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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cartoon Time.


dbackdad said...


I've never really gotten the criticism of atheists as being angry. I don't think anyone would describe Dawkins, Harris or Hitchens as angry. You listen to them speak and they could not be more well-spoken. But you don't have to visit too many churches before you'll find an angry sermon.

CyberKitten said...

It is weird this whole 'anger' thing. I've been accused of being angry with God... To me that's like being angry with Donald Duck.... It's senseless to be angry with something that doesn't exist.

The reactions on Blogs is probably a poor example but I generally find that Christians vent far more anger in any debate than atheists do.

VV said...

Yeah, I don't get it either. I've never encountered any anger from any Atheist I've ever met, and I've met plenty. Now Southern Baptists, I could tell you about my experiences with them and anger!

CyberKitten said...

I have to wonder where all this Christian anger is coming from.....