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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

OK, this is the VERY LAST 20 Questions, honest. 

What do you really wish you knew when you were younger? 

That plans are often worthless but planning is never a waste of your time.  

What book did you read more than one time? 

The LoTR trilogy, His Dark Materials trilogy, the first 2 Dune books (the rest following) …. Few, but some... 

What was the happiest moment of your life? 

My time with Carol – the best of times and the worst of times. Heck of a ride though... [lol] Other choices are my 3 years at university or, along with periods of stress and frustration, my last job. 

Would you rather control King Kong or Godzilla? 

Godzilla, or even better, MechaGodzilla! As long as it avoids Lego factories who could stop me? 

Would you rather have to fart loudly whenever you have a serious conversation or have to burp after every kiss? 

My ex-girlfriend found my burping LESS than sexy, believe me! [lol] 

What is the most important thing you have learned in life? 

Be your own person. Make your own choices. Spend the time to find out who you are and then be that to the best of your ability. Don’t let other people define you. 

Would you rather go to the cinema or to a concert? 

Cinema probably, although I have been to a few good concerts. 

What makes you the angriest? 

Willful ignorance – especially when the information is readily available. 

Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales? 

Tricky.... Fur would be WARM which I like but scales would look great and be SO easy to clean with the wipe of a damp cloth.... 

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

Apart from the UK? Probably either New Zealand or Canada as I greatly enjoyed my visits to both countries. 

What pets did you have while you were growing up? 

Our first pet was a German Shepherd, we had rabbits, several types of birds, mice, rats, jerboas, hamsters, fish, snakes.... Always something in our house!  

Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early? 

Oh, I’m ALWAYS early! I absolutely HATE the idea of being late for anything. I’d rather be an hour early than 2 minutes late! 

What do you think about artificial intelligence? 

It’s coming, it’s inevitable and there’s a fair chance that it will kill us all. Best outcome is that it would keep us a pampered pets or keep us around for experimental purposes (to study us rather than what we presently do to mice – hopefully). 

Do you think religion will always exist? 

Probably. I think it will slowly decline over the next century but even then, there will be millions of people who believe.  

Would you rather wear a wedding dress/tuxedo every single day or wear a bathing suit every single day? 

Me? In a *bathing suit*? NOT a good idea. Tux it is! 

Would you rather be a cyborg or be half-man half-animal? 

Well, humans ARE animals but Cyborgs are TOO cool to turn down.  

Who was your first crush? 

Probably either one of my teachers @ school or literally the girl next door (Jackie). 

What’s your dream job, and why? 

I really enjoyed my time as a Project Manager. I liked things I’d been working on, sometimes for years, come to fruition in bricks & concrete (or wood and paint). In another life I’d liked to have been either an architect or maybe a civil engineer. 

Would you rather be SpongeBob or be Patrick? 

SpongeBob, DUH! He’s an ICON. 

If you could put something on the cover of a newspaper, what would it be? 

Happy Christmas, War is OVER. 


Marianne said...

Some great questions again. I would rather go to a concert or the theatre than the cinema, haven't been for ages.

But one question comes up, are you sure you are not partly German because most Germans would answer the question about being late or early the same as you, including myself.

CyberKitten said...

I'm not sure where my time sense comes from. But I get VERY anxious if I'm in danger of being late for something. I always factor in delays & problems so if everything goes right - which it often does to be honest - I'm super early. But if everything went wrong... I'd still be there on time [grin]

I've only tracked my Mother's family back any great distance and there's no German ancestors in there. According to my DNA profile I'm pretty much Irish and Scottish with a slight hint of English. For a while I had some Scandanavian DNA but later analysis eliminated it from the mix unfortunately. I always had the hope that I had some Vikings in the ancestorial closet.

Marianne said...

Well, there must have been someone German in your family, your anxiousness is a huge telltale. We think and behave exactly the same. LOL

Living in an international environment, we were always made fun of because we would always be the first to turn up anywhere, no matter how short we cut it.

CyberKitten said...

LOL - I'll let you know if I find any German ancestors/relatives.... It'd be REALLY funny if you are right.

VV said...

What do you really wish you knew when you were younger?

That I could choose a life other than what others decided for me. I wasted years being an addition to someone else’s life and choices.

What book did you read more than one time? Books of poetry by Emily Dickinson .

What was the happiest moment of your life?

Falling in love and the births of my children

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Be your own person. Make your own choices. Spend the time to find out who you are and then be that to the best of your ability. Don’t let other people define you. DITTO!

Would you rather go to the cinema or to a concert?

Cinema probably, because it can take you more place in your imagination

What makes you the angriest?

Willful ignorance – especially when the information is readily available. OMG! DITTO!

Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?

As I love cold places, fur would be most appropriate.

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Vancouver, Canada, US Niagara region of western NY or Suomenlinna, Finland

What pets did you have while you were growing up?

Fish, parakeets, rabbits, dogs, cats, snakes, oh my!

Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?

Oh, I’m ALWAYS early! I absolutely HATE the idea of being late for anything. I’d rather be an hour early than 2 minutes late!

Would you rather wear a wedding dress/tuxedo every single day or wear a bathing suit every single day?

A bathing suit because a bra and panties are already like a bathing suit and you can just wear clothes over them.

Would you rather be a cyborg or be half-man half-animal?

A cyborg because resistance is futile and I would be assimilated regardless.

Who was your first crush?

A classmate in the second grade, Carl..

What’s your dream job, and why?

A successful writer so I would have the money and time to build things. I lie awake at night sometimes and build things step-by-step in my head. I believe in another life I must have built things. I have freakishly sophisticated spatial reasoning. Everywhere I travel I study and take pictures of the architecture.

If you could put something on the cover of a newspaper, what would it be? Scientists stumble upon proof of other planes of reality to solve the mysteries of where we are before and after life on earth. ☺️

CyberKitten said...

*TWINS*...! [LOL]

Marianne said...

We will see. LOL