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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, January 14, 2024


VV said...

Most people here won’t believe it. 😟

Marianne said...

Yes, but they are "communists". At least that's what the R party wants to make you believe.

Marianne said...

Btw - it's similar in the other Scandinavian countries.

CyberKitten said...

@ V V: It's easy enough to do (proper) research on these subjects. Most people have Internet access and the details are freely published. You might have to do a little 'math' for conversion of currencies and so, but its all there...

@ Marianne: Yup. I'm guessing that its pretty much the same - or broadly similar - across Europe, Scandinavia and places like Australia, New Zealand and even Canada.

It does make me laugh though, when Americans instantly compare the *possibility* of things like Health care, pensions or Social Security with Stalinist Russia..... Overreacting much...? [lol]

VV said...

They’re told to only believe what their masters tell them. They don’t believe in real research especially if it goes against what they’re programmed to believe.

Marianne said...

True, Kitten, we have similar programmes as the Scandinavians, though they do it best.

And VV, you said it perfectly. They are told whom to believe and what to believe. And those who want them to believe that take good care that they follow them. So sad.

CyberKitten said...

I can't understand being told what to think (or NOT to think) and then... thinking/not thinking it. Closed minds make no sense to me.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Everything Bernie wanted for us. Ugh, what could have been...

CyberKitten said...

One day... Maybe.....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Maybe. But we have to stop relying on old white men here to move us forward. Biden said he wouldn't run for a second term and now he is. We need young progressives in office, if we are going to have any kind of future.

CyberKitten said...

I've LONG said that Biden is too OLD. There really should be an upper age limit - say 70.. and you're OUT. It is a VERY different world today than when people like Biden (and Trump) were growing up. New blood required!!