Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Just Finished Reading: Think by Simon Blackburn
Although billed as an ‘Introduction to Philosophy’ this is more of an introduction to philosophical thinking. On the face of it that’s quite a subtle difference but it managed to produce a much different book than I was expecting. Why, you might ask yourself, am I still reading introductions to a subject I recently finished a degree in? Probably because I still feel that my grounding in philosophy leaves very much to be desired. Philosophy is a huge subject and despite reading and studying the subject for the best part of 3 years now (not counting my previous random dabbling) I still often feel out of my depth. It’s not a feeling I particularly like – especially in respect to a subject I find fascinating.
Anyway – to the book in question: I’ve read a few things by Simon Blackburn and he has yet to disappoint. This book is no exception. Starting with the basics – like how we can know things, he progresses through the main questions that have vexed philosophers from the earliest days. Moving from the problem of knowledge he slides effortlessly to consider the problem of the Mind, Free Will, the existence of the Self, God, Reasoning, the World and finally ends up with Ethics. As you can imagine from the vast area covered (in a small format book of less than 300 pages) none of the discussions are in any great depth. Blackburn does very well however to bring out the essence of the problem and offers up some of the thoughts surrounding the possible answers. However, as anyone who has dipped their toe into philosophical waters knows only too well, answers do not come easy. But its not always about answers, it’s about the journey the questions take you on. That, I think, is the essence of philosophy. Not unlike the heroes of myth and story, the philosopher goes into the underworld of ideas and comes back transformed into a different being – hopefully a better being but certainly a changed one. Blackburn’s book approaches philosophy from the point of view of a journey of discovery rather than a simplistic question and answer exercise. It won’t provide you with many of the answers you’re looking for but it might change the way you look at the questions.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As has become a tradition amongst our little group we had a get together recently to exchange gifts, drink beer and munch on nibbles – followed by a selection of DVDs. Originally planned for the 29th December it was brought forward to the 28th to accommodate the plans of one of our clique now living in London. As I was travelling from the frozen North on that day I arrived at the Aginoth residence rather weary but perked up after some coke – the drink not the powder – and a bite to eat. Presents were distributed before the children went to bed and, as I often do, I received a collection of books to add to the several piles dotted around my house – more of which when I review them. After struggling to stay awake late into the evening we made our way home and I fell into bed in the early hours of the 29th.
After the best part of 10 days relaxing at my Mothers I’m enjoying a shorter relaxed period at my place before returning to work in the New Year. I most certainly needed the long break and will no doubt feel refreshed enough to give my job the energy and attention it needs. In the mean time I shall sleep late, read books, watch DVDs and play games…. Oh, and see 'Avatar' tomorrow….. I’m really looking forward to that.
I hope that all of my readers – yes, all six of you – have had the Christmas you needed and wanted and that 2010 will be an improvement on 2009.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Council 'spying' to be restricted
From the BBC
Friday, 17 April 2009
Councils in England and Wales face new restrictions on the use of surveillance powers for minor offences such as dog fouling and littering. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) allows public authorities to intercept phone and e-mail data and use CCTV to spy on suspected criminals. But Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has launched a review after fears it was being used for "trivial" offences. The Tories and Lib Dems say Ripa has become a "snooper's charter". But the government has resisted opposition calls for the use of the powers to be authorised by magistrates, arguing that the decision to use them should be left with councils and police.
Ms Smith said she could give elected councillors a role in overseeing council officials' use of the powers. The government is also considering raising the rank of local authority employee allowed to authorise surveillance to senior executives. At the moment relatively minor council officials can give the go-ahead to surveillance operations. Local Government Association (LGA) advice to councils is that it is inappropriate to use the powers for less serious matters such as littering and dog fouling, except in extreme circumstances. It says such offences should be tackled through methods such as wardens, fixed-penalty notices and standard CCTV - as opposed to covert camera surveillance. An LGA spokesman said: "Parliament clearly intended that councils should use powers under Ripa, and they are being used to respond to residents' complaints about serious criminals, like fly-tippers, rogue traders and people defrauding the benefits system. "Time and again, these are just the type of crimes that residents tell councils they want to see tackled. Without these powers, it wouldn't be possible to provide the level of reassurance and protection local people demand and deserve."
Ripa was introduced in 2000 to define for the first time when existing covert techniques, such as secret filming, could be used by everyone from the police to local councils and benefit fraud teams. Ripa legislation allows a council to carry out surveillance if it suspects criminal activity. On its website, the Home Office says: "The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act legislates for using methods of surveillance and information gathering to help the prevention of crime, including terrorism." It goes on to say the act allows the interception of communications, carrying out of surveillance and the use of covert human intelligence sources. In one case, benefit investigators covertly filmed Paul Appleby, a disability allowance cheat from Nottinghamshire, who had claimed £22,000 in payments. He was in fact a member of an athletics club - and secret filming of him competing in events was crucial to the case against him. But one example cited by the Home Office as wrong is an investigation into parents using a false address to get their child into a preferred school. Ministers said that an official should have simply knocked on the door of the home in question rather than mounting round-the-clock surveillance. Similarly, councils should stake out spots where dog fouling occurs and not follow suspect owners wherever they go. Human rights group Liberty said Ripa legislation had been abused. Isabella Sankey, its director of policy, said: "Surveillance is a vital tool in the battle against serious crime and terrorism but reports that mothers are tailed by council officers policing school catchment zones have seriously undermined public trust and confidence."
The Home Office has now launched a consultation on exactly which public authorities will be able to use the powers in the future. Ms Smith said the government had to ensure the authorities had the powers they needed to protect people's freedom "from interference by those who would do us harm”. But, she added: "I don't want to see these powers being used to target people for putting their bins out on the wrong day or for dog-fouling offences." The Conservatives say they would restrict the use of Ripa powers by local authorities only to crimes which could lead to a prison sentence and its use should be authorised by council leaders only. The Lib Dems are calling on the government to ensure that Ripa powers are used only where strictly necessary and that their use is sanctioned by magistrates.
[It is hardly surprising, with news like this, that we are one of (if not the) most snooped upon populations in the world. It seems that in order to ‘protect our freedoms’ some in government – both local and national – feel the need to constantly watch what we do. The question is of course is what exactly constitutes a society where our freedoms are protected – one where we are spied upon or one where we are not? I know which one I would choose.]
From the BBC
Friday, 17 April 2009
Councils in England and Wales face new restrictions on the use of surveillance powers for minor offences such as dog fouling and littering. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) allows public authorities to intercept phone and e-mail data and use CCTV to spy on suspected criminals. But Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has launched a review after fears it was being used for "trivial" offences. The Tories and Lib Dems say Ripa has become a "snooper's charter". But the government has resisted opposition calls for the use of the powers to be authorised by magistrates, arguing that the decision to use them should be left with councils and police.
Ms Smith said she could give elected councillors a role in overseeing council officials' use of the powers. The government is also considering raising the rank of local authority employee allowed to authorise surveillance to senior executives. At the moment relatively minor council officials can give the go-ahead to surveillance operations. Local Government Association (LGA) advice to councils is that it is inappropriate to use the powers for less serious matters such as littering and dog fouling, except in extreme circumstances. It says such offences should be tackled through methods such as wardens, fixed-penalty notices and standard CCTV - as opposed to covert camera surveillance. An LGA spokesman said: "Parliament clearly intended that councils should use powers under Ripa, and they are being used to respond to residents' complaints about serious criminals, like fly-tippers, rogue traders and people defrauding the benefits system. "Time and again, these are just the type of crimes that residents tell councils they want to see tackled. Without these powers, it wouldn't be possible to provide the level of reassurance and protection local people demand and deserve."
Ripa was introduced in 2000 to define for the first time when existing covert techniques, such as secret filming, could be used by everyone from the police to local councils and benefit fraud teams. Ripa legislation allows a council to carry out surveillance if it suspects criminal activity. On its website, the Home Office says: "The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act legislates for using methods of surveillance and information gathering to help the prevention of crime, including terrorism." It goes on to say the act allows the interception of communications, carrying out of surveillance and the use of covert human intelligence sources. In one case, benefit investigators covertly filmed Paul Appleby, a disability allowance cheat from Nottinghamshire, who had claimed £22,000 in payments. He was in fact a member of an athletics club - and secret filming of him competing in events was crucial to the case against him. But one example cited by the Home Office as wrong is an investigation into parents using a false address to get their child into a preferred school. Ministers said that an official should have simply knocked on the door of the home in question rather than mounting round-the-clock surveillance. Similarly, councils should stake out spots where dog fouling occurs and not follow suspect owners wherever they go. Human rights group Liberty said Ripa legislation had been abused. Isabella Sankey, its director of policy, said: "Surveillance is a vital tool in the battle against serious crime and terrorism but reports that mothers are tailed by council officers policing school catchment zones have seriously undermined public trust and confidence."
The Home Office has now launched a consultation on exactly which public authorities will be able to use the powers in the future. Ms Smith said the government had to ensure the authorities had the powers they needed to protect people's freedom "from interference by those who would do us harm”. But, she added: "I don't want to see these powers being used to target people for putting their bins out on the wrong day or for dog-fouling offences." The Conservatives say they would restrict the use of Ripa powers by local authorities only to crimes which could lead to a prison sentence and its use should be authorised by council leaders only. The Lib Dems are calling on the government to ensure that Ripa powers are used only where strictly necessary and that their use is sanctioned by magistrates.
[It is hardly surprising, with news like this, that we are one of (if not the) most snooped upon populations in the world. It seems that in order to ‘protect our freedoms’ some in government – both local and national – feel the need to constantly watch what we do. The question is of course is what exactly constitutes a society where our freedoms are protected – one where we are spied upon or one where we are not? I know which one I would choose.]
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Decades after the destruction of Troy the survivors have started to rebuild as best they can. When raiders arrive from the West the defences are overwhelmed and many are taken as slaves. Within a year one of the slave girls gives birth to a daughter who she calls Gull to remind her of home. Crippled in an accident which results in a permanent limp, Gull is given to the local oracle and soon shows her talent for seeing the future. Years later – as she saw as a child – five black ships appear off the coast and begin to burn the town. Rushing to the centre she confronts the raiders who speak her own language. Now a servant of the Lady of the Dead, Gull takes control of the situation freeing the slaves and joining the raiding party as they escape to the open sea. Guiding them across the Sea using her visionary powers the band of warrior refugees eventually hire themselves out to the super-power in the region – Egypt. After they win a series of successful battles for their new masters a decision must be made – to stay and fade into history or strike out on their own. The outcome is a split judgment with less than half of the ships sailing even further West to the edge of the known world. There they intend to found a new city - one that will be known to all of history as Rome.
This book was a great read. It was all the more surprising as this was the author’s debut novel. As such it was simply outstanding. Told with real passion for the period – part myth and part ancient history – Jo Graham put the reader at the centre of things seen mostly through her delightful main character the seer Gull. At other times and in other places – be it the sumptuous palaces of Ramses II or the fighting decks of ancient warships - it felt as if you were placed just over the shoulder of the character in the spotlight. Gull was in fact far from the only character of note. The rest of the rag-tag band were almost equally fleshed out and fully three dimensional. Unless your heart is made of stone you cannot help to be moved by the plight of a people without home or possession except for their own determination to survive and prosper in a very hostile world. I found myself virtually cheering them on as the defeated their enemies and made new fast friends to help them in their quest for a home city. This book was actually frighteningly good and a cracking page turner. Based on several myths of the era this novel managed to flesh out the legends and make the heroes real. If you want a wonderful and honestly haunting read that will stay with you for weeks after you turn the final page then this is the book for you. Highly recommended.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Martian methane mystery deepens
By Judith Burns for BBC News
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Methane on Mars is being produced and destroyed far faster than on Earth, according to analysis of recent data. Scientists in Paris used a computer climate model for the Red Planet to simulate observations made from Earth. It shows the gas is unevenly distributed in the Martian atmosphere and changes with the seasons. The presence of methane on Mars is intriguing because its origin could either be life or geological activity - including volcanism. Writing in the journal Nature, Franck Lefevre and Francois Forget from the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris describe how they used a computer model of the Martian climate to reconstruct observations made by a US team. Dr Lefevre says the chemistry of the Martian atmosphere is still a mystery. He told BBC News: "We put the dynamics and chemistry as we know it in the model and tried to match the measurements, to reproduce the uneven distribution they saw from Earth. The problem is if we just take into account the photochemistry as we know it on Earth and if we put it in the model, then we cannot reproduce the model and that was a surprise. The current chemistry as we know it is not consistent with the measurements of methane on Mars. There is something else going on, something that lowers the methane lifetime by a factor of 600. So if the measurements are correct, we must be missing something quite important."
Dr Lefevre says the work shows that if there is a much faster loss for methane on Mars there must also be a much stronger production of methane. But he urges caution: "It's a real challenge to measure methane on Mars from Earth and we've got only one example of this uneven distribution." The results the French team used were published in January this year in the journal Science. They were gathered by an American team using a technique called infrared spectroscopy at three different ground-based telescopes to monitor about 90% of the planet's surface. In 2003 "plumes" of methane were identified. At one point, the primary plume of methane contained an estimated 19,000 tonnes of the gas. Dr Michael Mumma, director of Nasa's Goddard Center for Astrobiology and lead author on the previous paper, told BBC News it was vital to understand how methane was destroyed on Mars and to explain how so much of the gas is produced and destroyed so quickly on the Red Planet. Dr Mumma does not rule out a biological explanation for the phenomenon but says it is possible that geology alone could be responsible.
If the methane is produced by geological activity, it could either originate from active Martian volcanoes or from a process called serpentinisation. The latter process occurs at low temperatures when rocks rich in the minerals olivine and pyroxene react chemically with water, releasing methane. In December, Dr Mumma's team will begin another study of the Martian surface using the new technique of adaptive optics at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. They hope to replicate their earlier results. Dr Lefevre says that if the variations are confirmed it would mean the Martian surface is very hostile for organics. But this would not necessarily exclude the possibility that life or the remnants of past life persist below ground, where conditions could be more benign.
Nasa is due to launch a $2.3bn nuclear-powered rover known as Mars Science Laboratory (also called "Curiosity") to the planet in 2011. Under one possible scenario, the European and US space agencies would then send a European orbiter to the Red Planet in 2016 to track down the sources of methane. A subsequent 2018 launch opportunity would be taken by the European ExoMars rover, launching on a US Atlas rocket. The proposal currently being discussed is that ExoMars should be joined by a slightly smaller rover in the class of the US Spirit and Opportunity vehicles that are on the surface today. ExoMars and its smaller cousin could be targeted at the Methane sources identified by the 2016 orbiter.
[It looks like Mars is still a candidate for life then. Unfortunately it’s taking far too long to find it. I’ll be dead and dust before they do at this rate! At least they’re looking though and with luck that methane will be produced by the tiny farts of living creatures. We can only hope so.]
By Judith Burns for BBC News
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Methane on Mars is being produced and destroyed far faster than on Earth, according to analysis of recent data. Scientists in Paris used a computer climate model for the Red Planet to simulate observations made from Earth. It shows the gas is unevenly distributed in the Martian atmosphere and changes with the seasons. The presence of methane on Mars is intriguing because its origin could either be life or geological activity - including volcanism. Writing in the journal Nature, Franck Lefevre and Francois Forget from the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris describe how they used a computer model of the Martian climate to reconstruct observations made by a US team. Dr Lefevre says the chemistry of the Martian atmosphere is still a mystery. He told BBC News: "We put the dynamics and chemistry as we know it in the model and tried to match the measurements, to reproduce the uneven distribution they saw from Earth. The problem is if we just take into account the photochemistry as we know it on Earth and if we put it in the model, then we cannot reproduce the model and that was a surprise. The current chemistry as we know it is not consistent with the measurements of methane on Mars. There is something else going on, something that lowers the methane lifetime by a factor of 600. So if the measurements are correct, we must be missing something quite important."
Dr Lefevre says the work shows that if there is a much faster loss for methane on Mars there must also be a much stronger production of methane. But he urges caution: "It's a real challenge to measure methane on Mars from Earth and we've got only one example of this uneven distribution." The results the French team used were published in January this year in the journal Science. They were gathered by an American team using a technique called infrared spectroscopy at three different ground-based telescopes to monitor about 90% of the planet's surface. In 2003 "plumes" of methane were identified. At one point, the primary plume of methane contained an estimated 19,000 tonnes of the gas. Dr Michael Mumma, director of Nasa's Goddard Center for Astrobiology and lead author on the previous paper, told BBC News it was vital to understand how methane was destroyed on Mars and to explain how so much of the gas is produced and destroyed so quickly on the Red Planet. Dr Mumma does not rule out a biological explanation for the phenomenon but says it is possible that geology alone could be responsible.
If the methane is produced by geological activity, it could either originate from active Martian volcanoes or from a process called serpentinisation. The latter process occurs at low temperatures when rocks rich in the minerals olivine and pyroxene react chemically with water, releasing methane. In December, Dr Mumma's team will begin another study of the Martian surface using the new technique of adaptive optics at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. They hope to replicate their earlier results. Dr Lefevre says that if the variations are confirmed it would mean the Martian surface is very hostile for organics. But this would not necessarily exclude the possibility that life or the remnants of past life persist below ground, where conditions could be more benign.
Nasa is due to launch a $2.3bn nuclear-powered rover known as Mars Science Laboratory (also called "Curiosity") to the planet in 2011. Under one possible scenario, the European and US space agencies would then send a European orbiter to the Red Planet in 2016 to track down the sources of methane. A subsequent 2018 launch opportunity would be taken by the European ExoMars rover, launching on a US Atlas rocket. The proposal currently being discussed is that ExoMars should be joined by a slightly smaller rover in the class of the US Spirit and Opportunity vehicles that are on the surface today. ExoMars and its smaller cousin could be targeted at the Methane sources identified by the 2016 orbiter.
[It looks like Mars is still a candidate for life then. Unfortunately it’s taking far too long to find it. I’ll be dead and dust before they do at this rate! At least they’re looking though and with luck that methane will be produced by the tiny farts of living creatures. We can only hope so.]
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Confirmed: God is Slightly Gay
by Mark Morford for The San Francisco Chronicle
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am sitting here right now smiling just a little, fondly recalling that famously controversial children's book, the one about the gay penguins. Remember? That positively adorable pair of them, at the Central Park Zoo, who had adopted an abandoned egg and then hatched it themselves and were raising the chick together as a couple, even though the chick was clearly not theirs -- though of course how penguins can actually tell whose kid is whose is still a question. Never mind that now.
The best part: the story was absolutely true. The book, "And Tango Makes Three," was beautiful and sweet and touching in all the right ways -- except, of course, for the fact that it was also totally evil. For indeed, the penguins in question, named Roy and Silo, were both males. This meant they were clearly in some sort of ungodly, aberrant homosexual relationship, mocking natural laws and defying God's will that all creatures only cohabitate with the opposite sex and buy microfiber sofas from Pottery Barn and eat their meals in silent resentment and never have sex. Worst of all, the book depicted this relationship, this "family," as perfectly OK, as no big deal, as even (shudder) normal. After all, Roy and Silo didn't seem to give much of a damn. Tango sure seemed happy, what with not being left for dead and all. As of this writing, the Central Park Zoo has yet to be swallowed into a gaping maw of sinful doom. Any minute now, I suppose. I am right now amused at this because it turns out Roy and Silo were not really so much of an anomaly at all. Nor were they some sort of unholy freakshow, an immoral mistake in the eyes of a wrathful hetero God. Far from it. Turns out they were, in fact, far more the norm than many humans, even to this day, want to let on.
Behold, the ongoing, increasingly startling research: homosexual and bisexual behavior, it turns out, is rampant in the animal kingdom. And by rampant, I mean proving to be damn near universal, commonplace across all species everywhere, existing for myriad reasons ranging from pure survival and procreative influence, right on over to pure pleasure, co-parenting, giddy screeching multiple monkey orgasm, even love, and a few dozen other potential explanations science hasn't quite figured out yet. Imagine. Are you thinking, why sure, everyone knows about those sex-crazed dolphins and those superslut bonobo monkeys and the few other godless creatures like them, the sea turtles and the weird sheep and such, creatures who obviously haven't read Leviticus. But that's about it, right? Most animals are devoutly hetero and straight and damn happy about it, right? Wrong. New research is revealing so many creatures and species that exhibit homosexual/bisexual behavior of some kind, scientists are now saying there are actually very few, if any, species in existence that don't exhibit it in some way. It's everywhere: Bison. Giraffes. Ducks. Hyenas. Lions and lambs, lizards and dragonflies, polecats and elephants. Hetero sex. Anal sex. Partner swapping. The works. Let's flip that around. Here's the shocking new truism: In the wilds of nature, to not have some level of homosexual/bisexual behavior in a given species is turning out to be the exception, not the rule. Would you like to read that statement again? Aloud? Through a megaphone? To the Mormon and Catholic churches? And the rest of them, as well? Repeatedly?
Would you like to inform them that such behavior is definitely not, as so many hard-line Christian literalists want to believe, some sort of poison that snuck into God's perfect cake mix, nor is it all due to some sort of toxic chemical that leeched into the animal's water supply, suddenly causing all creatures to occasionally feel the urge wear glitter and listen to techno and work on their abs? And so we extend the idea just a little bit. Because if homosexual/bisexual behavior is universal and by design, if gender mutability is actually deeply woven into the very fabric of nature itself, and if you understand that nature is merely another word for God, well, you can only surmise that God is, to put it mildly, much more than just a little bit gay. I mean, obviously. But let's be fair. That's not exactly true. God is not really gay, per se. God is more... pansexual. Omnisexual. Gender neutral. Gender indeterminate. It would appear that God, this all-knowing and all-creating and all-seeing divine energy that infuses and empowers all things at all times everywhere, does not give a flying leather whip about gender. Or rather, She very much does, but not in the simpleminded, hetero-only way 2,000 years of confused religious dogma would have us all believe. God's motto: Look, life is a wicked inscrutable orgy of love and compassion and survival instinct, shot through with pain and longing and death and suffering and far, far too many arguments about who did or did not pay the goddamn mortgage.
Life on Earth is messy and bloody and constantly evolving and transmuting and guess what? So is sexuality, and love, and connection, and what it means to exist. And if you uptight, hairless bipeds don't soon acknowledge this in a very profound way, well, it ain't the damn penguins who will suffer for it. You feel me? This, then, is what science appears to be trying to tell us, has been telling us, over and over again: Nature abides no narrow, simplistic interpretation of her ways. Nature will defy your childish fears and laughable behavioral laws at nearly every turn. God does not do shrill homophobia. Of course, until very recently, science was also beaten with the stick of right-wing fear for many, many years, told to keep quiet about those damnable facts, or else. Homosexuality is a lifestyle! A choice! And you can be lured into it! Seduced by the evil rainbow! Just like those poor penguins! Right. Let us be perfectly clear. Not every individual animal necessarily displays homosexual traits. But in every sexually active species on the planet, at least some of them do, for all sorts of reasons, and it's common and obvious and as normal as a warm spring rain falling on a pod of giddy bottlenose dolphins having group sex off the coast of Fiji.
And either humankind is part of nature and the wanton animal kingdom, a full participant in the messy inexplicable glories of the flesh and spirit and gender play, or we are the aberrant mistake, the ones who are lagging far behind the rest of the kingdom, sad and lost in the eyes of a very, very fluid and increasingly disappointed God.
[Maybe the next time someone says that being Gay is “unnatural” they can be put….. straight.]
by Mark Morford for The San Francisco Chronicle
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am sitting here right now smiling just a little, fondly recalling that famously controversial children's book, the one about the gay penguins. Remember? That positively adorable pair of them, at the Central Park Zoo, who had adopted an abandoned egg and then hatched it themselves and were raising the chick together as a couple, even though the chick was clearly not theirs -- though of course how penguins can actually tell whose kid is whose is still a question. Never mind that now.
The best part: the story was absolutely true. The book, "And Tango Makes Three," was beautiful and sweet and touching in all the right ways -- except, of course, for the fact that it was also totally evil. For indeed, the penguins in question, named Roy and Silo, were both males. This meant they were clearly in some sort of ungodly, aberrant homosexual relationship, mocking natural laws and defying God's will that all creatures only cohabitate with the opposite sex and buy microfiber sofas from Pottery Barn and eat their meals in silent resentment and never have sex. Worst of all, the book depicted this relationship, this "family," as perfectly OK, as no big deal, as even (shudder) normal. After all, Roy and Silo didn't seem to give much of a damn. Tango sure seemed happy, what with not being left for dead and all. As of this writing, the Central Park Zoo has yet to be swallowed into a gaping maw of sinful doom. Any minute now, I suppose. I am right now amused at this because it turns out Roy and Silo were not really so much of an anomaly at all. Nor were they some sort of unholy freakshow, an immoral mistake in the eyes of a wrathful hetero God. Far from it. Turns out they were, in fact, far more the norm than many humans, even to this day, want to let on.
Behold, the ongoing, increasingly startling research: homosexual and bisexual behavior, it turns out, is rampant in the animal kingdom. And by rampant, I mean proving to be damn near universal, commonplace across all species everywhere, existing for myriad reasons ranging from pure survival and procreative influence, right on over to pure pleasure, co-parenting, giddy screeching multiple monkey orgasm, even love, and a few dozen other potential explanations science hasn't quite figured out yet. Imagine. Are you thinking, why sure, everyone knows about those sex-crazed dolphins and those superslut bonobo monkeys and the few other godless creatures like them, the sea turtles and the weird sheep and such, creatures who obviously haven't read Leviticus. But that's about it, right? Most animals are devoutly hetero and straight and damn happy about it, right? Wrong. New research is revealing so many creatures and species that exhibit homosexual/bisexual behavior of some kind, scientists are now saying there are actually very few, if any, species in existence that don't exhibit it in some way. It's everywhere: Bison. Giraffes. Ducks. Hyenas. Lions and lambs, lizards and dragonflies, polecats and elephants. Hetero sex. Anal sex. Partner swapping. The works. Let's flip that around. Here's the shocking new truism: In the wilds of nature, to not have some level of homosexual/bisexual behavior in a given species is turning out to be the exception, not the rule. Would you like to read that statement again? Aloud? Through a megaphone? To the Mormon and Catholic churches? And the rest of them, as well? Repeatedly?
Would you like to inform them that such behavior is definitely not, as so many hard-line Christian literalists want to believe, some sort of poison that snuck into God's perfect cake mix, nor is it all due to some sort of toxic chemical that leeched into the animal's water supply, suddenly causing all creatures to occasionally feel the urge wear glitter and listen to techno and work on their abs? And so we extend the idea just a little bit. Because if homosexual/bisexual behavior is universal and by design, if gender mutability is actually deeply woven into the very fabric of nature itself, and if you understand that nature is merely another word for God, well, you can only surmise that God is, to put it mildly, much more than just a little bit gay. I mean, obviously. But let's be fair. That's not exactly true. God is not really gay, per se. God is more... pansexual. Omnisexual. Gender neutral. Gender indeterminate. It would appear that God, this all-knowing and all-creating and all-seeing divine energy that infuses and empowers all things at all times everywhere, does not give a flying leather whip about gender. Or rather, She very much does, but not in the simpleminded, hetero-only way 2,000 years of confused religious dogma would have us all believe. God's motto: Look, life is a wicked inscrutable orgy of love and compassion and survival instinct, shot through with pain and longing and death and suffering and far, far too many arguments about who did or did not pay the goddamn mortgage.
Life on Earth is messy and bloody and constantly evolving and transmuting and guess what? So is sexuality, and love, and connection, and what it means to exist. And if you uptight, hairless bipeds don't soon acknowledge this in a very profound way, well, it ain't the damn penguins who will suffer for it. You feel me? This, then, is what science appears to be trying to tell us, has been telling us, over and over again: Nature abides no narrow, simplistic interpretation of her ways. Nature will defy your childish fears and laughable behavioral laws at nearly every turn. God does not do shrill homophobia. Of course, until very recently, science was also beaten with the stick of right-wing fear for many, many years, told to keep quiet about those damnable facts, or else. Homosexuality is a lifestyle! A choice! And you can be lured into it! Seduced by the evil rainbow! Just like those poor penguins! Right. Let us be perfectly clear. Not every individual animal necessarily displays homosexual traits. But in every sexually active species on the planet, at least some of them do, for all sorts of reasons, and it's common and obvious and as normal as a warm spring rain falling on a pod of giddy bottlenose dolphins having group sex off the coast of Fiji.
And either humankind is part of nature and the wanton animal kingdom, a full participant in the messy inexplicable glories of the flesh and spirit and gender play, or we are the aberrant mistake, the ones who are lagging far behind the rest of the kingdom, sad and lost in the eyes of a very, very fluid and increasingly disappointed God.
[Maybe the next time someone says that being Gay is “unnatural” they can be put….. straight.]
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Elizabeth 1st lived through turbulent times. She was a Protestant monarch surrounded by Catholic enemies both foreign and domestic. To keep these forces in check and to preserve her throne she relied heavily on the skills of Sir Francis Walsingham who was, in effect, the father of the British Secret Service. During his time in Elizabeth’s employ he uncovered and defeated numerous plots on her life and masterminded the execution of her greatest domestic rival, Mary Queen of Scots. He also provided vital intelligence that helped the British navy defeat the Spanish Armada and save England from direct invasion.
The Elizabethan era interests me a great deal. It is not only the beginning of England becoming a truly world player but, I think, reminiscent of our present political situation rife with the clash of religions and threats to public order. The response of the English establishment was shocking when looked back on but is, I suspect, what some people would like to see enacted here and now with intrusive surveillance, wholesale arrests and judicial torture. Of course it is arguable that such techniques worked back in the 16th Century and helped protect us both from a bloody religious upheaval or invasion by a foreign power (followed by a bloody religious backlash) but such excesses could not be countenanced today without an overwhelming threat to national security. Fortunately no such threat presently exists.
The paranoia of the period was immense with the feeling that all Catholics were potential enemies of the State. After the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth for her supposed heresy he urged all of the faithful living in England to renounce their allegiance to the crown. I for one – especially as a catholic (however nominal) – would not have liked to live through such a time which was one of grinding oppression. The brutality meted out to Catholics was shocking and almost universally undeserved. The results of this religious power struggle should be an example to us all of the dangerous road we tread were different religious factions are vilified as dangerous to civilisation.
Although I found this book a little dry in places and a little long winded in others it did provide me with another aspect of an historical period that I am becoming more fascinated with. I have other books to come covering the reign of Elizabeth both in fiction and non-fiction. I think it’s an interesting time in my countries history that deserves more of my attention.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009

I may have mentioned before that I have few memories of my early years. In fact I can remember very little of my life before I reached puberty. It crossed my mind, at least for a while, that maybe I had suffered some kind of abuse and that I had blocked out whole chunks of my early life because I really didn’t want to remember them. On further reflection I decided that I simply wasn’t paying that much attention to things happening around me.
My earliest memory was I think my first day at school so I must have been 4 or 5. It’s only the briefest of things but it does seem very vivid even today. I can only imagine that I must have literally sleep-walked through the first 4 years of my life and only had the briefest of awakenings after that until I had enough testosterone in my bloodstream to keep my brain active enough to record events in my day-to-day existence. I certainly remember a number of incidents in the 7-10 year age range including almost being killed by a speeding car. That’s the kind of thing you tend to remember long after the event itself. I also had my first encounters with girls around then so things got a little more vivid for me.
It was only really after I started High school at age 11 that I started laying down regular memories. I know that I had a huge crush on the girl next door that, fortunately, never really went anywhere. I really dodged a bullet there. I remember being bullied early on but that passed as the bullies and I went our separate ways. I remember good friends and good times and the girls I wanted who didn’t want me. It was all very teen angst cliché territory but it was intense enough to lay down some pretty solid memories.
Maybe that’s my early years in a nutshell – nothing much actually happened, at least anything much worth remembering. Maybe I was just a happy little soul who went through each day doing basic animal things like eating, shitting and sleeping without a care (or thought) to interrupt things. Thinking back on it maybe it was simply the case that there was nothing that bad to remember. OK, maybe there was nothing that good to remember either but I’d take that over a violent or abusive childhood any day!
I have some very early photographs of me and my brother that must have been taken in the early 1960’s. I look really cute in shorts with my cropped blond hair. I have no recollection of the snaps being taken or little idea of where they were taken. They look like a park of some kind but which one I’ll probably never know. It does feel kind of odd not having, or at least remembering, your roots. Maybe that explains why I’m never planning on ever moving back to the place of my birth (which really shocked someone I chatted to at the wedding I went to recently). It’s because I have no memory of growing up there. Maybe that explains why I’m pretty happy living anywhere and why I hardly ever feel homesick. Maybe without the clutter of early childhood memories I have more room for interesting stuff. If only I can find some interesting stuff to remember……
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
by David Shiga for New Scientist
23 November 2009
Saturn's frigid moon Titan may be friendlier to life than previously thought. New calculations suggest Titan's hydrocarbon lakes are loaded with acetylene, a chemical some scientists say could serve as food for cold-resistant organisms. At about -180 °Celsius, Titan's surface is far too cold for liquid water. But two pairs of scientists proposed in 2005 that alien organisms might live instead in bodies of liquid hydrocarbons on the frigid moon. They suggested such organisms could eat acetylene that falls to the surface after forming in the atmosphere, combining it with hydrogen to gain energy. Since then, Cassini has spotted dozens of lakes on Titan's surface, thought to be made of a mixture of liquid ethane and methane. But since no probe has directly sampled them, no one knows how much acetylene they might contain. An estimate made in 1989 suggested bodies of liquid hydrocarbons on Titan would contain a few parts in 10,000 of acetylene.
But an updated estimate based on data from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn now suggests the lakes contain much more food for any hungry alien life-forms that might be present. The new calculations were made by a team of scientists led by Daniel Cordier of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Renne, France. Data from the Cassini spacecraft and the Huygens probe, which parachuted to Titan's surface in 2005, helped Cordier's team re-calculate the lakes' likely composition. This depends on factors like a lake's temperature, which affects how easily chemicals will dissolve in it, and the rate various chemicals are produced in the atmosphere and rain onto the surface. The team found that acetylene would be hundreds of times as abundant as the previous estimate, making up one part in 100 of the lake's content. "Having about a per cent of acetylene is potentially interesting from the life point of view," says team member Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona in Tucson. The idea of acetylene-eating organisms on Titan is "highly speculative" but intriguing, he says.
"I think the results are very exciting and further support the possibility for life on Titan," says Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University in Pullman, one of the scientists who proposed the possibility of acetylene-eating life in 2005. "Titan should be one of the two top targets for future astrobiology missions, the other being Mars." But Tetsuya Tokano, a Titan researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany, says the exact amount of acetylene may be less important than other properties of the lakes that remain unknown, such as the existence of currents to keep them well-mixed. Tokano pointed out in a recent study that without mixing, hydrogen and acetylene would stay in separate layers of the lakes, limiting reactions between them that might otherwise power exotic organisms.
[It does continue to amuse me that theists in particular seem to pour scorn on the idea that life could have evolved independently on other worlds. Although we have no hard evidence of this, the amount of circumstantial evidence and well founded speculation continues to grow. It seems increasingly likely that life exists somewhere other than on Earth and that it emerged and evolved there independently of this world. Once this is firmly established I think that many theists will have to examine their belief in unique creation. How they will incorporate alien life into their belief systems I cannot even began to speculate on but I do suspect that when we do find life elsewhere it will yet again undermine our unique place in the universe and maybe, just maybe, make us a little more humble.]
Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
As part of my ongoing project to both widen and deepen my knowledge base I’ve been buying a selection of the ever growing list of VSI books. This is my first of the new batch – basically anything beyond the VSI philosophy books I’ve been working my way through until now.
I’ve had more than a passing interest in the very weird world of the Quantum for some time but haven’t managed to finish more than a few books on the subject. As I don’t really have that much of a background in the sciences it can be a little difficult getting into subjects like this – especially when even a half page of mathematical equations reduces my brain to mush. Thankfully there were only a few pages of professor Polkinghome’s book that required any math at all. Those I must admit I did pretty much skim over. The rest was math free and readable enough to keep me plugging away at the strangeness to begin to see some sort of comprehension dawning. I’ve still got a long way to go to get a real handle on this stuff but I think this book helped me to take a few baby steps in the right direction. Quantum physics, I think, holds the potential answers to some of the very big questions I see asked on the Web. I think it might answer how the Universe began. It might even say something about the origin of life and might explain some aspects of consciousness. But as this book quite clearly spelled out, we have a long way to go before we truly understand Quantum reality. Hopefully I’ll come across a simple book explaining the results when we finally do understand it! More VSI to come and more quantum mind stretching….
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
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