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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, January 06, 2024



Harvee said...

Agreed. Very sublime.

CyberKitten said...

Isn't it just! I do so LOVE piano music.

Marianne said...

Einaudi is just fantastic.

CyberKitten said...

I'd heard his music before on Classic FM (which I listen to all day these days) but wasn't sure exactly who he was - so I checked him out on YouTube. Fantastic indeed...!

Marianne said...

I've known him for years. Same as you, I am sure he was introduced to me on Classic FM. And have been a fan ever since.

CyberKitten said...

I stumbled upon Classic FM AGES ago & loved it. It was good being able to recognise things and, in some cases, finally put names to tunes. I find it very relaxing especially when they have no issue playing a 10, 15 and sometimes 20 minute single track. I also find it funny sometimes when a track comes on and I'm immediately reminded of hearing it the first time during a Bugs Bunny cartoon! I think Classic FM got me into Opera - or maybe that was Bugs Bunny again....

Marianne said...

Bugs Bunny is responsible for a lot of things. LOL

CyberKitten said...

He's one of my three core 'heroes'. When I tell people that they pause, look at me a bit strangely and get 'that look' in their eyes as if they suddenly understand me a LOT more.... [lol]

My other two are Mr Spock (original series) and Sherlock Holmes.

Marianne said...

Heehee, I can imagine that they look a little weird.

CyberKitten said...

But, in my defence, you do get used to people looking at you THAT way after a few decades. Then you just shrug your shoulders and get on with your life... [lol]

Marianne said...

That's the best thing you can do.