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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, August 25, 2023

How 'weak-sauce'! I remember, back in the days of playing World of Warcraft, that me and my gaming buddies would take a WEEK off work when a new expansion dropped. My boss thought I was a bit cracked for doing so, but she was probably pleased that I was taking time off work for *something* even if it meant that I hardly left the house.... 


Stephen said...

Beats spending a weekend buying purses, shoes, wear-once clothing, and overpriced coffees and 'gourmet teas'. (There are really people who will pay $8 for a fruit-flavored tea. o_O)

CyberKitten said...

I can't believe what people pay for coffee or tea in some places. No wonder they never have any money. Like buying WATER in bottles, rather than drinking the more than serviceable stuff out of the tap - if you like that sort of thing.

VV said...

That’s commitment! I prefer to buy junk furniture and fix it up, then read a good book. ☺️

CyberKitten said...

Well, I've been gaming since 1974 so its in my blood by now. It's like I said to my dental hygienist when she recommended that I stop drinking Coke/Pepsi.. I said that I'd been drinking it for over 50 years and I wasn't going to stop now..... [lol]

Sleepypete said...

Starfield is coming ...

CyberKitten said...

I'm interested in Falling Frontier for something 'different', plus (of course) Baldur's Gate 3....