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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, November 09, 2023


Marian H said...

I like this a lot!

I'm also in favor of more regulation in portion sizes. It stuns me whenever I see a 1000+ calorie item on the menu and there's no smaller size offered.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Back in the day, I worked at a buffet. Sometimes people would bring a whole plate of fried chicken to their table and we'd end up throwing away three quarters of it. Ugh.

CyberKitten said...

@ Marian: We waste a HUGE amount of food in rich countries. Its a real shame considering what other parts of the world have to deal with.

@ Mike: Hi! How's things with you? Wasting food like that always feels wrong. I guess its true that 'eyes are bigger than bellies'. I think some places 'donate' their unused food for animal feed so at least some of it gets recycled. I know some places even give all usable food to homeless shelters.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

This needs to be posted everywhere. People have no idea how much food they waste. I am guilty of it myelf but I try so hard to not be as wasteful as I was when I was younger and dumber.

CyberKitten said...

Likewise I do my best not to waste food. The odd biscuit or bit of bread gets thrown out for the birds, but I'm pretty good most of the time. If it gets bought, it gets eaten.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Things are going well, thank you, though my gaming PC is down right now. Fortunately, I have a "gaming" laptop as well, so I can play a few games on it for the time being. How are you?

CyberKitten said...

Never good news when you main gaming rig is down... Hope its back up and running soon!

Things are OK here, although I'm more than a little bored with the rain we've been having. The *bright* side is that we won't be having a drought for a while!! But it seems like more stable (if cooler) conditions are coming from the end of the week.