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- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Thursday, May 02, 2024
I know we Brits do so like talking about the weather... But, JEEZE.... It's been raining, with a few short dry intervals - usually no longer that 2-3 days with the (very) occasional dry week - for about 12 MONTHS now. It's getting *silly*. The 2nd half of last year was the wettest since 1890... and its STILL raining.... I think we're LONGING for a bit of dry, even a drought would be a nice change at this point!
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I'm not looking forward to the summer. You will only ever hear me complain about too much heat. I always say, there is no bad weather, only the wrong set of clothes. But - there are no clothes for too hot weather, even going naked is still not bearable at times.
Agreed. I don't do well in the heat - as there's SO little you can do about it except stay indoors with air-conditioning and then suffer even more when you have to go outside. I also used to suffer *really* badly from hay fever (thankfully not so much any more) so summer was pretty much a nightmare for me.
Reasonably warm, reasonably dry... That'll do me. Oh, and some BLUE skies rather than the grey ones!
You two should come to Alabama in August and you'll never complain about heat in Europe again. XD Ours combines searing heat (37+) with 100% humidity, so the sweat just sits on us.
That's OK. I've been in the Australian rainforest in their summer. 'Nuff said! It was amazing getting off an air-conditioned plane & then walked into HIGH humidity. That was quite the shock!
Although I was in Portugal in 40C+ which wasn't as bad as I expected. It's the *dry* heat...! [lol]
I've met a lot of Americans who lived in Europe for a couple of years. When they arrived, they said the same as Stephen and at the beginning I thought, I'd never survive that. However, when summer came, they complained even more than we did. Because they are used to air-conditioning which is almost non-existent in Europe, unless you go to a hotel that is frequented by foreigners.
We had air-conditioning in my last office because it was a converted library and they needed to protect the books. It had two temperatures - too hot (when the air-con failed) and too cold (when the air-con worked). Fun times...! I always found that buses were the worst in the summer - but as most other things they're designed to keep people warm & dry and not cooled in the heat as hot weather hardly ever happens (until comparatively recently).
I'm sure that we'll adapt our infrastructure in time.
It's funny how you always get airco in order to protect things (books, computers, other machines) but hardly ever to protect people.
But yes, I believe we will have more of them as the temperatures rise - which makes them rise even more - vicious circle.
The rest of our buildings had something called 'airflow management' which was OK until it got too hot or too cold. It was just luck of the draw if you got a desk that suited your metabolism!
We'll definitely be seeing more aircon across Europe as things hot up - which, as you say, will also add to the problem. I have seen new building designs which can cope better with hot temps but don't need aircon which is good. There's quite a bit we can - but haven't really started - to do to mitigate things. Stopping putting SO much CO2 into the atmosphere as well as taking out what we've already added would be a good idea too!
It's good that they find ways for new buildings. We live in an older one that is not too bad, our old house was much worse, too many large windows.
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