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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cartoon Time.

I always had a problem with the idea that God created Man in His own image - that God looks like us. I always considered that to be the height of arrogance. Then some months ago I thought about it this way: "Image" seems pretty close to "Imagination" meaning "In the Mind". Then I thought that saying God created us by thinking us into existence makes a whole lot more sense than the other interpretation - not that I believe that God did create us, of course....!


Sadie Lou said...

God is a creator--his creation creates.
God is a communicator--his creation values good communication
God loves--his creation lifts love up above everything else
God is just--his creation seeks justice
These are just the first things that came to mind as I tried to explain what "In His image" means--it doesn't mean we physically look like him--it just means we tend to favor or God in our human traits.
Really funny cartoon by the way.

Sadie Lou said...

favor our God

Laura said...

I always think of XTCs "Dear God" when I see stuff like this... "Did you make mankind, after we made you?"

dbackdad said...

Laura - Great song. I had completely forgotten about it after college.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL...LOVE that Cartoon...Some image, huh?

JR said...

I always had a problem with that, because if man was created in His image, where did women's image come from? And if man was created first, why do we all start out as female in the womb? If man is supposed to, well, never mind, I can feel a rant coming on and I don't have time for that this morning.

CyberKitten said...

Sadie said: These are just the first things that came to mind as I tried to explain what "In His image" means--it doesn't mean we physically look like him--it just means we tend to favor or God in our human traits.

Good point - Like saying to someone that they are the very 'image' of a Victorian gentleman....

V V said: I can feel a rant coming on and I don't have time for that this morning.

Sorry about that V V... Take a few deep breaths.. [grin]. I know what you mean though. God has been viewed a masculine for a LONG time but any God worth 'His' salt would be *way* beyond gender issues...