Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
The only cat I know is a hater of hugs, but he was a feral who my girlfriend somehow coaxed into being quasi-domestic. Rather like me!
My ex was terrified when I scooped up her Mum's cat. Apparently it hated being picked up but was too shocked to scratch me....!
Happy V Day!
Thanks! Hope you guys had a good one...
I am allergic, so no thank you!
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The only cat I know is a hater of hugs, but he was a feral who my girlfriend somehow coaxed into being quasi-domestic. Rather like me!
My ex was terrified when I scooped up her Mum's cat. Apparently it hated being picked up but was too shocked to scratch me....!
Happy V Day!
Thanks! Hope you guys had a good one...
I am allergic, so no thank you!
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