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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pulp Fiction.


Laura said...

I can tell I'm getting older because my first reaction to this was "Ouch"... imagine if she fell...

CyberKitten said...

My first thought was..... Breezy!

BTW - Google the author.....

dbackdad said...

Quite the life Bodenheim led ... and quite the gruesome ending.

Stephen said...

What does she have hovering above her chest? (Right below the neck/collarbone, but above the breasts.)

dbackdad said...

Well, the clever answer would be to say that it s a cloud of smoke from the doobie she's been smoking (and the cause of her skating naked). The not-quite-as-clever answer is that it's a mark left from a price tag peeled off the cover of the book.

CyberKitten said...

dbackdad said: Quite the life Bodenheim led ... and quite the gruesome ending.

Didn't he just? My gaming buddy asked me when it was published. I guessed the 1950's so looked it up. It was actually published in 1930. Wikipedia had quite a bit on him. I just assumed it was a bit of pulp nonsense.... but apparently not.

dbackdad said: The not-quite-as-clever answer is that it's a mark left from a price tag peeled off the cover of the book.

I think it is indeed. Sharp eyes!

Thomas Fummo said...

justa price tag mark?

She is fact several thousand feet tall and it's a cloud.

thus making this the most amazing pulp fiction cover ever concocted.


*goes back to sleep*