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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, September 11, 2023


Stephen said...

German army moving through scorched-earth Russia?

News article for you: AI generated a song based on analyzing people's brain patterns while listening to said song. The generated SONG sounded like a very rough cover of the song.


CyberKitten said...

It's 'The Battle of Neuve Chapelle', 1915 by James Prinsep Beadle (1863–1947). So, a British unit in WW1 France....

AI is pretty good at some things (presently) and will, inevitably, get better. I think we're still some way away from mass layoffs in various industries but its coming. When AI gets good - that is *before* it turns on us - its going to be quite disruptive... as if we didn't/won't have enough to deal with in the next 50-100 years!

Have you heard of the 'Great Filter'? I think we're living through the early stages of it right now... [lol]

Stephen said...

The only Great Filter I can find has to do with the failure to find any ETs?

CyberKitten said...

That's the one... Essentially an 'explanation' of the Fermi Paradox. Essentially, as you no doubt discovered, its the theory that civilisations have to jump through a series of hoops before becoming capable of moving out into the Universe. The reason we haven't discovered any such civilisations (yet) is because either they haven't got that advanced (yet) or failed at some point to jump the hoop/pass through the filter to get there (AKA they crashed & burned). There has been some discussion if we had already passed through our 'filter' or if it was yet to come. Personally I think we're going through one right now - hence all of the upheaval in the world.

Although we've still got the twin hurdles of AI & Global Warming to get over yet!!

Oh, and did you see that the James Webb telescope *might* have just confirmed life on another world 120LY away!! They're gathering more data.... [grin]


Stephen said...

I didn't! To quote a fella we both know...."Fascinating." ^_- Fell into a Michael Sugrue hole this weekend and haven't been listening to my science podcasts. (He has a series of lectures on Western philosophy -- Plato, the Stoics, Augustine, etc).