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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

OK, a few thoughts/observations...

Given the numbers in question, it'll take at least a generation or two (or more) to turn this around so the dip, drop or collapse is going to happen. What we need to do is prepare to deal with it.

The BIG question is why is this happening? It can't be any (simple) single reason - like the cost of living or availability of child support because its happening in almost every country on the planet. So, is it a universal thing or a whole mixture of things in difference places just giving the same result?

The other big question is, SHOULD we do anything about it - if we can. One of the drivers - if not the major driver - of Climate Change and environmental degradation in general - is the demand for resources caused by human population pressure. Take some of that pressure away and things, generally, are going to get better.

One of the things its NOT going to cause is *mass* extinction. If we drop from the predicted 10 billion to 8, or even 5 (long term) that's still a pretty substantial number. An EXTINCTION level event it is most certainly not.

Overall, whenever I see scare stories like this, my immediate reaction is: Good. There are FAR too many people on this planet as is. A few hundred million less, a few billion less, does not fill me with any kind of dread - quite the opposite in fact... 


Marianne said...

My first thought was also, good. We need fever people on this earth, there are far too many already.

CyberKitten said...

..and the good news is that we don't need any nasty apocalypse to happen to make it so. People are (apparently) *choosing* not to have kids. So, in a few generations there will be a lot less humans and then it will, most probably, stabilise at a lower number. Job done! Naturally there will be adjustment issues, but we've adapted before. I'm sure that we can manage to transition to a lower total population over the next hundred years!

Marianne said...

Absolutely. And a lot will get easier just like that.

CyberKitten said...

One of the things that has already been noticed is that CO2 levels aren't increasing quite as much as expected. The suggestion is that abandoned land, due to population decline, has been re-wilded and is going back to nature - therefore soaking up additional CO2. Win-win I think...

Marianne said...

Definitely. I know a lot of people will say, so, it's not that bad and you all have been believing in tall tales. Nope, we have not, it still is bad.

Marian H said...

It's a bit fresh of Elon Musk to be complaining about this when proper parenting is just as essential as number of children. It's not enough just to pop out babies, you have to be present to raise them and love them and nurture them. And if people aren't willing to do that, then they really shouldn't be seeking to have children, no matter what lofty philanthropic notions they have about it. *facepalm*

CyberKitten said...

Musk is a stellar sized idiot as far as I'm concerned. No doubt his main worry is future profits for his companies. Seeing his business 'skills' in action I think he needs all of the help he can get.

CyberKitten said...

Climate events are pretty much happening exactly as predicted. More extreme events more often.... DUH!

Marian H said...

I saw this today and thought of your post: https://theonion.com/jd-vance-under-fire-for-resurfaced-remarks-criticizing-childless-children-2/

CyberKitten said...

I think The Onion has *real* problems these days coming up with obviously outrageous stories. I assume that they're getting accused of spreading Fake News on a regular basis and people believe that their 'conspiracy theories' are actually 'true'.... [lol]

Marianne said...

Yes, duh is the only thing you can say to that.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Elon Musk is literally the second to last person in the world whose opinion on anything I would entertain.

CyberKitten said...

There are MANY words I could use to describe Musk - but I'll just say 'idiot' and leave it there.