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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025


Stephen said...

Maybe one or the other, but not both, I don't think...

CyberKitten said...

More often one than both I agree. I think than men/women can be friends though - as long as there's no actual attraction. Or that they come to some kind of mature accommodation - but that's rare I think!

Marian H said...

Hm... I don't think romantic attraction is inevitable, by any means. But if both sides are single, it is more likely. Ultimately I feel one should always "will the good of the other" and try to appreciate the person in whatever capacity they desire to reciprocate. It was always such a gut punch when a "friend" would delete me from their life if I didn't return the romantic interest. Some eventual parting is to be expected, but with a sudden abandonment, I felt I was not appreciated for the little I could give vs what they wanted out of me.

CyberKitten said...

I know what you mean. I was a long-term friend with someone from work. We got on well, shared quite a few interests etc... She'd invite me over & we'd cook together and watch DS9 (her favourite Star Trek series - so we'd argue about that [grin]) until I eventually asked if we we're going to have a relationship. She was quite surprised (apparently she thought I was 'gay'), said NO and that ended the friendship. I still saw her around but she VERY quickly faded from my life....

Marian H said...

Oof :/ that's rough.