did 15 miles today and only got moderately rained on! my bicycle is a single speed 1960 frame made at Barton on Humber. it's an old 3 speed that i converted. it weighs about 22 lbs. it has about 67 gear inches which is okay for an old duffer like me... young hotshots run over 80 inches... that works out at about 12mph with crank speed of about 70 rpm...
@ James: I used to use the gym @ work but that was mostly weights & the running machine. I have thought about getting a static bike @ home but my book stacks are in the way... [grin]
@ Sarah: Sounds like LOTS of fun. I see quite a few families riding together around where I live. Much more relaxed than the road racers I sometimes see - sometimes in packs!
@ Mudpuddle: 15 miles! Impressive! I haven't actually been on a peddle bike for over 50 years. I did quite enjoy pootling around as a child though..
I use one at the gym.
I love my bike. Eleanor and I enjoy a good ride around town, it's so relaxing.
did 15 miles today and only got moderately rained on! my bicycle is a single speed 1960 frame made at Barton on Humber. it's an old 3 speed that i converted. it weighs about 22 lbs. it has about 67 gear inches which is okay for an old duffer like me... young hotshots run over 80 inches... that works out at about 12mph with crank speed of about 70 rpm...
@ James: I used to use the gym @ work but that was mostly weights & the running machine. I have thought about getting a static bike @ home but my book stacks are in the way... [grin]
@ Sarah: Sounds like LOTS of fun. I see quite a few families riding together around where I live. Much more relaxed than the road racers I sometimes see - sometimes in packs!
@ Mudpuddle: 15 miles! Impressive! I haven't actually been on a peddle bike for over 50 years. I did quite enjoy pootling around as a child though..
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