 1653. I do wonder if she went there voluntarily. I don’t
know much more about her presently – including what age she was when she arrived
– but it looks certain that she left her son behind in England.
Then, there’s another possible English Civil War refugee
William Cotton (1611-1652) who was my 10th great-grandfather. He was
born in Staffordshire and produced a daughter there in 1642 just at the start of
the Civil War. Ten years later he died in Boston, Mass. I wonder if he left the
chaos that was England at the time looking for a new, and more peaceful,
existence in the Colonies. Interestingly, it looks like his daughter, Mary
Cotton (1642-1726) stayed in England. She then married Thomas Key – mentioned above
– in Staffordshire 1666.
Lastly for now what I originally thought might have been an elopement
story but now I’m not so sure. Both James Nolan (1840-1910), my 3rd
great-grandfather and Sarah Katherine Gallagher had a rather eventful 1865 with
the birth of their 2nd child, leaving Ireland, arriving in the US,
taking up residence in Batavia, Illinois and also getting married there……
I’ll see what else I can dig up about my ever expanding cast
of endlessly fascinating ancestors……. [lol]
Friday, July 30, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The Revenge of History – The Battle for the 21st Century by Seumas Milne (FP: 2012) [277pp]
This is a bit of an odd one. I picked it up expecting (indeed hoping) that it was an analysis of how the late 20th and start of the 21 centuries got us into this mess. Although there were elements of that it turned out to be, at least for me, rather disappointing on that note. This isn’t to say that the book was bad or defective in some way – it wasn’t. It’s just that it wasn’t what I wanted it to be.
Running from 1999 to 2011 this was a look at the political,
economic and military events of the period from 9/11 to the Arab Uprising.
There was one aspect that took me a little while to get my head around from the
very start. Rather than looking backwards from 2012 when it was published each
section (and sub-section) is contemporary with the events described. Although I
don’t think it actually says anywhere, either in the preamble or the blurb on
the back, the book is (or seems to be) a collection of the author’s articles
presumably printed at the time in The Guardian newspaper. Whilst that is a
valid way of doing things – especially if you hadn’t read them before – it does
I think significantly reduce the authors opportunities to analyse events with
the benefit of hindsight that he obviously had prior to publication of the book
rather than prior to publication of the articles themselves. What might have
been more interesting would be if the author had commented on his own work with
that hindsight from an almost god-like position of ‘knowing’ what was coming
next. A little ‘post-modern’ I know but I think it would have worked and would
have given some interesting and valuable insights into things.
For those who are unaware, The Guardian is/was the premier
left-leaning newspaper in the UK and, before I stopped buying all newspapers
some years ago, I read it for many years from my student days and through my
first 20 years of employment from then. So naturally I found myself in
agreement with almost every word in this book. Unfortunately that was one of
the things that ‘disappointed’ me (*I know*!) and I must admit I did find
myself a little bored from time to time. I also clearly remember much of what’s
covered here because I’m fairly switched on politically (as you may have
realised – lol) and I was paying attention at the time these events were
unfolding around me. If this applies to you as much as me I can’t see you
deriving much from reading this book. If, however, you were *not* paying
attention (for any of a whole host of reasons) or want to see the first part of
the 21st century through a pair of lefty eyes then you might get
quite an education. Reasonable but I’m really looking for something a bit more
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Ship of Force by Alan Evans (FP: 1979) [255pp]
Summer, 1917. After returning to England after his adventures off the Pacific coast of North America the Admiralty didn’t really know what to do with Commander David Cochrane Smith. Was he reckless, nothing more than a glory hound or was he something else – gifted, special, an asset in the ongoing conflict with Germany. Only time and opportunity would tell and Rear-Admiral Braddock was determined to give him that opportunity. Despite some opposition, Smith was to be given command of a destroyer flotilla in the English Channel tasked with the destruction of enemy U-Boats. He was to report to his commanding officer in Dunkirk at his earliest opportunity. But on arrival any thought that all had been ‘forgiven’ was quickly dismissed. His ‘flotilla’ was in fact an aged Torpedo Boat ‘Destroyer’ dating from the last years of the 19th century and a barely functioning Monitor coastal bombardment vessel. To make matters worse, as if they could be, both crews had a reputation of insubordination and causing regular trouble whilst on shore leave. If Smith was to make any headway or any impression at all he needed to do something quickly. Taking command of the ‘destroyer’ on his first day in post they run across a surfaced U-boat and engage it. Rescuing survivors after the battle the dying captain of the submarine rants about ‘Operation Swordbearer’ – a plan that is sure to turn the tide of war in Germany’s favour. But was exactly *is* Swordbearer? Dismissed as the ramblings of a dying man by Smith’s new commander it is up to Smith and his team to uncover the plot and defend against whatever the planned attack can throw at them. But with two of the worst ships in the Dunkirk squadron what can one man possibly do? Quite a lot – if that man is as resourceful and determined as Commander David Cochrane Smith!
After thoroughly enjoying his previous book in the series I
was really looking forward to this and it very much did not disappoint. Smith
is a great character especially in this book with both his anger management and
self-doubt issues under more control. He still doesn’t quite understand why his
men look up to and value him so much but it doesn’t take too much reasoning
power to discern the reason why – although he does push his people to perform
(probably more than they thought they could) he is a VERY good leader of men,
although I do think that he’s a bit too reckless for my liking. One of his
qualities though is that Smith leads from the front. He certainly puts his men
in danger and does get some of them killed (word to the wise – in these books
it’s best not to get too attached to secondary characters!) but he’s right in
the thick of it with them, taking the same risks and just as often needing at
least some medical attention once combat it over. As with the previous book the
naval combat scenes are both very well down and damned exciting. The tension
builds throughout the book with a simple fight between destroyed and sub to
start with, moving through a fast ‘contact’ with multiple enemies caught
unawares whilst loading troops and finally with a ‘boss fight’ between Smith’s
small flotilla (plus a fast torpedo boat that he ‘borrowed’) against an enemy
Battlecruiser and her escorts. There’s also a reasonable espionage sub-plot as
well as, with Smith’s well-deserved reputation, a brief relationship element.
Great characterisation throughout – I particularly liked the irascible female
tugboat captain who assists Smiths plans from time to time. Overall this was
GREAT fun from the first page. I think I have just one more of this author’s
series to read and am actively trying to get his others. A total blast and
highly recommended if you can find a copy.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Reading Plans for 2021 (and Beyond) – Half Year Update
Has it REALLY been 6 months already? Yup! How times flies
during a slow motion Apocalypse…. I think it’s about time I surveyed how my
2021 Reading Plans were doing. Well, it’s one way I can keep myself on track –
or at least TRY too! [lol]
Following The Labels
My Plan to follow the country/region labels is going
reasonably well. I’ve read & reviewed the bunch of books for both France
and Germany (with an additional China bonus triple), so (ancient) Greece is up
next – presently sitting in the ‘to be scheduled soon’ pile – and I expect to
complete both the India and Ireland batch this year.
Dipping in the Knowledge Streams
Dipping is, I think, the word here. I’ve been nibbling
around the edges of ‘Britain Alone’, ‘World War to Cold War’ and ‘USA:WTF’ but
will become more focused going into the 2nd half of the year. I’m
actually about to start the official foundation of my ‘Britain Alone’ set of
books with the 1938 Munich Crisis, so that’ll be showing up for review in about
5-6 weeks. The foundation for the ‘World War to Cold War’, which is a review of
Occupied Europe prior to D-Day will follow later (but well before year’s end).
As the topic of ‘USA:WTF’ is rather more amorphous it’ll be a little more hit
and miss as I’m really not sure what would count as a foundation for that
Wild Cards
I think the ‘Wild Cards’ are working well and the increased
number of them will be showing up from around now and going forward into next
year. I’m expecting, with them being ‘wild’ and all, that they should produce
some real surprises – and not only for my hard-core readers.
Finishing/Progressing Series
I’m approaching the end of the ‘Sharpe’ series of books –
just in time for Cornwell to drop another one! – which should be complete early
next year. I’ve also recently (and finally!) finished the ‘Divergent’ series of
books. Coming up, by the end of the year anyway, will be the final book in the ‘Hunger
Games’ trilogy that I still haven’t read. I’m yet to start either the ‘Foundation’
or ‘Dune’ series of books, in advance of the Foundation TV series or the Dune
movie but hope to do so this year (although the reviews might drop in 2022).
Naturally, being me, I have started several more long running series – notably ‘The
Expanse’ – which will take some time to complete.
Bigger Books & Reducing the Review Pile
The review pile presently stands as 11 which is somewhat
better than the 14 of six months ago. I am endeavouring to read longer books to
push that down to around 8 (which seems reasonable) but its slow going.
Presently my average read is 330pp (which is at least 20pp more than six months ago!) with the aim to get that above 350pp and
keep it there. The largest book reviewed since records began (on Oct 22nd
2020) is 561pp but that record will fall in a few weeks.
My plan to read more Award Winning books is, I think, going
well. MANY more to come including some interesting surprises.
Continuing as Usual
On top of all of that I’m, naturally, progressing with all
of my background reading plans. The last of the (extended) ‘Man Vs Machine’
reading pile has entered my (enlarged) ‘read next’ stack sitting on my sofa, so
the next stack of WW1 based novels will start being scheduled soon(ish). The
rest of the reading Cosmic Background you can probably already guess at. The
only notable addition going forward will be a number of Ancestry related books
both on the deeper genetic aspects of the Brits (and Irish of course) as well
as some more focused reading on the Caribbean and the pre-revolution American
Friday, July 23, 2021
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick (FP: 1991) [252pp]
Miranda was changing. The long anticipated return of the ocean waters was already visible. Coastal communities were packing up and moving to higher ground. The local lifeforms were already starting the process of changing from aerial or land based life into the purely aquatic. Everything was in flux. In the midst of the chaos on the surface an unnamed bureaucrat is sent to retrieve a stolen piece of technology that has been proscribed for use by any less advanced civilisation. A man only known as Gregorian has promised his followers that he will lead a revolt against the powers holding his world back. With his stolen tech he might just be able to do that – unless the bureaucrat can stop him in time. As the tide rises and the bureaucrat follows various clues as to Gregorian’s whereabouts his search is hampered by the very lack of technology he is searching for. Relying on his wits, his charm and his smart, and smart mouthed, briefcase he is in a race against time before the very ground under his feet disappears.
This took me a while to get into because the premise was so
weird. The world of Miranda was truly alien – not just Earth with a few tweaks –
but really, really strange. Likewise the colonists – the indigenous population
had gone extinct fairly recently – having adapted to the strange rhythms of
their new home were equally a bit odd. Added to this was the party atmosphere
engendered by the coming floods including a fair smattering of recreational
drug use which, naturally, messed with the main characters senses. The ‘MacGuffin’
of the stolen technology was mostly a plot device (OK, that’s somewhat of a
spoiler but not a whole lot of one!) to motivate the main protagonist ahead
through a changing world. Once I wrapped my head around what was going on it
was an interesting ride full of unique experiences and fascinating characters.
The ending was suitably dramatic and quite surprising – in a GOOD way – and definitely
left me with a wondering smile on my face. All in all this was a very
entertaining read and deserved its Award nominations. Definitely recommended.
Much more SF to come!
Arthur C. Clarke Award Best Book (nominee)
Hugo Best Novel (nominee)
John W Campbell Memorial Award Best Novel (nominee)
Nebula Awards Best Novel (Winner)
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The Last White Rose – The Secret Wars of the Tudors by Desmond Seward (FP: 2010) [349pp]
‘Uneasy rests the Crown’…. No more uneasy, it seemed, than that of Henry VII. After snatching victory from the very jaws of defeat on Bosworth Field in 1485, and that very victory ensured by an act of betrayal, it came as no surprise that the King saw enemies everywhere – because he did indeed have enemies everywhere. The Tudor faction may have prevailed on the battlefield but Henry soon realised that gaining power and holding power are two very different things. The key element that defined Henry’s rule was fear of a conspiracy to unseat him. There was certainly enough cause to fear. Scattered throughout England and in exile on the near continent and in Ireland were members of Richard’s family and of his affinity who actively plotted with other European powers to return the Plantagenet’s to their rightful place. All of this took a toll on Henry himself and the country as uprising after plot after rebellion rose up and had to be put down – sometimes with a great deal of blood. The longed for peace after the Wars of the Roses did not materialise. Growing up in this environment the young future Henry VIII could hardly have been unaffected by the paranoia that plagued his father’s very existence. Knowing that enemies, both foreign and domestic, both real and purely imaginary, had dedicated their very lives to end the Tudor dynasty must have both warped Henry’s responses to threats and informed him as to where those threats existed. Woe to those families with too strong a link to the Plantagenet line of succession. Even the very existence of a potential heir of that line could be enough to condemn otherwise largely innocent men and women to be imprisoned or executed. Professions of loyalty, bribes, hostages or simple innocence cut little ice with Henry VIII in his quest for safety.
Most histories of the Wars of the Roses end with Bosworth in
1485 when the contest between the Houses of Lancaster and York had been
apparently settled in suitably brutal fashion. Here we see the aftermath of the
war for the victor on that day and the following generation, both who had to
deal with or at least felt that they had to deal with rivals for their
legitimate position as English monarch. The ‘peace’ following Bosworth was
nothing of the sort and was instead an age of smouldering enmity and resentment
on the Yorkist side and fear and paranoia on the Tudor side. Thinking about how
Henry VIII was exposed to this atmosphere from birth goes some way to explain
his actions (or over reactions!) as monarch as he sought out and destroyed ‘enemies’
wherever he found them. One thing that also struck me – although not explicitly
covered in this excellent volume – was the effectiveness of Elizabeth I’s
intelligence network both domestically and within Europe. Such an organisation,
even managed by someone as talented as Sir Francis Walsingham, could not have
been created overnight. It would seem that such a network of spies and
informants had been in the process of being built long before Elizabeth came to
power during her father’s and indeed her grandfather’s reign.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Looking Backwards – DNA Results!
Several months ago I bought myself a DNA Ancestor kit and sent a seeming bucketful of spit to a lab in Ireland for analysis. The results were due next week but dropped early. Interestingly the results were mundane, surprising and a little disappointing.
Rather unsurprisingly my results came out as 59% Irish. On
my father’s side of things I’ve only managed to go back around 100 years but I’m
confident, once I break through the deadlock, that they go back as far as
records allow – and no doubt much further – on the Irish East coast. So 59% is
no great surprise. Knowing now that my mother’s side of the family are, by and
large, English (or at least born & bred in England) the 59% seems reasonable.
There’s a blip of Irish blood back in the 18th century – most likely
from one of the periodic famines – that shows up in the Midlands (no doubt in
the early-ish stages of the Industrial Revolution) which probably explains the
additional 9%. So far, so mundane.
The surprise, at least to me, in the next big chunk of DNA
in each of my cells – 36% Scottish. Now certainly on my Mother’s side (the only
lineage I’ve managed to track back to any great depth) I’ve thought several
times that there is a notable ABSENCE of Scots. As mentioned above most of my
maternal ancestors are English with an Irish blip and a handful of Welsh back
in the 16th century. The vast majority of my maternal ancestors are
either from the Midlands or points SOUTH. I could understand a bleed-over
effect from ancestors near the Scottish borders but it surprises me a great
deal to see Scottish genes so heavily represented here. I’m obviously missing
some information. The only things I can think of is either some SERIOUS mixing
of Scottish DNA into my English ancestors prior to Tudor times (I know that
several serious raids into the Midlands and the South happened over the last
1000 years but nothing that resulted in long term occupation) or, and probably
more likely, the Scottish DNA comes from migrations from Scotland into Ireland
from VERY early days. As always more research (AKA books!) is required.
Of course what this does mean is that I’m 95% Celtic – which
is COOL in itself and something I had long believed myself to be. It seems that
I do indeed have an INDENTITY that I can back up with science & stuff. I
am, as you might expect, more than happy with that result. I’m a CELT – deal with
it [lol]. This, of course, also requires much more reading! [grin]
So, what of the other 5%? Well, the DNA results said that I’m
3% English or North European. Again that’s interesting. It would suggest that
the Irish side of the family didn’t have any noticeable influx of other DNA
lines and that the ‘English’ side of things – presumably from Irish and
(somehow) Scottish ancestors - didn’t mix much with the locals. I wonder if
that was due to their Catholic faith. I’m guessing that the local English (with
majority ‘English’ DNA) were Protestants so were outside the acceptable breeding
range of the ‘Irish’/’Scottish’ DNA lines. That might explain any mate
selection process that would, as a consequence, exclude ‘English’ DNA from the available
gene pool. At least that’s a working theory!
The remaining 2% was, rather oddly, Swedish. This is both
funny (in a way) and more than a little disappointing. The ‘funny’ part is that
I expect that a LOT of European DNA, including the UK and Ireland, have around
2-5% Scandinavian in its code structure. Those guys got around a LOT over the
years. The disappointing part is that it destroys a personal myth I kind of
toyed with about having Viking ancestors. After all the area where my father’s
family comes from was periodically settled by Vikings. I guess they didn’t mix
very much…. So, my first impulse was to be rather underwhelmed by the whole
thing but thinking about it more deeply my mind is starting to run down
interesting rabbits as they bob and weave away from me. One of the interesting takeaways
from the results is how incredibly LOCAL my DNA is. Despite the UK in general
being a real mixing pot over the millennia my DNA line managed to stay fairly
cohesive. That in itself is something to ponder on….. Oh, and one more thing
that popped into my head. The DNA trail seems to suggest that NONE of my
ancestors came over with the Normans in 1066 and after. Interesting!
Friday, July 16, 2021
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Sophie Scholl and the White Rose by Annette Dumbach & Jud Newborn (FP: 1986) [185pp]
She knew she had her whole life ahead of her – she just had to get there. Coming of age in 1930’s Germany was never going to be easy. As the new regime became more and more embedded in ordinary life if became increasingly difficult to ignore things. It also became increasingly difficult to be ignored and left alone. Because of this the Scholl family slowly emerged onto the authority’s radar. Although the children took part in Hitler Youth activities they, generally, followed their father’s beliefs and held such groups in distain. Even Hans, who had initially thrown himself into the organisation and had risen accordingly, finally turned against their regimented philosophy. When war came the Scholl’s were appalled. Even with victory after victory, and final victory regularly assured on the radio, they knew that it could not last. When friends and family members were sent to Russia the tension was almost unbearable. Couldn’t people see what was happening? Couldn’t they see where things were going? Couldn’t they see that the war could only end in final defeat for Germany? If not, they needed to be told. Now at University, Sophie joined her brother and friends in a group they called ‘The White Rose’. Their object was a noble one – the educate the German people about the danger they all faced now that the country was fighting a war on two fronts and with the American’s as enemies. At first their leaflets were crude, long and far too ‘high-brow’ as befits the efforts of university students. But over the following months they got better as did their distribution network. They also began to gain notice, not only from the authorities but by other resistance groups. But being young, impatient and politically naïve they also took risks and that would, unfortunately be the end of them…..
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Monday, July 12, 2021
Just Finished Reading: Think Like an Anthropologist by Matthew Engelke (FP: 2017) [319pp]
Despite regular contact with other cultures across the globe the study of Anthropology only became an academic venture in the late 19th century. Unsurprisingly it took on the belief prevalent at the time that cultures evolve and that, quite naturally, white European culture was at the top with various grades of cultures extending below it covering Africa, South American natives and points South-East. This was of course self-congratulatory to the West and ‘justified’ much of the world’s colonial endeavours throughout that age. The problem was that once reliable data started coming back from field studies in often remote places it became almost impossible to maintain a defensible place for such theories. Although ideas of ‘advanced’ and ‘primitive’ or ‘simple’ cultures persisted (in some cases until today in popular imagination) on closer examination this proved to be nothing of the kind. Even so called ‘primitive’ cultures exhibited complex and nuanced social structures, beliefs, and what in any other context would be called political or economic activity. These were not societies that could be analysed and understood in a matter of weeks or months. Investigations lasting years or decades only began to unearth how these ‘primitive’ societies functioned and, as a result, forced western anthropologists to re-evaluate just how their own cultural, and often invisible or ignored, baggage influenced how they saw and subsequently studied their ‘primitive’ subjects.
Honing in on topics like culture and civilisation (both
rather difficult to adequately pin down), values and value, blood, identity
(hot button topic of the age!), authority and Nature this intriguing little
volume both introduces the reader into the theories, practice and rather
spotted history of Anthropology and shows how anthropologists (and by extension
the reader) think about what they see and experience when they study the
subjects of interest. It also allows the reader to see both the strange and the
familiar both in far flung cultures as well as our own and gets you wondering
exactly why we, in our far from neutral culture, do what we do and think how we
do. Why are things certain colours? Why are our social structures the way they
are? Is Patriarchy a default state? Are hierarchies inevitable? Is gender fixed
or fluid? Looking at how other cultures or societies answer these and a whole
host of other questions makes you start to wonder about your own in ways that
calls, at least potentially, everything you do or see into question. Thinking
like an anthropologist on a daily basis when you’re going out your daily life
is quite eye-opening (and occasionally eye-popping) as you learn to see how
things actually work in the world you have long taken for granted.
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Looking Backwards – A Matter of Life & Death (1)
Looking back over my ancestry records over the past month or so has thrown up some very interesting, and honestly mysterious, long lost relatives. It’s also highlighted that, generally, my family are quite long lived despite coming from common stock and, presumably, having correspondingly hard lives. It’s certainly not unusual going back into the 18th or even 17th century and fining members who lived well into their 60’s and beyond. This is an era when average life expectancy was around 40. But I guess that the average was rather skewed towards the lower end of things because of high infant mortality. Get past you first 5, and definitely your first 10, years and reaching 50 or beyond was a lot easier.
But I think the most interesting thing I’ve come across is
not how long people lived but where they died. Unsurprisingly most of my
ancestors died pretty much within a stone’s throw of where they were born and
lived out their lives. At best they might have moved to another town in the same
county or moved to an adjacent county at some point. Long distance migration
seemed to have been very much the exception. So singular exceptions REALLY
jumped out at me.
First on that list was John Lee (1751-1784). He was my 5th
great-grandfather and was born in Limerick, Ireland. Interestingly all of the
ancestors listed here are from my maternal line (largely from around the West
Midlands of England) rather than my father’s Southern Irish line. The odd thing
was where he died – in Richmond, Georgia aged 33. I wonder if he was going for
a new life in the Colonies due to famine conditions in Ireland.
Then, there’s Ann Woodroffe (1640-1696) my 12th
great-grandmother. She was born in Basingstoke, Hampshire and married John
Padmore II in her teens following him back to his sugar plantation in Barbados
where she gave birth to a son when still 17. That same year her husband died
but Ann stayed on in Barbados where she died aged 56.
Another interesting example is Elizabeth Woodley (1646-1720),
my 11th great-grandmother who was born in Barbados but died, aged
74, in Isle of Wight County, Virginia in 1720. I wonder what her story was. I
am, of course, naturally concerned with any connection to Barbados during this
era because of its very strong connection with sugar and slaves. Was Elizabeth
part of this trade with property in both locations? Good question!
Somewhat more mysterious, and possibly more disturbing, are
the details surrounding Mary Reade (1610-1655), my 12th
great-grandmother. She was born in Sheffield, Yorkshire which 100 years later
was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution. In 1646 she was in Barbados
(again!) giving birth to a daughter. The most intriguing part though is where
she died, aged just 45. She died – in 1655 – in West Nimba, Liberia. I looked
at the map and Nimba is significantly inland from any coastal settlement or
trading post. What on earth was a woman doing there in the mid-17th
century? With her husband trading maybe, either for pepper (a very valuable
commodity at the time) or for slaves to take back to Barbados. Not a
particularly nice thought process there. It seems clear that the Padmore family
(mentioned above) must have kept slaves to harvest their sugar crop but was
Mary Reade’s family TRADING in slaves?
Now I know why I love what I love about 80's Music!
Friday, July 09, 2021
Thursday, July 08, 2021
Just Finished Reading: The Norman Conquest by Marc Morris (FP: 2012) [353pp]
1066 and the events that followed that most critical and calamitous year for Anglo-Saxon England are certainly a defining date in British history (and arguably the most important date/battle in the whole of that islands long history). It is even arguable that the Battle near Hastings in that year altered the course of European and thence world history. It is no surprise, therefore, that historians keep revisiting that most significant date again and again. It is also unsurprising, as the author quickly alludes to, that historians almost as soon as the last arrow flew have picked sides either lamenting Harold Godwinson’s hasty arrival on the south coast to give battle or trumpeting William’s genius on the battlefield and his clear right to rule. Whilst acknowledging the partisan feelings around the Norman Conquest the author is clearly of the opinion that it’s high time we moved on to look at the events as dispassionately as possible. Despite being an Anglo-Saxon fan from way back I think I’d have to grudgingly agree here. History and historians shouldn’t really be in the business of picking sides – even if one of them is, at least technically, French.
I’m certainly well aware of the broad sweep of the narrative
presented here. It’s difficult not to be as Hastings featured prominently in my
early education. The author follows the well-known plot of an Anglo-Saxon
England where the Godwin family had risen to prominence in southern England
through a mixture of military prowess and political manoeuvring. This was an
age where, if no clear succession to the throne existed, that the great and the
good would ‘elect’ a new leader. As the head of the most powerful family the
election of Harold Godwinson didn’t come as much of a surprise – except apparently
in Normandy where the young Duke William was expecting to be invited to England
to take up the kingship there. It is still unclear exactly who had the right to
sit on the English throne. Harold’s lineage was weak but by position and,
apparently by deathbed decree, he had a reasonable case. William, meanwhile had
a stronger lineage and had, again apparently, been promised the throne by the
recently decreased King. There was really only one way to settle it – trial be
combat and let God decide.
God, it seemed, was on the side of the Norman’s and gave the
closely fought battle near Hastings to William – although not without a few
tense moments on both sides. But even after the matter had been settled in
heaven there was still a country to subdue. One battle may have settled the succession
but there were enough survivors and enough others scattered about to question
Norman hegemony. The battle might have been over but the fighting was far from
done. Over the next 20 years William and his fellow Norman knights fought
pitched battles, skirmishes and put down repeated rebellions. Introducing castles
and other strongpoints the Norman’s enforced their rule and slowly squeezed any
idea of organised resistance out of the English – or at the very least reduced
it to background noise. Apparently the killing of Norman soldiers became so
common throughout England that special ordinances had to be created to attempt
to stamp it out long after the English should have been pacified. The
rebellious northerner’s (bless them) became such a thorn in William’s side that
he campaigned there to such a harsh degree that he even disgusted his own
officers who asked to be able to return to their estates in Normandy rather
than witness another harrowing. Yorkshire in particular took hundreds of years
to recover from the devastation wrought by William. Some historians argue that
the whole of the North never recovered to this day.