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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Cartoon Time.


VV said...

I really hope intelligence wins over stupidity in this next election. This country can't take much more.

Stephen said...

I wonder if it's possible for the reputation of the United States to sink any lower. Even South Koreans are writing anti-American songs these days.

CyberKitten said...

VV said: I really hope intelligence wins over stupidity in this next election. This country can't take much more.

I have my doubts..... I do have the horrible feeling that the Republicans will win in November.

sc said: I wonder if it's possible for the reputation of the United States to sink any lower.

Oh I think that's inevitable if McCain wins in november!

Thomas Fummo said...

*prepares giant robot donkey-zord in case McNasty wins the election*

*also prepares giant robot ass to sit on Sarah palin, in case President McNasty dies*

VV said...

CK, my partner has that same horrible feeling. Unfortunately, she's usually right. Let's hope you're both wrong this time.

wstachour said...

I actually have a ray of optimism. Polls are trending toward Obama, and the economy is seen as a real bane for McCain.

Now the mud is starting to fly, but I think--I hope--people will see thru the desperate charges (from a woman who perfectly demonstrates how ineffective her family planning ideas are).

Stephen said...

If McCain wins, I hope he infuriates the people who voted him in by reverting back to his quasi-"moderate" ways.

Can you imagine the travesty that it would be if our first female executive was Sara Palin, who was only chosen out of political cynicism and expediency?

Scott said...

Of course "staying" as the comic punchline states, would be the course of action under an Obama win anyway.


CyberKitten said...

scott said: Of course "staying" as the comic punchline states, would be the course of action under an Obama win anyway.

Of course. That's where the oil is.... [grin] But I'm guessing that the US troops will leave Iraq earlier with Obama than with McCain.