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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Being a nominal Catholic, my parents sent us all to Church of England schools which meant almost no religious content in our teaching schedule. We did have compulsorily Religious Studies - which periodically changed its name to reflect current policy - but very little actual religion was taught. We did say the Lord's Prayer each morning in assembly but I'm guessing that the vast majority of people, like me, said it automatically or mumbled it under their breath. Not sure exactly what schools do these days. I think they 'celebrate' all religions and at least feature all major religious holidays. What effect that has on the school population I'm not sure.  


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

As a Christian I don't, of course, support the Satanic Temple, but seeing their reaction to what is happening in some deeply conservative states and thus their response and advocay for religious freedom, it makes me very happy. We were founded on the separation of Church and State but if right-wing nutjobs want to bring God and the Bible into classrooms, they best be prepared to welcome ALL religions. I know in the end it will never go anywhere and that if any cases reach the Supreme trump-packed Court, TST will lose, but people have GOT to understand what they are asking for.

CyberKitten said...

I've always found it odd that a country like the UK with a State religion is SO secular, whilst the US with no State backing for religion is SO religious. Opening schools to multiple religions will, I think, only end one way - a massive increase in Secularism & Atheism. Of course it won't happen.... Probably....