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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Marian H said...

Or work from home! :) I started WFH before the pandemic and for a desk job, I would never go back to full-time in office. It saves me so much time and money (and it's greener too). If I need to take a quick walk to clear my brain, I have the option.

CyberKitten said...

We were very lucky @ my office. Just before the Pandemic we'd already been given laptops & iPhones so that we could work flexibly, essentially from any desk in any office. So transitioning to WFH was easy-peesy. Funnily before that we were only 'allowed' to WFH one day per week (something I never did despite senior management badgering me about it). Of course when the pandemic hit *hard* WFH 5 days a week was *more* than OK! These days my neighbour only goes into the office Monday & Friday, which is pretty sweet.

Best thing I liked about WFH was the ability to have music on... Plus popping to the shops wasn't a big deal.

Marian H said...

That's great that your neighbor only needs to go in twice a week! I think I could do that. Hybrid is probably the best of both worlds, as long as the commute isn't too onerous...

CyberKitten said...

We had a *lot* of debate in work about managing WFH. One of the interesting things was how attitudes changed between managers. Some said that we only should come into the office if we needed to be physically present, while others said we needed a good reason *not* to be in - because they couldn't see us @ our desks! Essentially it was a trust issue.

WFM saves *everyone* lots of money. Staff don't need to commute... Companies don't need to keep big office buildings etc... The only people who really lose are the subsidiary companies that sell sandwiches at lunchtime.....