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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

In Label News... 

I’ve made a few minor changes/additions in my Label List over on the right, partially to consolidate an existing theme which will be subject to expansion from next year and partially to emphasize a significant historical event in British history. They are: 


As my long-time readers (thank you!) will know, I started delving into my ancestry during the tail end of the pandemic and was blown away by what I found and how far back I went. All my findings had been grouped under the ‘Looking Backwards’ label. As well as this I’ve been reading some UK based genetics books to see who things fit together and try to discover why I’ve got so much Scottish DNA in my cells! It seemed sensible to amalgamate both threads into a single label – hence ‘Ancestry’. I’ll be adding more books into this label as I try to ‘find my feet’ in the deep history of my family. 


One of the most important events in UK, and arguably world, history over the last 100 years or so was the Battle of Britain - hence ‘BoB’. Looking through my WW2/British history section I was surprised that I’d read much less on this subject than I thought I had. I do have several books on the subject in various piles and it seemed like a good idea to give them a separate home. More to come of this subject from next year.  

More Label News to come in my plans for 2023 and beyond.   

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