England...! Or Northern Europe. It's been raining here, almost every day, for the last 8-10 weeks. NO chance of fires here.... Sure there's the odd flood, mudslide, coastal cliff collapse.... But you pick your destination and take your chances, right.....
You are right about the Northern Europe part, if you include Northern Germany. Same here, rain, rain, rain. But I rather have that then the scorching heat we had before and that rages everywhere else.
While I'd definitely like *less* rain and more dry days, I wouldn't like 100F day after day and the chance of your whole town burning to the ground.... Somewhere in the middle would be nice - sort of like we used to have.... Summer in the summer, Winter in the winter... That sort of thing. But, I guess that's gone for good now - or at least for a generation or three IF we get our act together.
It's been horribly hot here for a couple of months. I would be happy to go somewhere rainy again!
Sounds like you'd really fit in to Northern Europe... Health care, holidays... and rain. LOTS of rain..... [grin]
You are right, we will not see normal weather again, hopefully, we will get our act together and leave a better world for our grandchildren. Too late for our children, I'm afraid.
Can't do nothin' without the Chinese and Indians onboard, and they're too busy making the same mistakes as Americans and filling their landscapes with cars.
It doesn't help pointing the finger at others. The European countries are a lot smaller and could say the same but they try, at least.
Yup, if we simply waited for *other* countries to act (or used that as a thin excuse for inaction) then we are doomed to live through - if we're lucky enough - the worst predictions of the Climate scientists. Doing something, even if it isn't enough, is better, much better, than doing nothing....
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